What's Your Number?

T8E BLOG - What's Your Number?

Element Numbers, Excerpt from The 8 Elements: Feng Shui For YOU!

No, I am not referring to the number of sexual partners you’ve had. Although, some personal elements might choose to express their completion number with a “body count”. I’m referring to the number associated with your personal element.

In a previous blog post, Numbers Don’t Lie , I mentioned these numbers in relation to the permanent and annual energy combinations that reveal the unseen energy in living and working environments. In this excerpt from the chapter, Element Numbers, I’ll be sharing about The 8 Elements’ numbers and the various ways in which the personal elements relate with them and express themselves through them.

I’ve got your number.

Each of the 8 Elements is associated with one of eight numbers, 1 – 9, except for the number 5. The number 5 is an Earth number. It only applies to some Earth people and will not be covered in this blog post.

These eight numbers are what I’ve come to call personal element completion numbers. This number is represented by yourself and however many other people it takes to complete your number. This is especially important information for those who choose to honor their personal element and intend to experience and enjoy the most personal well-being. It’s also vital to understanding your relationship energy dynamics.

Your number is up!

When you fill all of your element’s number slots you feel complete. You have your essential “peeps” in place. You have that inner circle of family and friends, lovers and children, soulmates and angelic beings, pets even.

After that, it’s all, what I call “Bonusland”. For example: a Mother Earth element, who is complete within their partnership/marriage, might have as many children as needed to fulfill the completion number of their partner’s number. A happily married Hard Wood element might be done at one child, but have more to honor their spouse’s completion number. For the Mother Earth, children are a bonus! For the Hard Wood, after one child, the additional children are a gift to their husband or wife.

But your completion number is not limited to the number of “peeps” in your life or your personal and business relationships. Often your completion number will show up in your life in a variety of ways. And many times your number is connected with an aspect specific to your personal element.


The Water element is associated with the number 1.

One Words & Ideas: Solo. Solitary. Singular. Lonesome. Firsts. Once. The One. Oneness. Uni. Whole.

Relationship Dynamics: Single

Ones resonate with being single. Being an “I” they are complete within themselves. They don’t look to others or outside of themselves to feel or be complete. They are content to be all by themselves, “me, myself and I”.

They like and keep their own company. They may work or live alone, have a solo career or live a solitary life. Their relationship status might be single for most of their life. They may never marry and live alone…happily ever after. Alone, but not lonely.

Ones resonate with firsts. They might have been born in the first month of the year, on the first day of the month or on a day that reduces to the number one. They might have memories of being a one year old or being in the first grade. They might be a firstborn or an only child. They might be the first person in their family to go to college or the first of their siblings to get married or the first among their friends to have a baby. They might be someone else’s first. They might like to do things the right way the first time and expect the same from others. They might think, speak and write in the first person singular. They might talk about themselves and use the word “I” a lot.

Ones have an affinity with the number one. They might have a Life Path number of 1 or 11. Live life in one act. Date people one at a time. Meet with people one on one.

They may have only one romantic relationship. They mean it if they say, “I’m only getting married once”. If they get divorced or their spouse dies, they may never remarry or even date ever again. Once is enough. They might be so attached to their first love that they hope for reconciliation and hold out for the day when they can choose each other again. They may not have any children or only one.

They might work for themselves or have a one man or one woman show. They might cook for one, make dinner reservations for one and go to a movie or museum by themselves. They might give one word answers, repeat one word mantras and quote the one liners from their favorite philosophers, playwrights and poets.

They recognize their one chance and take it. They expect to be given at least one chance. They might give people only one chance. One strike and they’re out! They might go by one name. They might have one of everything. One might be their favorite number. They might like one digit numbers or numbers that have a series of ones.

One Phrases & Idioms: Only one. One and only. One and the same. One fell swoop. One day. One final word. One-hit wonder. One trick pony. One horse town. One of a kind. The power of one. Once in a blue moon. Once in a lifetime.

They might focus on being the one, instead of finding the one.

Mother Earth

The Mother Earth element is associated with the number 2.

Two Words & Ideas: Twofold. Duo. Twosomes. Seconds. Twins. Pairs. Halves. Twice. Both.

Mother Earth Words & Ideas: Mate. Partner. Relationships. Partnership. Marriage. Husband/Wife. Other/better half. Duality. Polarity. Division. Separation. Attraction/polarity/union/integration of opposites.

Relationship Dynamics: Couple

Twos resonate with being a partner in a relationship. Being a “we”, they prefer one on one interactions that involve “just us”. They get and stay coupled up.

They might have a special relationship with one of their parents early in life, or later in life with one of their children. They might have one parent, one best friend, one girlfriend or boyfriend, one spouse, one child, one pet. They might take a lover, have an affair or date exclusively and stay in long term committed relationships. They might get married early and divorced and remarried often. They might not have any children as the relationship with their partner makes them complete. Or they might have children with each partner they are in a relationship with. Their status is always some form of “In a relationship”. They may start a relationship with someone else before the one they are currently in has come to and end. They are almost never single from their early teens, nor are they single for very long in between relationships. The consecutive months they are truly single and not dating can be counted on one hand. They need a partner to live with, have sex with, raise children with, create a life with and build a home with.

As a physical element, they think of their body as a entity of its own with particular strengths and weaknesses, capacities and abilities. They relate with their body as if it is its own separate consciousness and personality. They treat it the way they would their other half, a partner, lover or person they are in a relationship with. Sensitive to its needs and desires. Responsive to its preferences and whims. Attentive to its health and well-being.

Twos resonate with seconds. They might have been born in the second month of the year, on the second day of the month or on a day that adds up to the number two. They might have memories of being two years old or being in the second grade. They might be the second born or have at least one sibling.

They might be someone’s second chance, second try, second child, second marriage. They expect to be given a second chance. They give other people second chances. If they fail, they will try a second time.

They might take a second helping. They might take a second job. They might have a second house or car. They might have second hand appliances, furnishings, etc. They might speak in the second person narrative, talking about another person and referring to them as “you”. They might even talk about themselves in the second person, talking to themselves about themselves and referring to themselves by name. They might talk about themselves with plural personal nouns and refer to themselves as a “we” a lot.

Twos resonate with twosomes. Two’s company. They have a buddy system. They don’t do anything by themselves. They don’t live alone, work alone or travel alone. When they have to leave their partner, they stay connected via the phone and texting. They always do everything with at least one other person. They might go into business with a partner, have a golf buddy or drinking buddy. They might take someone with them when they have to go on a road trip or across town to go shopping.

Twos might live a double life. Have a spouse and a lover. Have an ongoing secret affair. Have two families. Two jobs, careers or businesses. Two homes. Two bank accounts. Two different personalities, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. They might be bi-polar or explore the polarity of opposites.

Twos have an affinity with the number two. They might have a Life Path number of 2 or 11. Live life in two acts. They might like to have two of everything or buy two of everything when they go shopping. They might have pairs of things or decorate with pair of things. They might have twins or be a twin. Two might be their favorite number. They might go by two names. They might like two digit numbers or numbers that add up to the number two. They might live in a two story house or duplex.

Twos resonate with halves. Their other or better half. Two halves. Two equal portions. Two parts. They expect someone else to do half the housework, make half the money, or do “their” half of whatever would contribute to the relationship or partnership, home or family, business or company.

Two Phrases & Idioms: Two’s company. Tea for two. Two to tango. Two step. Two cents. Two of a kind. Two peas in a pod. Two way street. Two heads are better than one. Two sides of the same coin. Two-faced. Two left feet. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Wearing two hats. Two-timer. Second act.

They might focus on finding a mate and being a good partner, instead of finding themselves and being a good person.

Hard Wood

The Hard Wood element is associated with the number 3.

Three Words & Ideas: Threefold. Trio. Threesomes. Thrice. Thirds. Triad. Triplets. Trilogy.

Relationship Dynamics: Family. Ménage a trois.

Threes resonate with being a member of a family. Being together with two parental/authority figures. Being an “us”. The holy trinity, the nuclear family unit of father, mother and child.

Hard Wood is associated with birth and the ages 0-6. The birth of a child is what makes a couple, a family. It’s what makes a partnership, a threesome. The coming together of divine masculine and divine feminine to a create a new divine being.

They resonate with this family of three energy so much, that they will create and recreate family units that look like this trio in their family, social and work life. This trio will be created through marriage and a child of their own, friendships and relationships with co-workers, business associates and employers.

Threes resonate with thirds and threesomes. They might have been born in the third month of the year, on the third day of the month or on a day that adds up to the number three. They might have memories of being three years old or being in the third grade. They might be third born, have two other siblings or be close to two of their siblings. Or they might be an only child and close to their two parents. They might have a special relationship with both of their parents and live with them in their house into their middle age.

They might feel like love is a collaborative work of art and that multi-generational families should cooperate, collaborate, even cohabitate. They might date two people at a time. Once they get married, they may only have one child. If they don’t have children, they may have an affair or have another intimate friendship.

They don’t mind being a third wheel. In fact, they need a third wheel. Three’s company, not a crowd. They might be a part of a threesome or ménage a trois. Their relationship status may be: “It’s complicated”. They might think, speak or write in the third person and talk about others in subjective, objective or omniscient narrative. They might talk about their family or threesome as an “us” and emphasize them living and working “together”.

Threes have an affinity with the number three. They might have a Life Path number of 3. A life lived in three acts. They might live in homes with three generations of family members. Or they might live with two other people: their parents, a spouse and child, two children or two roommates. They might call their trio of friends the “three amigos”. They might live in a three story house. They might like trilogies in book or movie form. They might go by three names. They might have three of everything. They might decorate their home or office with groups of three things. Three might be their favorite number. They might like three digit numbers or numbers that add up to the number three.

Three Phrases & Idioms: Three amigos. Three strikes. Three-ring circus. Three cheers. The third degree. Three’s a crowd. The third time’s the charm.

They might focus on working things out with people instead of working on themselves.

Soft Wood

The Soft Wood element is associated with the number 4.

Four Words & Ideas: Fourfold. Foursome. Fourths. Quartet. Quad.

Soft Wood Words & Ideas: Ensemble. Posse. Crew. Troupe. Company. Corps. Band. Group. Cast. Chorus.

Relationship Dynamics: Team

Fours resonate with being on a team of equals. Team members who contribute something that is complementary to each of the member’s individual skillsets and team’s goals. Team players who do not compete with members of their own team, only with members of the opposing team. Professionals in their field who will learn and grow alongside them without taking necessary resources required by the others in their squad. Colleagues that work on projects as part of a cohesive team.

Fours resonate with fourths and foursomes. They might have been born in the fourth month of the year, on the fourth day of the month or on a day that adds up to the number four. They might have memories of being four years old or being in the fourth grade. They might be the fourth child or have three siblings. They might have just one other sibling to complete a family of four. They might have three good lifelong friends. They might have their own personal squad. They might be a part of a foursome or ensemble like a quartet or band, committee of members or panel of experts.

The eternal adolescent, they might be a serial dater, sowing their wild oats well into adulthood. Once they settle down, they might get married and have two children. Whether they get married and start a family of their own or not, they will keep close ties with their parents and siblings.

Fours have an affinity with the number four. They might have a Life Path number of 4 or 22. A life lived in four acts, evergreen throughout the four seasons. They might play four stringed instruments. They might have four of everything. They might decorate with groups of fours or two pairs of things. They might have four chairs around their dining room table.

Four might be their favorite number. They might like four digit numbers or numbers that add up to the number four. They might talk about groups they are a part of as “our” family, “our” team or “our” practice/business/company. This ensemble of four equals, mutually giving/receiving and contributing/benefitting energy is related to the cooperative efforts and effects as possessors of resources, agents of opportunity and objects of continual action, drive and persistence.

Four Phrases & Idioms: Four-letter words. Four Seasons. Four quadrants. Four classical elements. Four cardinal directions. Four states of matter. Four blood types. The four chambers of the heart. The four limbs or appendages. On all fours. The four movements in a symphony. Four suits of playing cards. The Four Corners. The four color process in printing. The four gospels. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. The Four Humors. The Four Temperaments. The four rivers in the Garden of Eden. The Final Four. The Fantastic Four. Games that have four quarters. The four bases in baseball. Sporting events that happen every four years like the Olympics, World Cup and World Championships. The fourth dimension of space/time.

They might focus on being a good team player and take one for the team instead of focusing on improving their own game or beating their own personal best.

Hard Metal

The Hard Metal element is associated with the number 6.

Six Words & Idea: Sixfold. Hexagram. Hexagon.

Hard Metal Words & Ideas: Crown. Throne. Court. Circle of trust. Kingdom. Realms. Sovereignty. Hierarchies.

Relationship Dynamics: Royal Court

Sixes resonate with being the sovereign on the throne. Being a “we” with their king or queen. Having a close inner circle of trusted confidants, wise advisors and loyal nobles at court to counsel them, deliver their proclamations and carry out their orders. Having friends who become kingmakers and enemies who become king slayers. Having the final word at a round table of masterminds, discussing optimistic ideals, determining right action and formulating detailed plans. Having obedient subjects to properly maintain their castle, kingdom and realm.

They talk about themselves as a “we”, sometimes to differentiate “us from them”, to distinguish the monarchy from its citizenry and sometimes to include the greater populace in an effort to get the masses to accept the determinations, decisions and decrees of the sovereign.

Sixes resonate with sixths. They might have been born in the sixth month of the year, on the sixth day of the month or on a day that adds up to the number six. They might have memories of being six years old or being in the sixth grade. They might be the sixth child in the family or have five other siblings. They might be a part of a family of six members, two parents and four children. Once they get married, they might have four children. Exes and valued friends might be a part of their six. They might have five friends or colleagues that they plan to take over and rule the world with.

Sixes have an affinity with the number six. They might have a Life Path number of 6. They might learn about the six levels of delegation, structural organization and leadership. They might have six chairs around their dining room table. They might play instruments with six strings. They might work six days a week. They might want or have a six figure income. They might live in another country six months out of the year, have visited or vacationed in six different countries or have traveled to six of the seven continents. They might have a collection of six cars. Six might be their favorite number. They might like six digit numbers or numbers that add up to the number six.

Six Phrases & Idioms: Six sense. Six degrees of separation. Six days of creation. Six fold. Six-shooter. Six-cylinder engine. Six feet under. Watch your six. Deep six. Six of one, one half dozen of the other. Six ways from Sunday.

They might focus on being a good leader, instead of leading a good life of their own.

Soft Metal

The Soft Metal element is associated with the number 7.

Seven Words & Ideas: Sevenfold. Septet. September.

Relationship Dynamics: Social Network. Circles of friends.

Sevens resonate with being connected to a social network. They large circles of friends in every area of their lives: family, school, church, work and specialized fields; circles that may not ever overlap and friends that may or may not ever meet each other. They have huge social networks and spend a lot of time cultivating their social media presence. They might have the most friends on Facebook or other social media platforms.

Sevens resonate with the relationship energy dynamic of “Yours, mine and ours”. They like other people’s children and may make a career out of teaching them the fine arts, music, literature, creative writing, languages, current events, survival skills, cooking, social studies and sports. They are the best element at making blended families work really well. They might come from a broken home or blended family themselves. They are able to take in and care for other people’s children as if they are their own. In some cases, they treat other people’s children better than they treat their own children. They believe “it takes a village” to raise children.

Soft Metal people are an exception when it comes to their completion number. They are like Water elements in that they are completely self-contained, complete within themselves as long as they have support systems and supportive environments in place at home, at work and wherever they go. Their number might be cumulative instead of ever present. They might look back at the end of their life and be able to determine the six people who had a defining influence on their life.

Sevens resonate with sevenths. They might have been born in the seventh month of the year, on the seventh day of the month or on a day that adds up to the number seven. They might have memories of being seven years old or being in the seventh grade. They might be the seventh child in the family or have six siblings.

Sevens have an affinity with the number seven. They might have a Life Path number of 7. They might have seven members in their blended, adopted or extended family. They might be married with five children. They might be married with three children and maintain strong relationships with their parents. They most likely have at least one slot filled with someone else’s child. They might work seven days a week. They might want or have a seven figure income. They might visit all seven continents or all seven wonders of the world. Seven might be their favorite number. They might like seven digit numbers or numbers that add up to the number seven.

Seven Phrases & Idioms: Seventh heaven. Seven deadly sins. Seven wonders of the world. Seven year itch. Lucky seven.

They might focus on being a teacher, instead of being teachable.

Mountain Earth

The Mountain Earth element is associated with the number 8. Infinity.

Eight Words & Ideas: Eightfold. Infinity. Octet. Octave. Octagon. October.

Relationship Dynamics: Entourage. Tribe.

Eights resonate with being inclusive. They are the “come as you are” friend. Eight symbolizes infinity. They have a lot of space, seemingly unlimited space, for people just the way they are. They have wide open spaces, without boundaries and beyond borders for people in their hearts and homes, world view and environments. They look for and keep adding members to their tribe.

Eights glorify being busy. They keep their bodies and minds busy at all times. They keep their schedules and social calendar busy. They make plans and seek out people to do things with. They need lots of company, people to accompany them and do whatever activities they have planned. They need these people to be physically present in their immediate environment; not a phone call away but with them at all times, in their home, at work, at school, at church, etc. They have people in their home on a regular basis for dinner parties, family get togethers, consultations and meeting, classes and workshops.

Eights resonate with eighths. They might have been born in the eighth month of the year or October. They might have been born on the eighth day of the month or on a day that adds up to the number eight. They might have memories of being eight years old or in the eighth grade. They might be the eighth child or have seven other siblings.

Eights have an affinity with the number eight. They might have a Life Path number of 8. They might have eight members in their immediate and/or extended family. They might marry and have six children. They might have eight pillows on their bed or eight chairs around their dining room table. If there was an eighth day of the week, they might work all eight days. They might want or have an eight figure income. Eight might be their favorite number. They might like eight digit numbers or numbers that add up to the number eight.

Eight is enough. For most Mountain Earth elements, their number is a combination of sexual partners, resulting children and staff members hired to manage their personal, family and business affairs. They might have multiple exes and children from their many relationships. They might have several ongoing sexual relationships and/or affairs. They might have had quite a few girlfriends/boyfriends, mistresses/lovers, friends with benefits and bump buddies.

Their life works because of the people in their carefully selected entourage. Their entourage might include household staff like a housekeeper, groundskeeper, housecleaner, maid, chef and driver. Their family might require the assistance of a full-time nanny, tutors, music, dance and riding instructors and baby-sitters. They might need to have a personal assistant, stylist, shopper, hair and makeup professional, interior decorator, realtor, doctor, therapist, event planner, financial planner, accountant and answering service or secretary. They might also need a team of people to take care of their physical well-being like an acupuncturist, massage therapist, chiropractor, energy healer, personal fitness trainer and dance or yoga instructor. Their business might require a PR firm, marketing team, webmaster, blogger, advertising department, CPA, logistics supervisor and various other managers and assistants.

Eight Phrases and Idioms: Eight Beatitudes. Eight Conditions (acupuncture). Eight Principles (TCM). Eight-cylinder engine. Figure eight. The eighth wonder of the world. Behind the eight ball.

They might focus of being a sanctuary for others, instead of finding sanctuary for and within themselves.


The Fire element is associated with the number 9.

Nine Words & Idea: Ninefold. Novennial. November.

Fire Words & Ideas: Assembly. Congregation. Collective. Comrades. Flock. Pack. Herd. Gathering. Heavenly host.

Relationship Dynamics: Fans. Followers.

Nines resonate with being the brightest star in the sky. The focal point. The star of the show. The main attraction. The center of attention. The celebrity. The rich and famous. If not, they will be the star gazer, the biggest fan, the sun worshipper, the devoted follower. Part of the congregation of faithful saints. A valued member of the fellowship of devout sojourners.

Nines like being with people and don’t mind attracting or being a part of large congregations of people. They might have large families and live with or stay connected to their extended family. They might be a part of a collective. They might seek the company of fellow comrades who share their interests, beliefs and values at churches, martial arts or yoga classes, group therapy. They might gather with large groups of others at concerts, conventions, conferences, festivals, retreats, seminars, workshops, etc. They might assemble together with others of like-mind and one spirit.

Nines resonate with ninths. They might have been born in the ninth month of the year or November. They might have been born on the ninth day of the month or on a day that adds up to the number nine. They might have memories of being nine years old or being in the ninth grade. They might be the ninth child or grandchild in the family or have eight siblings or cousins.

“Nine companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.” ~ Elrond

Nines have an affinity with the number nine. They might have a Life Path number of 9. They might have nine lives or inspire the greatness of nine lives. They and their eight “peeps” are nine companions who adventure through time and space and complete their mission. Thankfully, as a spiritual element, their eight “peeps” do not have to be physically present, “alive” or even have a human body. They might be angelic beings or spiritual guides, disembodied spirits or ghosts, souls of deceased loved ones or children yet to come, pets or farm animals, even dolls or stuffed animals. Nine might be their favorite number. They might like nine digit numbers or numbers that add up to the number nine.

Nine Phrases & Idioms: Nine lives. On cloud nine. The ninth inning. Front nine. Back nine. Dressed to the nines. The whole nine yards. Nine times out of ten. A stitch in time saves nine.

Nines might focus on lighting the world on fire, instead of keeping the home fires burning.

Take a number.

That’s what you do when you choose your year, month and day of birth and male or female sex. You choose your personal element. You attune your soul to the frequency of your completion number and find ways to express yourself through that number.

Share in the comments below how your completion number shows up in your life or relationship dynamics.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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