2013: A Yellow Earth Year

T8E BLOG - 2013: A Yellow Earth Year


In 2012, the world ended…as we know it. Prophecies predicted the end of the world - that a cycle of energy would be complete, that enlightened souls would ascend, that many would die and that the Earth would be destroyed by some apocalyptic event. The purpose of prophecy is not to foretell global disasters and worldwide annihilation. In the Book of Revelation, there is a phrase repeated 16 times. It is: “He who has an ear, let him hear”.

Prophets receive visions and bring messages to the people of their time, not to predict their future but to warn them of what is probable if they stay on their current course. Prophecies made by true prophets are never intended as a foreshadowing of doomsday. The intention behind predicting such hand wringing scenarios is to provide divine guidance about making some course corrections and save us from a regretful time of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Don’t kill the messenger, condemn the prophet or scoff at ancient prophecies. If we heed the warning and change our ways, the possible outcomes that we dread and fear are replaced by preferable ones. If we choose to stop and take a path less traveled or venture out onto the leading edge and forge a new path in uncharted territory – it can change our destiny and lead us to a new destination - a future of our own choosing – a paradise by design.

A New Heaven and a New Earth

2012 was a Hard Metal Year. Hard Metal energy is motivated by an intense desire to create and enjoy “heaven on Earth”. Because of that, the inhabitants of the Earth experienced a shift in consciousness from the “I” of the ego to the “I am” of the God Self. More and more people will continue to become aware of this oneness consciousness. They will, in a sense, wake up to the realization of Who they really are!

We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk

A state of being once only experienced by monks on mountaintops, enlightened ones and ascended masters is NOW available to everyone who has an intention of embodying their Higher Self. It’s much like an instant download for those who energetically click on the Upgrade Now button. And the people on their network will get the upgrade through osmosis as soon as they close out of all their other programs and disable their security program’s firewall.

I am in the Universe.

The Universe is in me.

The Universe and I are one.

~ Qigong meditation

There is a familiar and beloved prayer that ends with the words…”on Earth as it is in Heaven”. Creation in the spiritual realm (Heaven) is step one. Manifestation on the physical plane (Earth) is then necessary for us as human beings to enjoy those creations. Our thoughts and words fueled by our emotions is creation. Action is the process by which spiritual beings in physical bodies experience what shows up for us. And that is what this Yang Earth energy year brings…the potential to have on Earth what is already in heaven.

Aham Brahmasmi

 I am the Universe. (English translation from the Sanskrit)

The 5 Yellow Star

In 2013, the number 5 returns home to the center of the BaGua, indeed the center of any space, be it your home, country or continent. It is a Yellow Earth energy that brings the potential for disasters, disease and death. Avoid personal disasters by embracing change. Avoid disease by being mindful of your health, honoring what you need to maintain personal wellbeing, and empowering yourself by learning some form of self-care so you can heal yourself.  (Energy Medicine Modalities: Reiki, Jin Shin Jyutsu, acupressure, Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga, meditation, EFT (tapping), NAET, universal Healing Codes, positive affirmations, blessings, prayer, energy clearings and shieldings, energy statements.)

There are far far better things ahead than any we left behind.

~ C. S. Lewis

Let the things that no longer serve you, your life and your world die. They served you well and now no longer can. The time for reformation, rehabilitation and revolution has come and gone. What worked before no longer does. The things that you desire cannot show up until you create space for them. The things that are already here cannot serve you if you hold onto what you have now or if you hold onto your ideas about what you think you want.

Celebrate every single day, because life is always working out in your favor…if you let it.

~ Sue Krebs

The Information Age brought us far and without it we would not be where we are today but it cannot take us into the Age of Intuition. The systems of information sharing won’t be needed by a global consciousness that already knows all there is to know. We won’t need to log on or log in to gain access to information or connect with others. Technology is a preview of what is to come; it is a manmade attempt at the all-knowing, all-seeing, always present, and all powerful qualities of the Infinite Beings of Light that we are. We will be able to just tap in to the infinite field with the personal computer that is our body, connect to the energy grid through our own stream of wellbeing, download whatever we desire to know and instant message each other with our thoughts. We are already doing all of this; we are only now starting to become consciously aware of it.

In Feng Shui, the number 5 is known as the “obstacles and delays” energy. It feels like trying to walk through mud that is thigh high. Many people will choose to give up, to “give up the ghost”, to cross over. Others will struggle just to stay alive, strive to advance themselves, better their lives and grow their businesses and suffer debilitating depression, desperation and defeat. What if, instead of trying to trudge through the muck, or wallow in the mire, we think of it as a relaxing and cleansing luxurious spa treatment – a mud bath!

So, how do we weather this energy? Don’t fight it. Release your expectations of yourself, your life, and the fulfillment of your goals for this year. Take one day at a time and squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of each moment you are given. Let go and let it be. Don’t try to change things, or people, or policies, or politicians and policymakers. Roadblocks are already set up in the way of things that do not serve life on Earth’s highest and greatest good. Don’t try to force change. When you see something that you don’t like, don’t push against it. What you resist, persists. Recognize what it is that you don’t like within yourself and heal it. Once it is no longer present in you, it doesn’t need to show up in your experience.

The 5 is a visiting energy that comes center but once every nine years in a cycle of energy of birth and becoming and being and rebirth. It doesn’t come to destroy your life; it comes to create space for the life you’ve already created in the spiritual realm and have been looking forward to enjoying. It doesn’t come to cause problems; it comes to remove old patterns, systems and institutions that are obsolete. It doesn’t come to delay your dreams; it comes to create pockets of time for you to become the person who is already living the dream.

A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.

~ The Green Children

The 5 energy is one of three types of Earth energy: the Mother Earth 2 energy, the Mountain Earth 8 energy, and the Yellow Earth 5 energy. It comes after a year of Hard Metal mentorship and travel and before a year of Soft Wood prosperity, a wealth of education pursuits and successful business ventures. It serves as a rest period after some intense mental exercise and before a whirlwind of personal development and entrepreneurialism. It’s a time of release and renewal.

The 5 energy is as changeable as the chameleon altering its color to match its surroundings. How the 5 energy affects you and your life this year will depend on your environment, your thought life and who you choose to surround yourself with. Will you see red with anger or turn red with embarrassment? Will you become green with envy or beautify the Earth with your green thumb? Will you sing the blues of sadness or win the blue ribbon? Will you be the yellow coward or the white lie? Will you find yourself in a gray area, unsure of who you are and where you stand or right there in black and white as clear and defined as the printed word? Will you be black and blue at the hands of bullies, the black sheep of the family or black out with a loss of energy? Will you write the purple prose, elaborate, affected and over stylized or have the focus and intensity of purple passion? Will you blush pink with the color of love or be tickled pink with joy? Will you be illuminated from within and find alignment with your Higher Self, God and the angels?

Reset Button

When something unexpected or unpleasant or upsetting happens, how can you quickly get to a better feeling place so that you can manifest a solution or stop manifesting more of the same? When something wonderful or pleasant or exciting happens, how can you continue to enjoy more of that? Use an energy inquiry. Ask God/the Universe: “How can it get better than this?” So, no matter how your day is going, ask for something better or something even better. Never have another Jonah Day again!

You change for two reasons:

Either you learn enough that you want to,

or you've been hurt enough that you have to.

~ Anon

CHANGE Is Coming

BIG changes are in the works. You can run, but you can’t hide; change will find you. You can defiantly stand where you are and watch the tsunami of change sweep you away. You can ride the wave of change, go with the flow and be open to letting everything in your life change. Or, YOU can be the change. You could choose, in this moment, to change. Be conscious and intentional about the changes you make to yourself and your life. Instead of being the victim of change; be the champion of change. Instead of letting change do unto you, initiate the changes that you want to see in your own life. Don’t just change, be the change, and be changed.

Life has no remote. You have to get up and change it.

~ Gregg Braden


Some people have difficulty with positive affirmations and even positive self-talk. And it doesn’t work for them because they feel like they are lying to themselves. When Dr. Emoto writes words like Love & Appreciation on the bottle of a sample of water and takes before and after pictures of the frozen crystals before they melt, we know that words have energy. We can see how positive words have an organizing and beautifying effect and negative words have the opposite effect. We know the power of prayer but many people don’t know Who to pray to or how to pray or what to pray for. And the ones who do pray, spend a lot of their energy waiting for the answers to their prayers, anticipating Divine intervention, expecting a miracle or for someone to rescue them from their problems.

Blessings allow us to affirm the truth of our own abundance and ask for access to the good things that are lovingly being held for us. When we bless ourselves, we recognize Who we really are as the source of our own abundance. We become the giver and the receiver and the grateful. When we bless ourselves and every aspect of our lives from our checking account to our children to the cells in our bodies, we activate the potential positive energy present in all things. When we bless the fender bender, and the fog and the friend who hurt our feelings, we neutralize the negative energy that is being directed toward us or that we are letting affecting us. When in doubt, bless everyone and everything – the people you love and the people you hate, your home and car, your family and the passersby, the Earth and its inhabitants, your food and your water, your credits and your debits, your sickness and your health, your joys and your sorrows, your day and your life.

There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

~ Shakespeare

Nothing is ever lost. Nothing is ever lacking. Everything is present in this NOW moment. Bless and be blessed to make the invisible visible, the immaterial material, the hidden potential revealed.


This year we all get to come home. As the energy shifts, the number associated with your personal element re-enters the direction associated with that element for the first time in 9 years. After visiting all of the other elements and leaving its calling card, it is time for your element’s energy to return home, unpack its bags, sleep in its own bed and be comforted by the familiar surroundings.

It is a homecoming of sorts that doubles the effect of your energy on you and your life. Marinating in your own energy may feel like the resonance you feel with a soul mate, a fellow volunteer soul from your home world or a past life. It may have the reflective effect that seeing yourself in a mirror does. It may allow you to find alignment with your Higher Self, the larger non-physical part of you that is Who you really are. It may be a confronting experience if you haven’t been living up to your own standards and expectations. Coming home may give you the confidence you need to set yourself on your path, fulfill your purpose, follow your bliss. 

The question you have to ask yourself is: Is your desire to do what you love greater than your desire to be loved?

Since we will all be answering this question this year, with the choices we make in our individual lives, we can support and encourage each other to just do it! Live the life you were born to live, do the things that make your heart smile, embody the Divine Love and Infinite Being of Light that you are. Recognize that Light within yourself and others. Bless yourself and others with everything they need to experience success and fulfillment, joy and happiness. Friend or lover, companion and witness to our life:

We are all just walking each other home.

~ Ram Dass

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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2012: A Hard Metal Year