Feng Shui Remedies & Enhancements

FSYS Blog - Feng Shui Remedies & Enhancements
Feng shui principles are employed to bring the balance found in natural environments to living and working environments. This balance is created through reducing dominant energy and making sure all Five Elements are present in each area, room and gua. Additionally, the permanent and annual unseen energy is remedied and enhanced. Sha chi is addressed and chi lifters are added.
The unseen energy in any space is represented by three numbers, each of which represent three elements. These number combinations can be activated, increased, intensified and enhanced or reduced, remedied or avoided. Various factors determine the appropriateness of a remedy or enhancement including the direction of the gua, use of the space, effect on the occupant’s personal energy and the visiting energy.
During your Initial Consultation, The Five Elements and their three cycles of energy are explained in great detail. It’s important to honor the delicate balance of the environment and personal elements occupying your space. Almost all inauspicious energy can be successfully remedied. And most of the time, auspicious energy can be effectively enhanced. In rare cases, certain areas need to be avoided and certain positive energy cannot be enhanced for the year.
Permanent energy combinations can be activated by the visiting annual energy. This shift in energy can be remedied to decrease the negative energy and enhanced to increase the positive energy. Some of these energy combinations require very specific remedies and enhancements that can be installed in the final week of January and moved or removed each year, as needed.

Five Element Remedies & Enhancements

Everyone needs the same remedies and enhancements in certain areas of their space each year. For example: “Obstacles & Delays” 5 Earth requires 100 lbs. of Metal and “Separation & Sickness” 2 Earth requires 50 lbs. of Metal. 
The "Wealth & Fame" 1 Water may be enhanced by Metal.
“Gossip & Complaining” 3 Wood requires Fire.
The "Power & Authority" 6 Metal can be enhanced with crystals and Wealth Bowls.
The “Arguments & Robberies” 7 Metal may require Water (light blue) or Fire (lighting). 
 The “Prosperity & Abundance” 8 Earth may be enhanced by Fire or Water.
The “Celebrations of Life” 9 Fire may be enhanced with Wood (living plants).  
“Peach Blossom” 4 Wood may be enhanced with Fire or Water. 
To feng shui your space you'll need to invest in some furnishing, decor and accent pieces that represent the Five Elements and that can be moved around your home or office each year, as required. Select pieces made from the elements or their respective colors, shapes and patterns. Choose items that you think are beautiful, fit with your style and make you happy.


Colors: White, Gray, Light Pastels, & Metallics (gold, silver, bronze, copper, pewter)
Shapes: Arches, Circles, Domes, Ovals, Vesica Pisces
Other Images: Busts, Profiles of Heads
Hard Metal Shapes: Angels, Clouds, Crowns, Halos, Rainbows, Swords, Wings
Lines: Curved, Scalloped
Objects made from metal such as: gold, silver, bronze, copper, pewter, cast iron, iron, aluminum, stainless steel
All forms of art or objects made from metal such as: wall art, frames, sculptures, trays, vases, trash can, appliances, furnishings, headboard, bed frame, lamps, musical instruments, cast iron bistro set, etc.
“Moving Metal” Remedy: kinetic perpetual motion art, pendulum clock, grandfather clock, ceiling fan, freestanding fan, wind chime, moving garden art


Colors: Black, Dark Blues & Deep Purple
Shapes: Amoeba, Asymmetrical, Freeform, Irregular, Kidney Shapes, Spirals, Teardrops
Lines: Wavy, Meandering, Undulating
Objects made from cut crystal, glass, windows and mirrors
All water features such as: aquariums, bird bath, fountains, streams, waterfalls, rivers, swimming pools, ponds, lakes, and oceans
All forms of art depicting flowing or moving water, moving water art
“Moving Water” Enhancement: tabletop fountain, wall mounted fountain, tiered fountain


Colors: Green (all shades)
Shapes: Column, Cylinder, Vertical Rectangle
Lines: Vertical
Objects made from wood such as furniture, flooring, paneling, siding, roofing, etc.
Objects made from plant based materials and fabrics such as: cotton, linen, and rayon
Floral prints and stripes in upholstered furniture, wall coverings, window treatments, and linens
All forms of plant life such as: trees, bushes, plants, flowers, leaves, vines, etc.
All forms of art depicting gardens, orchards, plants, and flowers
“Living Wood” Chi Lifter: trees, topiaries, plants, herbs, flowers


Colors: Red Spectrum Colors (red, orange, purple, fuchsia, pink, mauve, peach)
Shapes: Arrow, Diamond, Cone, Triangle, Pyramid, Points
Other Shapes: Animals, Eyes, Faces, Flames, Hearts
Lines: Angular, Diagonal & Zigzag
Objects made from animals such as: fur, leather, skins, bones, feathers, lambskin, and wool
All types of lighting such as: natural sunlight, firelight, lamplight, candlelight
All types of heating such as: fireplace, wood burning stove, stove/oven, grill/barbeque, fire pit, patio heater
All types of animate life: people, family pets and animals
All forms of art depicting people, animals, sunlight or fire, stained glass windows
Fire Activator/Intensifier/Enhancer: lighting from the sun, fire, candles, lamps, electric, gas


Colors: Yellow & Earth Tones (espresso, chocolate, brown, beige, tan, sand)
Basic Shapes: Squares, Flat Horizontal Rectangles (Planes, Plateaus)
3D Shapes: Cubes, Spheres, Human Body
Other Images: Hearts, Hieroglyphics, Logos, Symbols, Words
Lines: Flat Horizontal, Peaks & Valleys
Objects made from earth such as: adobe, terra cotta, brick, tile, ceramic, earthenware
All rocks, stones, natural crystals, gemstones, marble, granite, and flagstone
All forms of art depicting landscapes of the desert, meadows, fields, farmland, valleys, mountains, etc.
“Red Earth” Remedy: terracotta, red brick or red rock


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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February Energy Changes