2014 Feng Shui

FSYS Blog - 2014 Feng Shui

Please Note

The following remedy and enhancement recommendations are general guidelines. They do not take into account the specific permanent energy of your home, captured before the roof was put on, or the current occupants of your home or business. Only an energy blueprint based on the results of a compass reading and a consultation with the family or staff members can do that. If you choose to follow any of these recommendations, please carefully monitor your life, finances, relationships and health and remove them immediately if you notice any changes that don’t make you happy.

I have summarized the effects of the visiting energy for both the gua of your home and the corresponding 8 Personal Elements. There are many factors that go into how this energy might affect each person based on their element, current dynamics within their relationship, health and wellbeing, career and business prospects and personal wealth and prosperity, that go beyond the scope of an annual energy report. I provide energy alignment coaching and relationship energy dynamic coaching should you feel you need some support this year.

Feng Shui Remedies & Enhancements - Annual Energy 4 (2014)

Center  Soft Wood element energy has arrived in the center of every building and in the heart of every home. The Center gua represents home, home life and the home base that makes you feel safe and secure, self-expressed and “at home”. Happy days are here again! Bliss has entered the building! Soft Wood energy brings wealth and prosperity to your home and to the center of your life. Opportunities for romance and travel, academic achievement and literary or business success, creativity, research and development and emotional intelligence will be increased. Place intentions for your education or business goals here, as well as, travel plans and romantic getaways. Enhance this area with your “dream of love” picture, if you are single and a wedding picture, if you are married. Wedding bells will ring this year. In combination with the Center gua energy, it can lead to sexually transmitted and skin diseases. Practice safe sex, know who you are sleeping with, eliminate and detox from processed foods and switch to natural personal care products.

Enhancement – Water  Place a yang water feature, table top water fountain, moving water picture, painting of the sea or ocean, river or waterfall here. Do NOT enhance this central area with real water unless given the go ahead by a professional Feng Shui consultant. The Water element is an intensifier and can awaken a sleeping giant.

North - Water  The Fire element energy has arrived in the North. The North gua represents your career and life path. Fire energy brings fame and fortune to your career or vocation. It brings celebrations of life, recognition for your efforts and work and blessings of all kinds. If you need more prospects or would like to break into a new career, this is your year! If you have been hiding out or getting prepared to release a new product or business, get ready to emerge from anonymity and be known for your expertise in your chosen field and your body of work, whether it is a book or album, project or business. The North, this year, enhances your personal wealth luck. In combination with the N gua energy, it may bring increased personal power to succeed, especially in business, like you’ve never experienced before. Look to see opportunities, as they present themselves, to advance you in your career. It sets up what is called “future prosperity” so look to create something that earns interest, dividends or royalties.

Enhancement – Water & Metal  May add some glass and crystal accented with metal to empower the Fire energy and support the Water energy. Do not disturb the peace. Keep this area quiet.


Northeast – Mountain Earth  The Soft Metal element has arrived in the Northeast. The Northeast represents your spirituality and self-cultivation. Soft Metal brings money, luxuries, the enjoyment of the finer things in life and possibly a windfall. It also brings opportunities to contribute to children and embrace new creative self-expressions. It may also bring competition, a feeling of being taken from, scandals and the potential for backstabbing by those who you thought were your closest friends. You may experience a roller coaster of peaks and valleys throughout the year, affecting you in every area of your life. You may fall in love and get married and be on a high only to have a promotional or career opportunity unexpectedly taken away, sending you into a new low. This is the energy that brings the Agony and the Ecstasy, Great Triumph and Greek Tragedy, Victory and Defeat. In combination with the NE energy, expect to attract the opposite sex, win at life and receive a godsend in the form of a boon of unexpected financial benefits when you most need it.

Remedy – Water  Place a yin water feature in this area to reduce the metal energy and enhance the auspicious earth energy.


East – Hard Wood  The Mother Earth element has arrived in the East. The East represents your health and family. Mother Earth energy brings love and partnership, marriage and children. It may bring trials and tribulations to romantic relationships and business partnerships, as well as, health challenges. The potential for chronic illness and health issues, especially affecting women’s digestive and reproductive systems is high. In combination with the E energy, some may experience the effects of gossip and slander, as well as, hidden agendas and legal suits brought by women. Avoid sleeping in the East room if possible, especially women (mothers and grandmothers), pregnant women and couples trying to conceive, as it can lead to miscarriage and loss. This visiting energy plagues the occupant of this space with worry, which affects proper digestion and may cause tension headaches, migraines, constipation and stomach ulcers. As this energy brings on sickness, occupants may feel lethargic, depressed and moody. The elderly and pregnant women should not sleep here.

Remedy – Fire & Metal (50 lbs.)  Fire burns off some of the Hard Wood energy and Metal reduces the Mother Earth energy. Add fire and metal colored decorations, such as red and gold curtains and window coverings, blankets and coverlets, accent pillows and bed shams, art pieces and lamp shades, rugs and table runners and other décor and accent pieces. No real fire in the form of candles, oil lamps or fireplaces. Remove moving objects in the form of clocks, wind chimes or electronics like televisions and stereos.


Southeast – Soft Wood  The Hard Wood element has arrived in the Southeast. The Southeast represents your wealth and prosperity. Hard Wood energy brings challenges to your health and family relationships.   “Rumor has it” that it may bring loud arguments, disputes, legal issues, quarrels, arguments, misunderstanding and bad tempers. It may also bring a loss of wealth, loss of health and loss of friendly relations with family members. Health issues may be related to the throat and thyroid, liver and gall bladder, feet and ankles. Do not have family pow wows, important talks as a couple or coaching sessions with clients here. In combination with the SE energy, it may cause fighting among people who normally get along quite nicely, as well as, malicious sexual encounters. The upside to this combination is an increase in creative writing and artistic ability.

Remedy & Enhancement - Fire  Add the Fire colors and elements to this area to burn off some of the Hard Wood energy and activate the Soft Wood energy. Bright lights left on all the time are a good idea for this area.


South – Fire  The Mountain Earth element has arrived in the South. The South represents your fame and fortune. Mountain Earth energy brings spirituality and self-cultivation. This is a very auspicious combination of energy bringing peace and prosperity, money luck, blessings of all kinds, happiness, recognition for scholastic achievement, career advancement and success in politics. Look forward to celebrations of life like weddings, graduations, births, anniversaries, etc. and festivities that you plan yourself or are invited to attend throughout the year. In combination with the S energy, it may create the possibility for arguments and fighting among young people and their elders. Women in power will become even more powerful this year. It is especially auspicious for middle aged women, their careers and the accumulation of personal wealth.

Enhancement - Fire  Add fans to draw this energy in and clocks to keep it moving. Add electronic equipment and technology such as televisions and stereos, as well as, Fire colors and elements to enhance this most auspicious energy. Do NOT sit facing the South this year. Do not disturb the earth; no excavation, groundbreaking or digging in this area outside.


Southwest – Mother Earth  The Water element has arrived in the Southwest. The Southwest represents your partnership and marriage, romantic relationships and business relationships, as well as, the matriarch of the family (women, mothers and grandmothers). Water energy brings money luck, career opportunities, personal success, increased social status, stronger relationships through communication and fame. Water energy also brings knowledge, wisdom and the ability to remember who you really are after stripping away the gender roles and responsibilities, human frailties, masks and self-doubt. In combination with the SW energy, it also has ability to remove possible spousal problems and the best way to activate this energy is to place a yang water feature in this area.

Mothers suffered a great deal in 2013 in terms of their health and wellbeing due to a lack of supportive relationships, financial support and time freedom. Last year was an excruciating energy drain on women with children, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Independence and personal freedoms in the areas of money, career, energy and time, along with a support team, will stream in for mothers this year. Since the Southwest is associated with the family home, mothers especially will be given opportunities to come into a new home of their own, should they need or want a new one.

Remedy & Enhancement – Water  Place a yang water feature inside for loving relationships and outside for wealth and prosperity.

West – Soft Metal  The Hard Metal element has arrived in the West. The West represents your children and creativity. Hard Metal brings opportunities for positions of authority and the development of leadership qualities, for mentoring people and travel. It is associated with the cosmic energies, guidance from the heavenly realm and is especially good for spiritual people who consult ascended masters and angels on a regular basis. Expect to receive support and aid from benefactors, Earth angels and Star guides. This help may come in the form of money, grants, scholarships and gifts or mentorship, counseling, wisdom teachings and words of encouragement. It’s a great year for self-promotion through networking, power and authority in important decision making and the courage to take any required action to excel and succeed.

Remedy – Water  Counteract the negative energy of the double Metal energy by adding a yin water feature.


Northwest – Hard Metal  The Yang Earth element has arrived in the Northwest. The Northwest represents helpful people and travel, as well as, the patriarch of the family (men, fathers and grandfathers). Yang Earth energy brings difficulties, disease, despair, death, destruction, devastating loss and financial ruin. On a global scale, it will affect the men who rule the world, the world leaders from every country, conglomerate and corporation; the men who would be kings, presidents, prime ministers and dictators, lording it over the people they swore to represent, defend and lead. Look to see men in high places take a fall, resign from their positions of power and authority; or take their final curtain call, exiting stage left by committing suicide. They may or may not try to take out some other people on their way out, much like a mass shooting that ends in the shooter taking their own life. The remedy for this area is a large amount of the hardest metal you can find which means that Hard Metal itself is the remedy which will therefore be exhausted by its use in deterring the Yang Earth energy’s treacherous and devious designs.

It is especially important to take care of your fathers, grandfathers and husbands this year. They need to take special care of their bones and head region. Feed them well - body, mind and soul. Encourage them to exercise and eat right. Make doctors’ appointments for them and schedule their weekly massage or acupuncture session. Go with them to the gym or for a run. Give them some time off the honey-do list and daddy duty to be the man you love or fell in love with. Show them love and compassion at all times and be willing to drop whatever you are doing to listen to them, hold them and put them back together each day.

Remedy – Metal (100 lbs.)  Add as much metal as you can to this gua. Add a large metal wind chime outside in the NW. Place metal objects made of copper, brass or iron to diffuse the negative effects of this Yang Earth energy. Use Metal colors and elements in all decorations from towels, upholstery and rugs to curtains, table cloths and other accent pieces. A Tibetan metal singing bowl or metal bell are ideal remedies for this area.

NW - Do NOT disturb the earth; no digging, hoeing, or gardening. No repairs, renovations or remodels. Do not dig, drill, hammer, knock or slam doors in the NW. Keep this area clean, dark and quiet. If this is the kitchen, reduce its use. Do not cook with the stove or oven if possible, especially with real flames from a gas burner. Eat out or order in. No candles or other Fire colors or elements. No water features of any kind. Protect your children by not letting them play or be loud in this area.


This year, be like a tree…

 Stay grounded

Connect with your roots

Turn over a new leaf

Bend before you break

Enjoy your unique natural beauty

Keep growing


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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