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Feng Shui for the 5 Yellow
If you wondered how strong the 5 Yellow Earth energy could be this year, doubt the power of this double dose of "Obstacles & Delays" energy no more.
2021 Feng Shui
The energy is shifting. Releasing the old and creating space for the new. Are you ready to let 2020 go and welcome in 2021? Is your home prepared for the energy of the new year? It's time to feng shui!
2018: A Year of Blessings
Although the Fire energy does not officially arrive until February, most people are celebrating the 2018 New Year now. Instead of drinking and making resolutions, apply some feng shui principles to your life this time of year. Celebrate with friends and family. And then...Clean, clear and cleanse your space. Count your blessings! Create your vision for 2018.
Feng Shui Consultations & Coaching
Dara Eden is a professional feng shui consultant and personal element expert. She offers a variety of feng shui services from virtual feng shui consultations to personal energy and relationship dynamics coaching. Her feng shui consultation services include personalized Feng Shui Reports, Annual Energy Updates and Prospective Property Readings for both homes and businesses. Her personal energy coaching includes 60 minute coaching calls and Personal Element Energy Guides.