Got Feng Shui?

FSYS Blog - Got Feng Shui?
Did you know that you already have feng shui?
Yes! Yes, you do. And so does everybody else.
Right this very minute, the feng shui of your space is having an effect on you and your life.
The balance and harmony of your space, or lack thereof, is affecting your personal energy and relationship dynamics.
The quality and flow of energy in your space is affecting you and your life, for better or for worse.
Your feng shui is influencing you and your family in every area of your lives. Your health and relationships, your finances and well-being, your career or business.
Have you ever wondered if you have “good” feng shui?
Everything in your space is a metaphor for your life. The quality of your feng shui may be reflected in the various areas of your life.
To find out if you have good feng shui, take a quick inventory of your life. Write down a brief description or a few descriptive words that summarize the various areas of your life. Describe the health of your body. Your emotions and overall well-being. Your family and romantic relationships. Your career or business. Your finances. The energy or feel of your home.
Are you doing well or is there room for improvement? Is life good? Could it be better Greater? Easier? Happier?
Have you ever wondered what improving your feng shui could do for you and your life?
Just as investments allow you to put your money to work for you, feng shui allows you to put your home or business to work for you.
The feng shui of a home or building influences the energy and lives of both the owners and the occupants.
Remedies and enhancements, customized for the people occupying the space, can and do transform lives.
Improving your feng shui can improve health, increase wealth, attract loving relationships, accelerate careers, and expand businesses.
Have you ever wondered if it’s time to get professionally feng shui’d?
You’ve read the books and blogs. You’ve studied the bagua maps. You’ve followed the feng shui tips.
But some of it is contradicting. Most of it is confusing. All of it is generic and not customized to your home or family. Much of your do-it-yourself feng shui has been well intentioned guesswork.
You want to feng shui your space. You want to have the best feng shui possible. But you’ve done all the feng shui you can do on your own.
You're ready to call in the professional.
Have you ever wondered when is the best time to get feng shui’d?
I’ve had people tell me that they were going to wait to feng shui until they moved to a nicer, better or bigger house. They didn’t end up moving for another five years.
Feng Shui is not for your house. It’s for YOU! It’s for your life, your health and wealth, your relationships and opportunities.
Any living or working space can be feng shui’d. Regardless of where you live, NOW is always the best time, because now is when you need a more peaceful, productive and prosperous life.
It’s time to get feng shui’d:
  • When you feel stuck
  • When you feel stressed, sick and tired
  • When you are experiencing a health challenge
  • When you want to resolve a problem
  • When a relationship has ended
  • When you want to attract a new partner
  • When you want to have a baby
  • When you want to improve your life
  • When you want to feel better in your space
  • When you want to stay in your current home but need a fresh start
  • When you are ready to change something in your life
  • When you’ve noticed a change in your life since moving into a new home
  • When there is a life event like a divorce or a career change
  • When you are at a new stage of life like newlyweds, empty nesters or retirees.
  • When someone in your family has died
  • When selecting a home or property to rent or purchase
  • When designing or building a new home
  • When remodeling or constructing an addition to your existing building
  • When selling a property
  • When moving into a new home or business
  • When you want to get the education and support from an expert
  • When you want to create a home that supports your unique personal energy
Got feng shui? Yes, yes you do!
The real question is: Are you ready to get feng shui’d?


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Don’t Get Feng Shui’d


Feng Shui Remedies & Enhancements