Don’t Get Feng Shui’d

FSYS Blog - Don't Get Feng Shui'd
Interested in feng shui?  Not sure if you are ready to get feng shui'd?
The truth is: there are quite a few reasons you might not want to get feng shui’d.
Here are just five that might keep you from booking your first feng shui consultation (and going through with it).
Don’t get feng shui’d if you don’t want change.
There is a Chinese proverb that says, “Change 27 things in your environment, change your life.”
This is so true.
Feng shui balances energy. It shifts energy. Moves energy. Lifts energy. Harmonizes energy. Activates dormant energy. Remedies and enhances energy.
These changes to your environment, change the energy in your space. And changing the energy in your space, creates the space for change to occur in your life.
On more than one occasion, clients have postponed or even cancelled their feng shui consultation with me. And when they did, I knew they weren’t ready for change.
One client called to reschedule her consultation, 45 minutes before her appointment time. She told me an overly dramatic story about why she had to cancel her consultation.  I knew she wouldn’t reschedule. The fear of change was so great she worried herself into a medical emergency.
So, if you aren’t ready to create the potential for change, don’t get feng shui’d.
Don’t get feng shui’d if you don’t want to make any changes.
If you like your home just the way it is and don't plan to make any of the recommended changes, don't waste your time and money.
Also, feng shui requires action.
Knowledge about feng shui principles and information about the energy in your space are valuable. Having a written report to read and energy blueprints to refer to are helpful. But they are just numbers and grids, words on a page and recommendations.
The final page of my Feng Shui Energy Report is titled, You Have NOT Been Feng Shui’d.
My feng shui consultations are virtual. I don’t move furniture. I don’t de-clutter. I don’t clean and organize. I don’t paint accent walls or fix leaky faucets. I'm not a personal shopper or interior designer. I don’t do landscaping or install water features.
You are responsible for home improvements and making the changes to your environment that resonate with you.
So, if you aren’t ready to make some changes to your space, don’t get feng shui’d.
Don’t get feng shui’d if you don’t want to change.
The thing about feng shui is, the numbers don’t lie. The energy blueprint reveals the unseen energy in your space. And the unseen energy reveals what’s going on in your life. And what’s going on in your life, reveals aspects of you that you might not be aware of or want to look at.
When you hire a feng shui consultant, you are creating an opportunity to see who you're being in the world. And as you bring balance and harmony to your space, through the changes you'll make, YOU might change along with your space. Your personal energy might shift and change as the energy in your space shifts and changes.
So, if you aren’t ready to change, don’t get feng shui’d.
Don’t get feng shui’d if you don’t want to set some intentions.
You don’t have to know what your intentions are before booking your feng shui consultation. It's important though, to determine what you are wanting feng shui to help you with and bring some awareness to why you want those things to improve or change. Declaring what you want and why you want it brings clarity and focus to your feng shui consultation. Knowing your what and your why keep you inspired to feng shui your space, from the first steps to the finishing touches.
Setting intentions can be a transformative experience in and of itself. Going through the process of deciding what you want, defining it and then describing why you want it, is the inner work that few people take the time to do. Written intentions take something you are interested in to a new level of consciousness and commitment to their fulfillment.
So, if you aren’t ready to set intentions for your life, don’t get feng shui’d.
Don’t get feng shui if you don’t want to invest in yourself.
Many people intuitively know what they need in their space. Some people have all the right things in all the wrong places and just need to reposition them. Others need to remove and replace much of their stuff. Everyone needs a few items for their space that can be moved around, as needed, each year.
I call these the Feng Shui Essentials. Some of these essentials are more of an investment than others. Some, you may already have. Others, you could easily acquire. Once you have selected pieces you love and that fit with your personal style, you can use them to feng shui your space each year and in any space you move to in the future.
Speaking of an investment, feng shui consultations aren't cheap. Besides purchasing certain items and making some home improvements, a consultation with a feng shui practitioner is an investment in yourself. The knowledge you gain can be applied again and again throughout your life.
You will learn all the basic precepts of feng shui, how unseen energy affects you, how to balance energy, how to honor your personal energy and everything you need to know about feng shui’ing your space. While most of the recommendations are specific to your current home, some of what you learn can be applied in any space.
And once you become an Inner Chi feng shui client, I become, not just your consultant, but your guide into the wonderful world of feng shui. You have me on speed dial for the entire rest of the energy year. And when it's time for your Annual Energy Feng Shui Update, I can help you continue to renew your intentions, balance your energy and feng shui your space.
But, if you aren't ready to invest in your yourself, your home and your life, don't get feng shui'd.
If you're ready for change, to make changes to your space, to change yourself, to set some intentions for your life and make an investment in yourself, contact me to book your feng shui consultation.
Let’s get you feng shui’d!


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The Meaning of Clutter


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