9 Ways to Welcome the New Year

FSYS Blog - 9 Ways to Welcome the New Year
One of the things I really like about celebrating the new year in February is that you get a second chance at a restart.  Some people like to celebrate two weeks of the Lunar New Year that begins this year on February 12th.  For those of us who practice feng shui, we like to prepare our homes to welcome the new energy on February 4th.

New Year, New Energy

You've deep cleaned, decluttered and energy cleansed your space.  Now, it's time for some of the "fun" in feng shui!
For New Year's enhancements, the focus is on attracting wealth, welcoming the new energy by adding new things and highlighting wood elements that represent the newness of Spring, fresh starts and new beginnings with new blossoms.  
It's also wise to renew your own energy, intend to have a Happy New Year and plan to have a beautiful day on New Year's.
New Year's Oranges

1) Oranges

Oranges symbolize money, or more specifically gold coins.  There are many ways to welcome more money into your life with oranges.
  • Display 9 oranges in a crystal or decorative bowl on your kitchen counter or dining room table.

  • Roll 9 oranges in the front door to your home. Do this fun activity with your children.

  • Diffuse Wild Orange or Citrus Bliss essential oil.

  • Plant an orange tree or bring a small potted citrus tree into your home.

  • Give a clementine to each member of your family with blessings for a prosperous year.

  • Make some fresh squeezed orange juice. Use the juice to make mimosas for the adults.

New Year's Flowers

2) Flowers

Flowers are another good way to welcome both love and money into your life.  Flowers that grow from bulbs, represent the prosperity of a full coin purse and are especially auspicious.  Peonies represent love and romance, a happy marriage and good fortune.
  • Buy a potted blossoming plant that grows from a bulb, like daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, crocus, freesia and lilies and place it where it gets enough sunlight and you will enjoy it the most. Note: Please remember to avoid placing red spectrum colors in the SE this year.

  • Arrange a bouquet of pink peonies in a vase for the East to activate the "Peach Blossom" energy and enhance romance.

  • Bring some Spring blossoming branches into your home like Cherry Blossoms, Dogwood, Magnolia & Pussy Willows.

  • Plant a blossoming plant.  The Chinese believe that if the plant blooms on New Year’s Day, they’ll enjoy prosperity all year long.

New Year's Jade

3) Plants

Having healthy living green plants in your home is good feng shui.  They help with purifying the air and balances the five elements.  Plants with round glossy leaves are best for attracting more money.  9 plants associated with auspicious feng shui are:
  • Bamboo
  • Orchids
  • Ornamental Citrus Trees
  • Jade, the Money Plant (Crassula Ovata)
  • The Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica)
  • The Rubber Plant (Ficus Elastica)
  • Ferns
  • Parlor Palms
  • Peace Lillies
New Year's Coins

4) Coins

Coins represent true money, currency backed by gold, silver or other precious metals.  Displaying real gold coins or faux gold bars in your home creates a feeling of wealth.  I recommend investing in gold and silver.  You can also add bowls full of coins, throughout your home.  If you want to have some fun, instead of rolling oranges in the front door, throw gold coins into your home through the front door.
  • Display your international or rare coin collection.
  • Deposit spare change into a small bowl when you get home each day.
  • Fill a decorative metal bowl with gold coins, bars and ingots to place in the center of your home.
  • Create a Wealth Bowl and place it in your personal element's Wealth area.
  • Bury a small glass jar of pennies (seed money) to plant the seeds of wealth for the future in the NE.
New Year's Candles

5) Candles

The Fire element represents future prosperity.  It activates and intensifies energy.  It multiplies whatever energy is with it.  It enhances the auspicious energy.  There are lots of ways to use the energy of Fire to activate your intentions for the New Year.
  • Light a candle while you are setting your annual intentions or writing your 2021 Wish List.
  • Place a pair of red candles in the East and light them once a day to protect your romantic relationship from gossip and third parties and to burn off any anger or argumentative energy.
  • Add a candle to your altar with pictures and symbols of all of your favorite things and beloved people.  Light the candle during your Morning Align Time.
  • Light 9 votives while you look at your Vision Board each day.  Say, "thank you" as you blow each flame out. 
New Year's Crystals

6) Crystals

Crystals can be used in a variety of ways in feng shui, from symbolically holding space at a missing corner to representing the true love and partnership in your relationship.
  • Place a large crystal or geode in the center of your home to enhance wealth.
  • Hang a faceted crystal in a window in the NE to create a rainbow of prismatic light.
  • Bury two rose quartz hearts in the SW to protect your marriage.
  • Add some red and orange crystals to the SW to help protect women's health and wellbeing.
New Year's Clothes

7) New Clothes

Get a new outfit to wear.  Buy something that fits and flatters you.  Choose a color that makes you happy.  
Happy Colors for The 8 Elements
Water (iridescent).  Mother Earth (pink, terra-cotta or salmon).  Hard Wood (orange, coral or pink grapefruit).  Soft Wood (lavender).  Hard Metal (white, gold or rainbow).  Soft Metal (silver or red).  Mountain Earth (yellow).  Fire (red). 
Women should include a touch of red spectrum colors, especially coral, salmon or pink grapefruit.  Men should include some light blue.
Dress for success.  Look good and feel great on New Year's Day.  Wear your favorite jewelry and accessories.  Carry that energy with you into 2021.
New Year's Flags

8) New Intentions

  • Set your intentions.  Write down your goals for the year.  Place them in the appropriate areas in your home.  Use the Western Feng Shui Bagua or your personal element's best directions. 
  • Write your word for the year, desired feelings and other intentions for 2021 on ribbons or squares of fabric in the Tibetan prayer flag style and hang them in your home or yard to celebrate the arrival of the new energy.
  • Write your wishes on Chinese lanterns before lighting and sending them up into the night sky, as a couple or family.
  • Write your Abundance List for the annual 8 enhancement and place under your large empty ceramic or porcelain vase in the West.  "I have an Abundance of..."
  • Create your Vision Bagua (physical and digital).  Place the physical one in the NE of your home or office in front of 9 red votives.
New Year's Envelopes

9) New Year's Day

Make New Year's Day a "Favorite Things" day.
Make a list of all of your favorite things to do and eat.  Plan to spend the day with your favorite people.  Have a beautiful day!  It's customary not to work, cook or clean on New Year's Day.  So, make all your preparations in advance.  Eat out or order in.  
It's also important to start the new year off with some inner peace, do the things that spark joy and make you feel genuine happiness in your heart.  So, avoid yelling, fighting or getting upset or anxious.  Stay off social media and don't watch the news.
  • Eat your favorite foods and enjoy your favorite drinks.
  • Do your favorite things, by yourself or with your favorite people.
  • Stay calm and smile often.  Watch a funny movie.  Do things that make you happy.
  • Give. Put some money in a red envelope and give it to someone you love and appreciate with a sincere smile or warm hug. 
  • Buy a new red wallet and put some cash in it. Place a $100 bill in your wallet that you never spend.
May you have a truly prosperous and HAPPY 2021!


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Feng Shui for YOUR Year!


2021 Feng Shui