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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Clearing the Clutter, Gua by Gua

In Western Feng Shui, each area of your home is associated with an important area of your life. When you clear the clutter from an area of your home with the intention to create space for what you’d like to begin to experience and enjoy, it can be very powerful. Decluttering is the first step in preparation for activating the energy and lifting the chi in your space.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

The Shui in Feng Shui

As many people who dabble in feng shui know, feng shui means “wind and water”. Feng is wind and shui is water. Wind and water are what the ancient Chinese farmers relied on for peaceful, productive and prosperous lives.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Clearing the Clutter

Now that you know what your why is and what clutter is, it's time to learn the how-tos of decluttering.

You've prepared your heart and mind to let it go. Now, it’s time to get prepared to clear the clutter in practical ways.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

The Energy of Clutter

Energetically, our stuff is an extension of ourselves. What we have in our living and working spaces becomes a part of our energy field. This is why hoarders have such a hard time letting go of their stuff.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

The Meaning of Clutter

If you have learned anything about feng shui over the years, you know that decluttering is the first step toward creating better energy in your space and clearing the way for a better flow of energy in your living and working environments.

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Don’t Get Feng Shui’d

Interested in feng shui?  Not sure if you are ready to get feng shui'd?

The truth is: there are quite a few reasons you might not want to get feng shui’d.

Here are just five that might keep you from booking your first feng shui consultation (and going through with it).

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Feng Shui Dara Eden Feng Shui Dara Eden

Got Feng Shui?

Did you know that you already have feng shui?

Yes! Yes, you do. And so does everybody else.

Right this very minute, the feng shui of your space is having an effect on you and your life.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

Feng Shui Remedies & Enhancements

Feng shui principles are employed to bring the balance found in natural environments to living and working environments. This balance is created through reducing dominant energy and making sure all Five Elements are present in each area, room and gua. Additionally, the permanent and annual unseen energy is remedied and enhanced. Sha chi is addressed and chi lifters are added.

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Annual Energy Dara Eden Annual Energy Dara Eden

February Energy Changes

It’s that time of year again! The visiting energy has completed its annual shift. That means new energy occupies your space.

In classical feng shui, we look at the unseen energy in environments that people live and work in. This energy is represented by 9 numbers, 1 – 9.  Each year during the first week of February the annual energy at the center of each space changes and all the numbers participate in a dance, much like a game of musical chairs. Only, every number does get a new home for the year.

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Feng Shui Consultations & Coaching

Dara Eden is a professional feng shui consultant and personal element expert. She offers a variety of feng shui services from virtual feng shui consultations to personal energy and relationship dynamics coaching. Her feng shui consultation services include personalized Feng Shui Reports, Annual Energy Updates and Prospective Property Readings for both homes and businesses. Her personal energy coaching includes 60 minute coaching calls and Personal Element Energy Guides.

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