The 8 Elements is Feng Shui for YOU!

T8E Blog - T8E is FSFY

The Intention is in the Name

Recently, I received an email with a request for two of the personal feng shui element profiles. One for her and the other for her boyfriend. I asked her what she was planning on doing with them. She said she wanted to send both of them to her boyfriend, so that he would know what his element is and could read about her element.

I am certainly happy to share my research and observations. But when I get this kind of request, it’s quite disappointing. I realize that once I put this work out into the world, people are going to use it however they want to. I can present it in such a way that people know what my intentions are, but I have no control over whether or not people are going to choose to honor those intentions.

The intention that inspires this body of work is in its name. The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! This information about your personal element and the personal elements of the people in your life…is for YOU! It’s for you to feng shui yourself. It’s for you to master your inner chi. It’s for you to honor the energy of the people in your life.

The 8 Elements is not intended for people to go around and tell everyone what element they are. Each person who might benefit from knowing about their personal feng shui element and who is committed to honoring their personal energy, will find this work, when they are ready.

Share The 8 Elements. Send people the link to my website. But let them discover their personal feng shui element themselves.

The 8 Elements is also not intended to share with other people who you are. You are responsible for communicating who you are to people. More importantly, it’s your responsibility to honor your personal energy and be a full embodiment of who you are.

The 8 Elements is Feng Shui for YOU! Knowing all about your personal element helps you innerstand, accept and honor yourself. And it can help you understand, accept and know how to honor the people in your life.

Feng shui is not a religion. No evangelism or conversion is required. The 8 Elements is for YOU! You can share how knowing about and honoring your own personal energy has helped you. And you can share how knowing about other people’s elements has helped you understand them and the unique relationship dynamic you have with them.

Learning about the various aspects of The 8 Elements – Archetype, Yin and Yang energy, East and West House groups, Human Expressions and the Stages of Development has been transformational for me. Discovering my own personal feng shui element has allowed me to honor my personal energy and be the most authentic me, without explanation or apology. Knowing the personal feng shui elements of the people I live with and have relationships with has created the space I needed to be in allowance of who they are, without asking them to change or be different.

For me, The 8 Elements is essential to my life. It helps me make sense of my experiences in the world. It allows me to have awareness without judgement. It is the vital information I needed in my own life to honor my highest value, inner peace, at all times, in every situation and with everyone.

The 8 Elements is a personality profiling system. It’s one that really resonates with me. However, I am under no illusions that it will resonate with everyone. It’s for the people who do resonate with it. It’s for the people who are ready to know and understand, accept and honor themselves and others.

The 8 Elements is not another way to label people. It’s not something to add to a dating website as a description of your personality. And it certainly isn’t a substitution for letting someone get to know you through intimate conversations and shared experiences.

The 8 Elements is Feng Shui for YOU!

So, learn about your personal feng shui element. Learn about all of The 8 Elements.  Master your own inner chi.  Honor your personal energy and the people in your life.  And feng shui yourself before you go out and try to feng shui everybody else.

Ready to start honoring you? Discover your personal feng shui element here.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Feng Shui for YOU! in 2018


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