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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

Feng Shui for YOUR Year!

2022 is your year to move into your Dream Home! So, even if you're not already living in your dream home, you can feng shui the space you're in now with the intention of manifesting the home of your dreams. Or, if you're happy with your current home, you can feng shui it to make it even more supportive and auspicious.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

9 Ways to Welcome the New Year

One of the things I really like about celebrating the new year in February is that you get a second chance at a restart. Some people like to celebrate two weeks of the Lunar New Year that begins this year on February 12th. For those of us who practice feng shui, we like to prepare our homes to welcome the new energy by February 4th.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

2020 Feng Shui

Are you already feeling the shift in energy? Is your home ready to welcome the auspicious energy and prepared to activate and enhance it? Have you energy cleansed, cleaned and cleared your space in preparation for placing your annual remedies and enhancements?

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

Welcoming the New Energy

Prepare your home to welcome the visiting energies of the new year. Making the effort to clean and create space in your home will increase your capacity to enjoy all the blessings already flowing into your life. Beautifying your home with chi lifters will activate the auspicious energy so you can benefit from it all year long.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

2018 Feng Shui Gua by Gua

When reading about the energy visiting the various guas and their potential effects on you and your life this year, keep the two most important areas of your home in mind. The front door and the bedrooms are the key areas to remedy and enhance. You bring the energy at the front door in with you every time to you enter your home. And you spend one-third of your day/life in your bedroom sleeping, so the energy in the bedrooms for you and your family also have a great impact on your health and well-being. If you work from home, your home office is also vitally important to feng shui as well.

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2018: A Year of Blessings

Although the Fire energy does not officially arrive until February, most people are celebrating the 2018 New Year now. Instead of drinking and making resolutions, apply some feng shui principles to your life this time of year. Celebrate with friends and family. And then...Clean, clear and cleanse your space. Count your blessings! Create your vision for 2018.

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Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden Annual Energy, Feng Shui Dara Eden

Feng Shui Remedies & Enhancements

Feng shui principles are employed to bring the balance found in natural environments to living and working environments. This balance is created through reducing dominant energy and making sure all Five Elements are present in each area, room and gua. Additionally, the permanent and annual unseen energy is remedied and enhanced. Sha chi is addressed and chi lifters are added.

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Annual Energy Dara Eden Annual Energy Dara Eden

February Energy Changes

It’s that time of year again! The visiting energy has completed its annual shift. That means new energy occupies your space.

In classical feng shui, we look at the unseen energy in environments that people live and work in. This energy is represented by 9 numbers, 1 – 9.  Each year during the first week of February the annual energy at the center of each space changes and all the numbers participate in a dance, much like a game of musical chairs. Only, every number does get a new home for the year.

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Feng Shui Consultations & Coaching

Dara Eden is a professional feng shui consultant and personal element expert. She offers a variety of feng shui services from virtual feng shui consultations to personal energy and relationship dynamics coaching. Her feng shui consultation services include personalized Feng Shui Reports, Annual Energy Updates and Prospective Property Readings for both homes and businesses. Her personal energy coaching includes 60 minute coaching calls and Personal Element Energy Guides.

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Annual Energy Dara Eden Annual Energy Dara Eden

2014 Feng Shui

The following remedy and enhancement recommendations are general guidelines. They do not take into account the specific permanent energy of your home, captured before the roof was put on, or the current occupants of your home or business. Only an energy blueprint based on the results of a compass reading and a consultation with the family or staff members can do that. If you choose to follow any of these recommendations, please carefully monitor your life, finances, relationships and health and remove them immediately if you notice any changes that don’t make you happy.

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