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Soft Wood Dara Eden Soft Wood Dara Eden

Soft Wood is "All About That Bass"

In the wake of the "break the Internet" event brought to us by Soft Wood and reality TV star, Kim Kardashian this week, in Paper magazine, it's time to address why this Soft Wood year has been "All About that Bass".

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Mother Earth Dara Eden Mother Earth Dara Eden

People Who Need People

There is much talk, especially in women's circles about not needing a man to complete them. The “You had me at hello…” scene from Jerry Maguire struck a chord and brought movie goers to tears. But as actor and Mother Earth element, Tom Cruise stated in the first part of his "You complete me" speech, he said “We live in a cynical world!” We want to connect with people, and yet after suffering heartache and heartbreak, we are afraid of getting hurt again. So, when a connection loses its strength and breaks, we try to convince ourselves that we don’t need anyone else. That we can be complete without other people; our parents or partner, our family or friends. That we can complete ourselves.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

The Youngest Son

This year we are passing the midway point in a 20 year cycle of Mountain Earth energy.  Cycle 8 or Mountain Earth element energy is known as the “youngest son” in Feng Shui. The youngest son refers, in this case, not to birth order within the family or their hierarchical position among their siblings, but to the early developmental years of boys and young men.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2014: A Soft Wood Year

Soft Wood energy is represented by the evergreen, a tree that lives long and prospers and shows its true color all year and for its century old life. As the seasons change from Spring to Summer and Fall to Winter, Soft Wood trees continue to grow tall and strong and ever green. They thrive and maintain their healthy, youthful appearance while Hard Wood (deciduous trees) change their colors with the seasons; transforming from spring blossom to summer fruit and then fallen leaves to bare-naked branches. Soft Wood energy symbolizes eternal youth, vibrant health and longevity. Its greatest presence on the Earth is an immense forest of centenary evergreens found at the top of the world in the Arctic Circle.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2014: The Year to Pony Up!

2014 is the Chinese Year of the Green Yang Wood Horse. Green is the color of money and growth, the heart chakra and envy. Yang energy is strong, assertive, active and masculine. This yang or Hard Wood element energy is characterized by a strength that is tenacious and obstinate, a stability that is established through deep roots and success found in collaboration within and between communities. The horse is a dynamic and noble animal sign that is optimistic and outgoing, intelligent and clever, unpredictable and passionate.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Yin & Yang Calendars

There are two Chinese calendars, one yin and one yang. The yin or lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon. The yang or solar calendar is based on the solar longitudes that determine the cycles of the seasons. 

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2013: A Yellow Earth Year

In 2013, the number 5 returns home to the center of the BaGua, indeed the center of any space, be it your home, country or continent. It is a Yellow Earth energy that brings the potential for disasters, disease and death. Avoid personal disasters by embracing change. Avoid disease by being mindful of your health, honoring what you need to maintain personal wellbeing, and empowering yourself by learning some form of self-care so you can heal yourself.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2012: A Hard Metal Year

Hard Metal energy brings out our own potential for trailblazing leadership and helpful mentorship. Hard Metal in feng shui is represented in the family by the father and husband, or the HOH (head of household); in the business world it is represented by the president or CEO; in the political world it is represented by Presidents, Prime Ministers and Heads of States; in monarchies by the King or Queen. This leadership energy inspires people to step up, step out, and step forward with brilliant new ideas that take people, businesses and organizations in new directions. It is characterized by a pioneering spirit ready to brave the storm, traverse hostile environments, embark on voyages that take them to the ends of the Earth, “boldly go where no man has gone before” and beat a path through final frontiers.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

2011: A Soft Metal Year

2011 is a Soft Metal year! This year is about celebrating children: your own children, the children of the world, your inner child! People will use their creativity to come up with ways to contribute to the health and wellbeing of children. Desires and intentions about changing our attitude and approach to children’s health, education and presence on the Earth will be supported by the funds and resources needed to make these changes possible. If you have children or grandchildren, plan special “dates” with them that they can look forward to throughout the year. Think about how you could contribute to the children in your life, neighborhood, community or the world in some way this year. Think about how you could become more childlike in your appreciation and enjoyment of this game we call life.

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