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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2018 Feng Shui for the Family

Each of The 8 Elements is associated with a member of the family. Gender roles, age and the birth order of children/siblings are all factors that can be taken into consideration when looking at how the visiting energy might affect you and each member of your family this year. If the previous blogs about your personal element’s gua and number weren’t especially auspicious, looking at the energy affecting you as a member of the family might be more favorable.

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Fire Dara Eden Fire Dara Eden

2018: A Fire Year

With Fire entering the center of every home and space, everyone has the potential to find a home they love or return to a home where they know they are loved. Get famous and seek their fortunes in 2018. Build a good reputation in their community or industry. Receive blessings already on their way, sometimes in disguise. Spend quality time with their family and friends. Entertain and be entertained. Celebrate the joys of life. Enjoy career advancement and scholastic achievement. Experience the divine within and see it in others. Have dynamic spiritual experiences with others in large gatherings and sacred spaces.

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2018 Feng Shui for The 8 Elements

In this second part of the blog series on 2018 Personal Feng Shui, you will learn more about what this year holds for you based on your personal element. In addition to the energy visiting your personal element’s gua, your personal element’s number is also visiting a certain area, or Life Center, for the entire year ahead. Unlike the energy of the number visiting your gua that brings potentials, where your personal element’s number lands and sets up housekeeping contributes to helping you set intentions about where your energy will be spent and expressed.

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2018 Annual Personal Feng Shui

In the first part of this blog series about personal feng shui in 2018, you will learn about the energy visiting your personal element’s gua. Each year as the energy shifts, a new dynamic is created between permanent personal energy and visiting annual energy. While understanding the five element dynamics of the Fire year energy on your person element is important, knowing what effect the annual energy has the potential to have on your personal energy is also essential. That way you can make it the best year yet or at least make the best of the year ahead.

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2018: Fire Energy Dynamics & The 8 Elements

The spark of fire that will burn brightly and cheerfully through 2018 has been kindled.  How fast it burns and how wildly the flames blaze through your life, will depend on the energy dynamics that are created between your personal element and the Fire element. In this blog, you will learn about the potential effect fire energy will have on you during this very auspicious Fire year.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The 8 Elements is Feng Shui for YOU!

Recently, I received an email with a request for two of the personal feng shui element profiles. One for her and the other for her boyfriend. I asked her what she was planning on doing with them. She said she wanted to send both of them to her boyfriend, so that he would know what his element is and could read about her element.

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Water Dara Eden Water Dara Eden

2017: The Water Year & YOU!

On February 3, 2017, the Water element year flowed into the vacancy left by 2016’s Mother Earth element. The previous element’s energy began releasing last fall to begin creating space for the new incoming energy from this year’s element. Now, the Water element is fully present in the center of every space from continents and countries to states and provinces, cities and towns, and most importantly your home or business and your life.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2017: The Year of the Fire Rooster

The Rooster is one of twelve animal signs in the Chinese astrology zodiac. It’s the tenth Earthly branch that is associated with the Autumn season, the eighth month and the hours between 5 and 7, both at dawn and dusk. The Rooster, also called a chicken or a cock, is the only bird in the Chinese zodiac of animal signs. It’s a yin energy sign and is associated with the Metal element.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2017: The Year of You BEing YOU!

2017 will be devoted to your personal energy. Discovering your personal element. Understanding and accepting yourself. Recognizing and appreciating your strengths. Knowing what your weaknesses are. Centering yourself around your core values. Centering your life’s work around your highest values. And honoring your element’s personal energy.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fix You

Much of the counseling or therapy out there is focused on finding the problem and “doing the work” to fix it. Fix you. Self-help books, personal development workshops, talk time with friends or hiring a life coach are other ways you might try to fix you. If you are a man, romantic relationships and marriage are ways women try to fix you.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

What's Your Number?

No, I am not referring to the number of sexual partners you've had. Although, some personal elements might choose to express their completion number in that way. I am referring to the number associated with your personal element. In a previous blog post, Numbers Don't Lie , I mentioned these numbers in relation to the permanent and annual energy combinations that reveal the unseen energy in living and working environments. In this chapter excerpt, I will be sharing about the 8 Elements' numbers and the various ways in which the personal elements relate with them and express themselves through them.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The Five Element Shapes

Each of the Five Elements is associated with certain shapes. Knowing about these shapes helps you feng shui your environment through interior design and honor your personal energy through Feng Shui For YOU! This knowledge can be applied to everything! The shape of a house or car, the shape of a mirror or table or to the shape of your hair cut and prints on your clothing, the shape of your jewelry and accessories.

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