2020: Health & Wellbeing

T8E Blog - 2020 Health & Wellbeing

The energy has shifted and is occupying new spaces for the year. With some challenging energy moving into the general health area in the East and the emotional house of Hard Wood, an emphasis on health and emotions will affect all of The 8 Elements. In addition, the annual energy visiting your personal element’s house will affect your physical health and how you process and express your emotions this year.

The 8 Elements

With the Soft Metal energy settling in the center of all spaces, all of The 8 Elements’ health may be affected in very particular ways. Both minor and major surgery, emergency or cosmetic surgery and especially oral or dental surgery are all possible. Pancreatic stress, resulting in pancreatic cancers, pancreatitis or various forms of diabetes from hypoglycemia to adult onset diabetes is likely. Respiratory ailments of all kinds from colds that settle in the chest and lead to chronic coughs to bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as, asthma and COPD are also possible. If you need to have surgery, 2020 is a good year to schedule it.

Sweet Tooth

Soft Metal elements have a sweet tooth. They like to taste the sweetness of life. Eating sweets, even natural sugars like fruit and juice, spike blood sugar, putting a strain on the pancreas to secrete enough insulin to lower blood sugar, resulting in a crash. Regulating your blood sugar and focusing on pancreatic health is going to be important in 2020. Try eating low carb (Keto, Paleo, Carnivore) or eliminate all cane sugar and high carb processed foods. Cavities or other dental issues may cause emotional distress and financial stress this year. Use a re-mineralizing toothpaste and find a holistic dentist to get any needed work done.  

The Yellow 5

The house of Health & Family hosts the Yellow 5 in 2020. This energy will force you to make your personal health and the health of your family a top priority. It will specifically affect the liver and gallbladder, throat and thyroid, as well as, feet and ankles. Do a liver detox, gallbladder flush and/or colon cleanse. Support your throat and throat chakra with essential oils and thyroid with herbs and kelp sourced iodine. Be very conscious of how you move and be aware of your surroundings, so you avoid stubbing your toes, tripping over your feet or spraining your ankle.


The default for Soft Metal elements is joy! With the Soft Metal energy in the heart of every space, all of The 8 Elements have greater access to joy in 2020. It's a "joy to the world" kind of year!

Shame is about violating other people's standards. Guilt is when we violate our own standards.

~ Katherine Woodward Thomas

Guilt & Shame

The default low vibe emotions for Soft Metal elements are guilt and shame. Guilt is the feeling that comes when a healthy conscience inspires regret for violating our own ethics morals and values, immature behavior and poor choices, harsh words and violent actions. Shame is a social construct that uses collective pressure to make individuals feel ashamed for their personal thoughts and beliefs, ideas and opinions, choices and ways of being in the world.


Water elements tend to have issues with their blood, ears, kidneys and adrenals. Potential health challenges for Water elements this year include: thyroid conditions, sore throats and laryngitis, constricted or closed throat chakras, liver and gallbladder issues, sore aching feet and twisted or sprained ankles. Other parts of the body that may be affected are the spine and small bones of the body like the wrists, fingers and toes and middle ear, leading to subluxations, back aches, carpal tunnel, arthritic pain and vertigo.

The default for Water elements is trust. Their default low vibe emotion is fear. This year, Water elements may also feel anger, rage, resentment and frustration or become more thoughtful and gentle, kind and compassionate. They may also feel anxious or overwhelmed, experience ecstasy or become greedy and manipulative.

Mother Earth

Mother Earth elements tend to have issues with their digestive and reproductive systems, stomach and spleen, reproductive organs, monthly cycle (for women) and hormone balance. Potential health challenges for Mother Earth elements this year include: sore or pulled muscles, colds and flus and STIs. Other parts of the body that may be affected are the heart, eyes and small intestine.

The default for Mother Earth elements is unconditional love. Their default low vibe emotions are worry and hatred. This year, Mother Earth elements may also feel loyal to or envious of their friends and family or become depressed, impatient or opportunistic. They may also feel inspired, passionate and excited or become apathetic.

Hard Wood

Hard Wood elements tend to have issues with their liver and gallbladder, throat and thyroid, ankles and feet. Potential health challenges for Hard Wood elements this year will exacerbate any current health conditions or existing health challenges. Other parts of the body that may be affected are the blood, ears, kidneys or adrenals.

The default for Hard Wood elements is compassion. Their default low vibe emotion is anger. This year, Hard Wood elements may also feel despondent and fearful or become more trusting and have more access to inner peace.

Soft Wood

Soft Wood elements tend to have issues with pulled, sore, strained and fatigued muscles, viral infections, frequent colds and flus and STIs. Potential health challenges for Soft Wood elements this year include: head injuries, brain cancer or aneurysm, heart attack or other heart or pulmonary conditions, colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome. Other parts of the body that may be affected are the stomach and spleen, resulting in poor digestion, as well as, issues with the reproductive organs, hormone balance and monthly cycle (for women).

The default for Soft Wood elements is loyalty. Their default low vibe emotions are depression and envy, hysteria and hypersensitivity. This year, Soft Wood elements may also go from feeling hopeless to hopeful or experience grief and sadness. They may also feel the love or become a hater.

Hard Metal

Hard Metal elements tend to have issues with their head and brain, heart and colon. Potential health challenges for Hard Metal elements this year include: back aches and pain, spinal injuries and subluxations, as well as, bone, joint or arthritic pain. Other parts of the body that may be affected are the large muscles of the body. Viral infections, frequent colds and flus and STIs may also occur.

The default for Hard Metal elements is hope. Their default low vibe emotion is grief. This year, Hard Metal elements may also feel anxious or overwhelmed, experience ecstasy or become greedy and manipulative. They may also feel loyal to or envious of their friends and family or become depressed, impatient or opportunistic.

Soft Metal

Soft Metal elements tend to have issues with their mouth and teeth, chest and respiratory system, as well as, their pancreas. Potential health challenges for Soft Metal elements this year include: issues with the heart, eyes and vision and small intestines. 

The default for Soft Metal elements is joy. Their default low vibe emotions are guilt and shame. This year Soft Metal elements may also feel inspired, passionate and excited or become apathetic.   

Mountain Earth

Mountain Earth elements tend to have issues with their back and spine and small bones of the body. Potential health challenges for Mountain Earth elements this year include: issues with the blood, ears, kidneys or adrenals. Other parts of the body that may be affected are the head and brain, heart and colon.

The default for Mountain Earth elements is ecstasy! Their default low vibe emotions are anxiety and greed. This year Mountain Earth elements may also feel fearful or become more trusting and gain access to more inner peace. They may also go from feeling hopeless to hopeful or experience grief and sadness.


Fire elements tend to have issues with their eyes, heart and small intestine. Potential health challenges for Fire elements this year include: digestive and reproductive issues, as well as, hormone imbalance. Other parts of the body that may be affected are the mouth and teeth, chest and respiratory system and pancreas.

The default for Fire elements is passion! Their default low vibe emotions are doubt and apathy. This year Fire elements may feel the love or become a hater. They may also feel guilt and shame or become joyful!


Everyone can benefit from a gentle liver detox, proper hydration, daily movement and enough quality, restorative sleep. Get your thyroid and hormones checked. Find a naturopathic, integrative, functional or Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor who can be your guide this year. Get adjustments bi-monthly from your chiropractor. Learn an energy healing modality you can use to heal yourself.  Stock your cupboard with some herbal tinctures and teas, essential oils and whole food supplements.

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If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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Soft Metal’s Cutting Edge