2019 Feng Shui

FSYS Blog - 2019 Feng Shui

Each year the energy changes during the first week of February. On February 4th, the Fire energy will be replaced with Mountain Earth energy. And each of the nine areas in the bagua will welcome a new visiting energy.

Many people, especially those who hire a professional feng shui consultant, expect feng shui to make them successful and rich, happy and healthy. They might have read too many new agey Western feng shui books or gimmicky blogs promising instant boons with magic “cures”. Some clients even ask for a guarantee that feng shui will work for them. While I understand they want to make sure they get a return on their investment, they may not realize that there is so much more to feng shui than when and what you change in your space.  

Others complain when they have a disappointing year, personally or professionally, and like to blame feng shui. They may not know that each year is COMPLETELY different and that the annual energy doesn’t just affect their feng shui. It affects their personal energy and therefore many areas of their life. Just as the energy dictates no go zones or no renovations in certain areas, during certain years, there will be years when personal elements will experience more success than others or little to no success at all.

Feng shui is not a magic wand that you can wave at your house to make all your problems go away and all your dreams come true. And I'm not a fairy godmother.

Feng Shui provides quality information about what is coming. I can tell you what the potential effects of the energy are and how to prepare your home and personal energy for them.

Chinese metaphysics is based on the Cosmic Trinity of Man, Earth & Heaven.

Heaven refers to your BaZi or Destiny Chart. In my work, it's your personal energy or personal feng shui element, a single aspect of BaZi. In more Western terms, your Heaven Luck is when and where you were born, who your parents are, etc.

Earth refers to feng shui. Feng shui balances the seen and unseen energy, yin and yang and the five elements with universal cycles of energy. And it does so, based on a precise compass reading and calculations, measurements and blueprints, land forms and the ancient art of placement.

Man refers to YOU! Your intentions and desires. Your limiting beliefs and habits. Your world view and work ethic. What you do. What you think. What you believe. Who you are BEing.

When I first started feng shui, I assumed that the whole idea behind it was not to have any problems, which was not the case. The major misconception most people have of Feng Shui back then was that if they put trinkets inside and around their houses, they mitigate their problems.

After starting my own business, I discovered that there is no such thing as having no problems. Some of your biggest problems in life will come as a result of your brightest ideas that you try to make happen. The bigger the problem you solve, the better the outcome of your ideas. Don’t want any problems? Then maybe you should rethink your ambitions.

A lot of feng shui is not really about curing problems but on the contrary, it is to understand what life’s journey is about and what are the important lessons to learn along the way. If you graduate from those lessons, you will improve your entire well-being. 

~ Joey Yap, the World's No. #1 Chinese Metaphysical Consultant

So, what’s the point then? Why feng shui when, getting the results you want aren’t a certainty? Why even bother spending the time, money and energy on feng shui’ing your space?

Because…knowledge is power.

Being in the know is empowering. If you know what to expect, you can prepare for it. If you know which aspects of life will come with more ease and joy, you can focus your energy on making the most of them. If you know which aspects of life might become difficult and frustrating, you will be able to minimize their effects and choose to show yourself more compassion and patience.

The fact is: Feng shui provides the knowledge about the unseen energy that WILL affect you whether you are aware of it or not. This knowledge will help you make the necessary adjustments to your living and working environments, so you can reduce the potential difficulties and enhance the possible opportunities. Customized recommendations, based on your personal element, will help you honor and support your personal energy for the year. Feng shui’ing your home and office will prepare you for what the year holds for you, your family and your business.

Feng shui addresses the potential “problems” with a solution-based system of metaphysics. Protective feng shui, remedies the unseen inauspicious energy by minimizing their potential negative effects, so they stay dormant, become disabled or at least disempowered and their energy is drastically reduced. Enhancements bring beauty and lift the chi in each room, so the positive energy is activated and exponentially increased. The Five Element Theory brings your space into balance and harmony, so you feel good in your home or at the office.  

Each year’s energy will affect each person differently. These energy shifts can often explain why one year went really well for some of the personal elements and not so well for others. Or, why last year was awesome for you and the current year is truly challenging. When the 9 energies move and take up housekeeping in a new gua, they bring with them boxes of blessings or suitcases of afflictions. 

That's why feng shui is so helpful, even essential, to a peaceful, productive and prosperous life. Once you are aware of the annual energies and how they might affect you, in both positive and negative ways, you will be empowered to prepare your home and office and support your personal energy. You can diminish or even prevent problems and take full advantage of the areas of your life that have the greatest potential for ease and success.

Every year I tell you what you need to know about the 5 Yellow so, if nothing else, at least you can minimize this dreaded and dangerous “obstacles and delays” energy for the year. Not everyone will hire a professional feng shui consultant. Or, even read and follow the recommendations in an annual DIY guide. I want you to have this vital information. What you choose to do with it is up to you.

Why do I give you the remedies for the most difficult energy? Because in protective feng shui, that's what we do. We prioritize reducing the most negatively affected areas first.

This year the 5 Yellow burrows into the Southwest. Mother Earth personal elements, romantic relationships and partnerships, ALL women’s health, safety and finances, everyone’s digestive and reproductive health and an aspect of life for all West House personal elements, will be affected. More specifically, it will have an effect on the peaceful rest and restorative sleep of Mother Earth elements, the marriage and family harmony of Hard Metal elements, the wealth and helpful people of Soft Metal elements and the fame and fortune of Mountain Earth elements. 

The Yellow 5 is one of three Earth elements. Mother Earth is represented by river valleys, fertile farmland and flat plains. Mountain Earth is represented by the treasure trove of mountains and caves filled with precious metals, hard metals and crystals. The Yellow 5 has a fiery element to it and is represented by the volcanic eruptions and volatile hot lava of the Earth's core.

So, here’s how to REMEDY this energy: First, determine where the Southwest of your home and property is. It occupies 45 degrees (202.5 – 247.5) of your home, office and property.

Feng Shui for Property

Remove all trash and debris, barbeques and fire pits, gas heaters and lighting, all red spectrum colors, spikey plants, like cactus and aloe vera, from this area on your property. Pull any weeds and sweep, power wash the exterior walls and wash the windows. It’s important to complete this before February 4th.

No digging or excavating in the SW of your property.

Keep quiet. If children normally play in this area, move their toys and bikes somewhere else.

Keep dark. Remove any decorative lighting. Security motion detector lights are OK.

RE: 20 Year Cycle Water Enhancement in the SW - If your fountain is noisy and splashes a lot, turn it off until next year or move it to the North.

Feng Shui for Home

Avoid the SW rooms in your home.  Don’t spend time there, if possible.   

No renovating or remodeling in this area this year. 

2019 SW Remedies

Metal - 100 lbs. of metal (appliances, furnishings, vehicles, weights)

Moving Metal – ceiling fan, fan, pendulum clock

Note: Fans must have metal blades and be whisper quiet.  Pendulum clocks must have a metal pendulum, be silent and have no chimes.

Remove all Fire elements and red spectrum colors.

No Water features.

Salt Water Cure

Recommended especially for Mother Earth elements and women.

The Entry

If your main entrance is located in the SW, enter your home through another door. Whatever energy is visiting at a busy front door or main entrance will be brought into your space every time you and others enter your home. Remember, we want this energy to stay inactive. A lot of daily comings and goings will activate this energy. Also, people and pets are considered Fire elements and their presence in this area will exacerbate the challenges we would like to disable or at least reduce.

For the moving metal remedy, place a pair of metal wind chimes with 6 rods each. You may also add some metal tinkling bells. Keep the entry light off. 

Remove all Fire elements and their colors. 

No Water.

The Bedroom

Hopefully you sleep an average of 8 hours a night. If so, that’s one third of each day and entire life! This is why the energy you sleep in is of paramount importance in feng shui. If you are currently sleeping in the SW bedroom, MOVE! Sleep in another bedroom or room in your home this year. (I slept in the formal dining room of my house one year to avoid this energy.)

Also, do NOT sleep with a SW headboard direction.  

Mother Earth elements: Do NOT honor your SW peaceful sleep direction this year.

The ONLY appropriate gua and direction to sleep in for Mother Earth and all West House Group elements is NE.

If you cannot move from the SW bedroom, add metal and moving metal. Add a metal headboard and furnishings, metal frames and accent pieces like bowls or platters. If you can’t get to 100 lbs. in furnishings and accents pieces, place weights hidden in a closet or under a dresser. Do NOT place them under the bed.

Remove all Fire elements and their colors. No candles or fires.

No Water.

Use white, gray or green sheets on your bed.

You may add a pair of small green plants or white orchids.

The Kitchen

If your kitchen is in the SW, every time you turn on gas burners and cook, you will be activating this energy.  

Remedy: Place a large vase of water with some white flowers on the counter beside the stove to counteract the effect of the open flames. A water filter pitcher, water distiller or water dispenser will also work.

Appliances will help with the metal remedy. Add a small fan for the moving metal.

You may add a pair of gold or silver metal pots with herbs. Or a clear round glass vase with two bamboo and water.

Keep your kitchen really clean. Clear the clutter off the counters.

My kitchen is in the SW. Here's what I did last weekend. Cleaned and decluttered shelf by shelf, cupboard by cupboard, drawer by drawer, item by item using the KonMari method of tidying up! Cleaned my kitchen windows. Pulled weeds and swept the outside area. Power washed the walls. Placed two metal wind chimes outside. Moved my fountain to the North. Placed my Salt Water Cure.

Now...Get to work! Go feng shui the SW of you home and property.

For more information on how this energy affects personal energy, read The 5 Yellow.


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Welcoming the New Energy


True Shui