Clearing the Clutter, Gua by Gua

FSYS Blog - Clearing the Clutter, Gua by Gua
In Western Feng Shui, each area of your home is associated with an important area of your life. When you clear the clutter from an area of your home with the intention to create space for what you’d like to begin to experience and enjoy, it can be very powerful. Decluttering is the first step in preparation for activating the energy and lifting the chi in your space.
There are 9 areas in the Western Feng Shui Bagua:
  • North – Career & Life Path
  • Northeast – Spirituality & Self-Knowledge
  • East – Health & Family
  • Southeast – Wealth & Prosperity
  • South – Fame & Fortune
  • Southwest – Partnership & Love
  • West – Children & Creativity
  • Northwest – Helpful People & Travel
  • Center – Balance, Harmony & Well-Being
As you declutter, be conscious of what area you are clearing. Take a compass reading, draw a floor plan overlaid with a nine-square grid and mark the directions. This nine-square grid and directional blueprint can also be laid over any area, from your entire property, building and home to each room in your home. Important rooms to clear with this intention are your bedroom, living room and office.
Decide which aspects of your life need to be improved, determine which areas of your home, bedroom, living area and office are associated with those aspects and then, declutter it with intention.
Clear the Clutter from the NORTH. Clutter in this area may cause problems with the blood and skin, kidneys and ears. It may also cause you to feel trapped, fearful, annoyed and depressed. Decluttering helps with creating more or better streams of income.
Clear the clutter from the NORTHEAST. Clutter in this area may cause problems with the back, and small bones of the body (hands, middle ear, toes, vertebrae). It may also cause you to feel stuck, anxious, indecisive and blocked from receiving abundance. Decluttering helps with gaining perspective, knowledge and wisdom.
Clear the clutter from the EAST. Clutter in this area may cause health problems, especially with the liver/gallbladder, feet/ankles, throat/thyroid. It may also cause emotional and mental health issues, as well as, family drama and unnecessary difficulties with family members. Decluttering creates better health, wellness and self-care practices. It also helps improve relationships with family.
Clear the clutter from the SOUTHEAST. Clutter in this area may cause aches and pains in the hips and thighs, legs and knees, as well and colds and flus. It may also cause financial challenges, setbacks and hardships, as well as financial losses and the inability to maintain or add to savings. Decluttering creates space for an inheritance, windfall, monetary gift, unexpected check or bank error in your favor, tax or insurance refund, upgrades, etc.
Clear the clutter from the SOUTH. Clutter in this area may cause vision problems and heart conditions. It can also cause a loss of reputation or social standing in your community. Decluttering helps repair and lift your reputation, allow you to receive the recognition you’ve earned and receive blessings.
Clear the clutter from the SOUTHWEST. Clutter in this area can cause digestive and reproductive health issues, as well as, hard to lose belly fat.  It can also create relationship problems or an inability to attract a partner. Decluttering creates the space for a partner in business and in life.
Clear the clutter from the WEST. Clutter in this area may cause dental and oral health problems. It can also cause problems with your children’s health, behavior and studies, inability to conceive and lack of creativity. Decluttering helps with the creative ideas, actions and energy required to conceive of, develop  and bring projects to full term.
Clear the clutter from the NORTHWEST. Clutter in this area can cause migraines and high blood pressure, as well as, health problems related to the head and heart. It can also cause problems with men – fathers and husbands, the man of the house and male bosses. Decluttering helps attract the help you need from benefactors and mentors. It may also create opportunities to travel for business and pleasure.
Clear the clutter from the CENTER. Clutter in this area can make you feel off balance, out of alignment and unwell. Decluttering can bring you and your space back into balance, restore harmony in your life and relationship to the world and regain a sense of personal well-being.
As you clear the clutter, gua by gua be very intentional about why you are moving and removing items in that space. Think about what you are releasing and creating space for.  What you are inviting into your home…and life.


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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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