Election 2020

T8E BLOG - Election 2020
 Since Election Day falls within the current monthly energy, I thought I would share how this dynamic energy combination may influence the voting, the results and...the aftermath of the election.
PLEASE NOTE:  I do not participate in any fear based control systems like religion or politics.  I do not vote.  I stopped voting three presidential (s)election cycles ago, once I finally innerstood what the two party political system and the act of voting really are.  
Voting is your consent to be governed, not by who you voluntarily choose to put in a position of authority over you, but whoever "wins".  I do not consent to be governed by a system that does not honor my values of individual freedom, personal responsibility, bodily autonomy and human sovereignty.  Nor will I participate in placing someone in power, to rule over my fellow humans, who will violate their rights to life and liberty and limit their pursuit of happiness.
First, it's important to know that the energy in the center of the bagua (energy blueprint or grid) affects all of The 8 Elements, both annually and monthly.  When the monthly energy joins the annual energy in the center gua, an energy combination is created that enhances or reduces, activates or intensifies the annual energy.
2020 is a Soft Metal year. The 7 has occupied the center of the bagua since February, wreaking havoc on our lives for the better part of a year now. That energy is strongest as it comes in and peaks at the yearly midpoint in July. At this time of year, in the fall, the annual energy begins to diminish, creating space for the new energy coming in. Some people can sense this subtle shift as early as November.
On October 8th, the 9 entered the center gua bringing its light and life, happy vibes and hope for future prosperity. This visiting Fire energy will be roomies with the annual Soft Metal energy until November 7th.  Which means that this energy combination will still be present on Election Day, November 3rd.
Fire energy activates, enhances or intensifies whatever energy it is with.  Fire will intensify the annual Soft Metal energy, bringing increased discord, escalated arguments, libelous slander and lawsuits, robberies and imprisonment, accidents and injuries by metal, more violence and fires, as well as dis-ease - physically, emotionally and mentally.
The Metal element is dominated by the Fire element.  Soft Metal is already in a liquid or fluid state, like mercury.  This month, Soft Metal will be going through a trial by Fire.  The heat of the refining process will remove impurities from this element, represented by the precious metals, gold and silver.  A foreshadowing of the coming return to the gold standard and asset backed currency, perhaps?
The Yin side of Soft Metal is characterized by lying, cheating and stealing and the accompanying lowest vibe emotions, guilt and shame.  One of the aspects of this energy that is being activated with the fiery energy, is theft.  This could result in voter fraud, cheating with illegal voting methods and election rigging...stealing the election.  
Soft Metal is the energy of feeling taken from.  People will feel robbed.  And they will protest.
To not feel taken from, every morning actively choose to be on the timeline in which humanity wins and intentionally embody that energy every day leading up to the election and in the days, weeks or months that follow.
President Trump is a Fire element.  His element's Fire energy is centered in the heart of every space this month.  
Former VP Biden is a Soft Wood element.  His element's Soft Wood energy is visiting the South this month.  The South is the home of the Fire element.  Fire burns Wood.
We'll be seeing a lot of red...in more ways than one!
In my experience, over 20 years, the numbers don't lie.  And the energy tells a story.
If you do choose to vote, be intentional.  What part of this next chapter of the Story of US do you want to contribute your energy to?
Fire energy is about joy and happiness, celebrations of life and future prosperity!  Tap into those high vibes and claim it for yourself and humanity.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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