The Elements Within

T8E BLOG - The Elements Within
 We are currently in the process of moving out of the age of personalities and identities and into an era of honoring our unique personal energy as souls in a human body.
There has been a focus on personality tests and a huge emphasis on personal identity in our culture.  The trend has moved from astrological signs to psychological labels to identifying as a four letter acronym or single number.
It's a nice little box with a label that makes people feel safe and seen.  It can also make them feel stuck and stagnate their growth as a person and expansion as a soul.
Eventually people realize that, while these various aspects of their personality may resonate as true, the true essence of their soul has much greater depth than any test or type can reveal.  Who they really are on a soul level goes far beyond their human identity and individual personality.
Souls who are moving away from the Personality Matrix, as Laura Eisenhower likes to call it, are seeking ways to honor who they are, without limiting the expression of who they are.  They are jumping out of the box they climbed into and ripping off the label.
The long list of identifying words and phrases people use to describe and label themselves these days, sounds like the rehearsed custom Starbucks order they repeat daily.  Identity politics, complete with victim status assignments and oppression olympics standings has honestly gotten to ridiculous extremes. 
There's a lot more to you than your human self and life.  If you don't know your soul's story and galactic heritage, it might be time to get your Akashic Records read.  Or read them yourself!
The more you know about YOU, the more, how you are showing up in this life, will make sense.
That's what The 8 Elements is all about.  Knowing yourself.  So you can honor yourself.  So you can BE yourself.  Your best, truly authentic self.  
Part of BEing your best self may begin with discovering your personal element.  If you resonate with it, honoring the many aspects of your personal element's energy may allow you to have more balance and personal wellbeing.  And when you are in a balanced state, you can integrate the yin and yang energy and access and benefit from the strengths of all The 8 Elements.
Just as a naturopath looks at the whole person, not just the condition or dis-ease, YOU can move beyond the personality types and traits of your human self and begin to embody the energy of your True Self.
This integration and then, embodiment of yin/yang energy and The 8 Elements are advanced levels of personal energy mastery.  This Inner Chi Mastery is the work my monthly personal energy coaching clients and I do.  
Each year, all of The 8 Elements are given an opportunity to be contributed to by different element energies.  These are: the annual energy visiting everyone, the energy visiting their personal element's house and through being a guest in another element's house.  
This is also true every month...and day!  Those who are sensitive to the visiting energy and aware of it, can consciously choose to "try it on".  Work with it.  Learn from it.  Be influenced and contributed to by it.  Integrate it.  And embody it.
A few years ago, I was considering the best ways to share this work with those who resonate with it.  I am one of The 8 Elements.  It was really important to me that my presentation of this body of work not be a Water element's pov, but an authentic description of The 8 Elements that would deeply resonate with each person.  Although I embody the elements when I write the profiles, I wasn't confident in my ability to honor my intention of depicting each dynamic and beautiful element and serving the highest and greatest good and wellbeing of everyone who reads their profile in my guides and books.
That is until I started working with the monthly energies and integrating and embodying them within myself!
Creating this body of work, as with everything I do, is for ME!  I benefit from the deeper levels of innerstanding and master them first, before I share.
As we emerge from the Personality Matrix and move into the Soul Matrix, we will stop typecasting ourselves and others.  We will know ourselves and each other on a soul level of awareness.  We will be balanced and complete.  We will be yin and yang.  We will be an expression of The 8 Elements within.
Interested in your soul's Akashic Records and Galactic Heritage?  Read about my new offering, Soulstory.

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Honor The 8 Elements


Stop the Steal