True Shui

FSYS Blog - True Shui

Feng Shui: Fact & Fiction

Feng shui is a repeatable earth science and ancient art form that can be used to bring our spaces into the balance we observe in nature.  It is based on the harmony of the Five Elements Theory, beautifully illustrated for us by Mother Earth in natural environments.  The intentional practice of feng shui in your home and office, can bring self-awareness and empower you to create environments that honor YOU. The purpose of feng shui is to support you in creating your ideal life, fulfilling your deepest desires and realizing your biggest dreams.
Feng shui requires knowledge and expertise from a certified, professional and experienced practitioner.  Your feng shui expert should be able to know what to do, when to do it and explain in simple terms, why you are making the recommended changes. You should be able to ask questions, have access to continued guidance and experience more balance and harmony.
There are many approaches to feng shui.  It’s wise to understand what the various schools of feng shui are, so you can be discerning when hiring a consultant or following tips from public figures on social media.  You don’t have to become an expert yourself, but it is important to know what the differences are so you can determine for yourself how you will feng shui your home and business, and ultimately life!
Classical or traditional feng shui, combines the Compass and Form schools of feng shui.  The Compass school is based on calculations made from a precise compass reading and universal energy.  The Form school is based on a thorough understanding of the auspicious configuration of land forms like mountains and valleys, hills and lakes, rivers and roads as they relate to manmade structures, like our homes and other buildings.  
The newer and popular schools of feng shui try to mimic classical feng shui, without using either a compass, or mathematical calculations. They offer simple, do-it-yourself enhancements that can bring beauty, and even balance and harmony to a space, at least visually.  However, their tips do not address or remedy and enhance the unseen energy.  And most importantly, Fire and Water elements can strengthen energy that needs to be reduced and activate dormant energy that needs to remain inactive.
Even certified feng shui professionals, can give advice that has detrimental effects on people’s lives and relationships, health and safety, careers and finances.  The best way to safeguard your own feng shui practice is to be aware of the power of the Water and Fire element remedies and enhancements.  Unless you know what the unseen energy is, in your home or office, avoid using these elements and their colors.
Here’s why:
Water and Fire are powerful enhancers, intensifiers and activators of energy.  They can lift and shift energy.  They can also activate energy, that feng shui authors and influencers, who make general recommendations, do not take into consideration.  Advising people to place a yang water feature or paint a door or wall red, without first determining the unseen energy that might negatively affect the occupant, is highly irresponsible.
And the irony is: these are the same self-proclaimed “experts” who call compass school feng shui, “fear shui”.  Instead, they focus on what they like to call “fun shui” by writing books and blogs, online courses and social media posts that are designed to be liked and widely accepted by the general public.   They give lots of common knowledge recommendations, via trendy feng shui do’s and don’ts lists or popular monthly astrological predictions, completely unrelated to any school of feng shui.  
Why?  Because offering general advice is easy.  Providing lots of free info makes their feng shui bait, clickable.  Reiterating well-known feng shui tips makes them enormously popular. And avoiding all customization, makes their business or brand instantly scalable.
Here’s the truth:  
FACT: Feng shui is based on science.  The superstitious, religious and cultural influence of the Black Hat Sect Feng Shui, that sells Chinese trinket shop “cures” have NOTHING to do with feng shui. 
FACT: Feng shui is based on the Chinese Solar calendar. Western astrology updates, Mercury retrograde warnings and “Full Moon Release Rituals” have NOTHING to do with feng shui. 
FACT: Feng shui is based on the compass directions. If you choose to practice Western feng shui, the only appropriate way to apply it, is to use the movable bagua.  The “wealth corner” or “relationship corner” of the fixed bagua, that is based on the front door, has NOTHING to do with feng shui.
FACT:  Feng shui is based on the Five Element Theory.  Faceted crystal balls, wooden flutes and bagua mirrors have NOTHING to do with feng shui.
FACT:  Feng shui is based on the 8 personal elements.  Any advice that is not centered around honoring your personal energy is NOT true feng shui.
Improve the energy in your home.  Clean it.  Declutter.  Space cleanse. Fix leaks and squeaks.  Make repairs.  Add a plant and some crystals.  Arrange your furniture to allow for the best flow of chi through the rooms in your home.  
Take the free generic feng shui advice.  Move 27 things.  Freshen up your front door.  Wash all your windows.  Add a bowl of fresh fruit or vase of flowers.  
Apply everything that resonates with you and works with your space.  Do all the things that you can with what you have.  And make it your own!
It’s all harmless and could be beneficial.  It might even improve your feng shui! Just avoid the feng shui tips that involve the Water and Fire elements.
And when you’re ready to look at the unseen energy affecting you and your life.  When you're ready to intentionally remedy and enhance that energy. When you’re ready to create living and working spaces that support YOU!  When you’re ready to practice true shui, seek out and find a qualified, classically trained feng shui expert you can trust.
In the following weeks, I will be offering valuable insights and information about the energy this year.  Subscribe to the blog so the articles get delivered to your inbox.


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2019 Feng Shui


2018 Feng Shui Gua by Gua