Thought Leaders & The 8 Elements

T8E BLOG - Thought Leaders

It’s that time of year again! Time to review your past and plan for your future. Begin with the end in mind, tap into how you desire to feel and design your roadmap to success. Set lofty goals and clearly defined intentions. Visualize the BIG Dream. Declare the BIG income number. Plan to do what you would do if you knew you could not fail.  

And all the personal development gurus think they know all the cursed hows. They know the best way for you to succeed. They promote the tools and techniques, proven methods and paths to success that worked for them and some of their star clients or loyal customers.  

These thought leaders, sell their system to fans and followers with the promise that if they would just follow this money back guaranteed step by step guide, they will achieve their goals and make their dreams come true…at long last. Just buy this branded journal or that planner, sign up for this free webinar or enroll in that pricey online course, read this book or listen to that make this your best year yet!

Here’s the thing: What works for one person, (even the most successful person you can think of) won’t necessarily work for every person. Most importantly, it may not work for YOU!  

Yes, even simple and obvious concepts like, “Plan the work. Then, work the plan.” won’t work for everyone, (that is except for Earth elements). 

People have different values and desires. Different goals and intentions. They have different superpowers and skillsets. Different manifestation strengths and mindset weaknesses. Different limiting beliefs and disempowering habits. Different approaches to taking action and quite varied levels of work ethic. And most importantly, different and very unique personal energy. 

2019 is a Mountain Earth energy year. One aspect of the Life Center of the Mountain Earth element is, Self-Knowledge. Personal development will be a major focus for everyone this year. The will seek knowledge and wisdom in order to become a better human and the best version of themselves. And many will look to the celebrity authors and big names in the self-help and personal growth industry for answers and advice.

There’s nothing wrong with learning from the best. It’s wise to seek guidance from the experts. However, true masters know that what worked for them is not for everyone. Each person must find their own way. Take what resonates, throw out what doesn’t, and make it their own.

So, this year when you are hiring a life, business or relationship coach, browsing the NYT best-seller list, scrolling through the featured category on Audible, searching for a TED Talk on YouTube or looking for a new podcast to listen to while working out, keep YOU in mind. Know thyself. Determine your personal element and find authors and experts that are the same personal element.

You will have a far better chance of success and a lot more ease on your journey, if you find someone whose energy you resonate with, to inspire and guide you.


  • Susan Cain

  • Erich Fromm

  • Arianna Huffington

  • Charlene Johnson

  • Mel Robbins

  • Rumi

  • Cheryl Strayed

Mother Earth

  • Brendon Burchard

  • Jack Canfield

  • Gary Chapman

  • Stephen R. Covey

  • Tim Ferris

  • Elizabeth Gilbert

  • Byron Katie

  • Danielle LaPorte

  • Og Mandino

  • Jordan Peterson

Hard Wood

  • Gabrielle Bernstein

  • Mike Dooley

  • Hal Elrod

  • Caroline Myss

  • Norman Vincent Peale

  • Don Migual Ruiz

  • Brian Tracy

  • Neale Donald Walsch

  • Marianne Williamson

Soft Wood

  • Martha Beck

  • Dale Carnegie

  • Kris Carr

  • Seth Godin

  • Louise Hay

  • Ryan Holiday

  • Mark Nepo

  • Tony Robbins

  • Gary Zukav

Hard Metal

  • Maya Angelou

  • Tom Bilyeu

  • Joseph Campbell

  • Ram Dass

  • Wayne Dyer

  • Sam Harris

  • Rachel Hollis

  • Bruce Lee

Soft Metal

  • Brene Brown

  • Vishen Lakhiani

  • Jim Rohn

  • Gretchen Rubin

  • Eckhart Tolle

Mountain Earth

  • Rhonda Byrne

  • Julia Cameron

  • Pema Chodron

  • Marie Forleo

  • Shakti Gawain

  • Esther Hicks


  • Deepak Chopra

  • Daniel Goleman

  • Napoleon Hill

  • Mastin Kipp

  • Glennon Doyle Melton

  • Ayn Rand

  • Jason Silva

  • Simon Sinek

  • Doreen Virtue

When it comes to creating your personal path to success or fulfillment, find the guides who are an energetic match to your personal energy. You don't have to avoid everyone else. In fact, some of the other elements will be your guide to the ones who can really make the biggest impact on your life

For example: As a Water element, I don't resonate with Hard Metal, Tom Bilyeu's energy or his very masculine approach to life and business. However, I do enjoy listening to and learning from some of the people he interviews. That's how I was introduced to Water element, Mel Robbins. I don't resonate with Soft Metal, Vishen Lakhiani. But his company Mindvalley was how I was introduced to Christie Marie Sheldon and Gina Devee (whose birth dates are not published on the Internet). While I don't resonate with Fire, Jason Silva or his transhumanist agenda, his passion for life, is inspiring.

Let The 8 Elements contribute to you. Find your people. Then, find your own way to create a well-lived, fulfilling life.

Have a favorite thought leader, author or speaker, wisdom teacher or coach? Put their name and birth date in the comments below and I will reply with their personal element.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The 5 Yellow


2019 Annual Planning Guide