2020: Feng Shui for Health

FSYS Blog - 2020 Feng Shui for Health

The Yellow 5 is in the East

During the first week of February, last year's energy moved out and this year's energy moved in. The Yellow 5 moved to the East, which is general health area for all of The 8 Elements. It's really no surprise to feng shui experts that the current global health crisis originated in the East and may have the potential to affect EVERYONE's health and finances.

The Yellow 5 brings "obstacles and delays", as well as, the potential for the three Ds - disease, disaster and death. Located all year in the East, it may affect Hard Wood personal elements, families, the eldest son and the throat/thyroid, liver/gallbladder and feet/ankles of many people.

With the doubled energies in March through April 6th of 2020, a 5/5 combination in the East will affect the health and finances of families two-fold.

Feng Shui for the East

Remove all Fire and Water elements and colors from the East. No lighting, candles or red spectrum colors. No water features or water colors. Place 3 healthy green plants in metal pots in the East of your home. Do NOT sleep or spend time in the East. Keep dim and quiet. If you have an entry door in the East, use another entrance this month/year, if at all possible.

The Red 7 is in the Center

The energy visiting the center of every space also affects EVERYONE! This year, the Red 7 is located in the center, making 2020 a Soft Metal year. Soft Metal energy affects the mouth and chest, teeth and respiratory system. Having this energy in the center, causes any health issues to be centered around the oral cavity and lungs. In combination with the Yellow 5 in the East, we are seeing the potential for sore throats and coughs, as well as, respiratory ailments and breathing distress.

Feng Shui for the Center

Fire and Water activate dormant energy, enhance auspicious energy and intensify challenging energy. Remove all Fire and Water elements and colors from the Center. No lighting, candles or red spectrum colors. No water features. The Water element reduces the Metal element. Add water colors (black, blue and deep purple) to the center to reduce the 7/7 combination this month.

The Black 2 is in the South

The Black 2 is called the "Illness Star" in feng shui. Because it's visiting the South this year, the Fire energy of the South has activated the potential for illness. While it tends to affect women and Mother Earth elements the most, it can affect the digestive and reproductive health of everyone. In combination with the Yellow 5 in the general health area this year, this activated illness energy can exacerbate whatever pre-existing health conditions people have, especially this month with the 2/2.

Feng Shui for the South

Remove all Fire and Water elements and colors from the South. No lighting, candles or red spectrum colors. No water features or water colors. Do NOT sleep or spend time in the South. Keep dim and quiet. If you have an entry door in the South, use another entrance this month/year, if at all possible.

The Purple 9 is in the West

The West is the home of the Soft Metal energy. Soft Metal energy is associated with the mouth and chest. The Purple 9 is visiting the West this year. Because the 9 is represented by the Fire element, the potential health issues of the Soft Metal element have been activated.

Feng Shui for the West

Remove all Fire elements and colors from the West. No lighting, candles or red spectrum colors. No pictures of people or pets. Do NOT sleep or spend time in the West if you are suffering from any respiratory disease or breathing distress.

There's no place like home!

As many families stay home from school and choose to work from home over the next few weeks to reduce the spread of a highly transmittable viral infection, it's a great opportunity to feng shui! For more easy and essential, annual remedies and enhancements, get your copy of the 2020 DIY Feng Shui Guide.

For more on how to support your personal energy, read 2020: Health & Well-Being.


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2021 Feng Shui


2020 Feng Shui