2012: A Hard Metal Year

T8E BLOG - 2012: A Hard Metal Year

Leaders & Mentors

Hard Metal energy brings out our own potential for trailblazing leadership and helpful mentorship. Hard Metal in feng shui is represented in the family by the father and husband, or the HOH (head of household); in the business world it is represented by the president or CEO; in the political world it is represented by Presidents, Prime Ministers and Heads of States; in monarchies by the King or Queen. This leadership energy inspires people to step up, step out, and step forward with brilliant new ideas that take people, businesses and organizations in new directions. It is characterized by a pioneering spirit ready to brave the storm, traverse hostile environments, embark on voyages that take them to the ends of the Earth, “boldly go where no man has gone before” and beat a path through final frontiers.

This Hard Metal energy promotes people’s personal power, giving them the confidence to make good decisions they can believe in and in most cases the authority to follow through and make changes to their corner of the world. The question is not: to lead or not to lead? It’s: will you lead or will you be led? If you are led, will you go willingly or will you be driven? If you are led will you be misled? This year, there will be leaders and followers. Which one are you?

If you choose to lead, how will you lead? Will you lead by example? Will you lead by living with integrity and inspiring others to do the came? Will you lead by embodying wellbeing? Be the change you want to see in the world? Lead a revolution for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Lead a guided meditation for peace on Earth and goodwill toward mankind? Lead through words spoken, or written or whispered, or held quietly in the heart? Will you practice leadership by paying it forward or through random acts of kindness or will you take massive action? Will you lead by living on the edge, the leading edge where there are but a few enlightened souls who hold the space and are being the light, who greet you with a smile as you too leap, and the net appears!

Hard Metal energy years inspire us to become the Hero of our own lives and create a desire for us to be the head of our own household, the president / CEO of our own company, the director of our own organization, the headmaster of our own educational establishment. It’s all about leadership. What kind of a leader are you? What will you lead the way in? In whatever area you have an interest, an education, an expertise…lead!

This is the year to ask yourself: If I had a SuperPower what would it be? You already have it; in fact you have a pocket full of them. Ask your guides and angels to reveal to you an awareness of your SuperPowers. Ask for opportunities to use and develop your SuperPowers and be a witness to your own supernatural gifts and abilities.

Leaders will be born this year, literally and figuratively! All of the boys born February 4, 2012 through February 3, 2013 are Hard Metal Kings. Leaders will emerge in every area of life: from science and industry to education and technology; in the political arena and corporate world, in local communities and global organizations. The leadership energy extends to mentors, benefactors and helpful people of all kinds. You may want to take on an apprentice or mentor a child; establish an endowment for the arts or scholarship fund, found a non-profit or charitable organization or start a foundation; teach, tutor or provide guidance, advice and counsel to people in need of a fresh start, new perspective, different approach or inspired idea.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2013: A Yellow Earth Year


2011: A Soft Metal Year