The Youngest Son

T8E BLOG - The Youngest Son

This year we are passing the midway point in a 20 year cycle of Mountain Earth energy.  Cycle 8 or Mountain Earth element energy is known as the “youngest son” in Feng Shui. The youngest son refers, in this case, not to birth order within the family or their hierarchical position among their siblings, but to the early developmental years of boys and young men.

It’s a period of time in which young men have increased potential to excel and succeed. The 44th President of the U.S. is the youngest president in the history of the nation. Social media mogul and founder of the global Internet phenomena that is facebook, Mark Zuckerberg who became a billionaire at the age of 23 is another example of the effects of this energy. The singing careers of vocal artist, Josh Groban, whose career began at age 17 and YouTube sensation, Justin Beiber who was discovered at the age of 13 are other illustrations of this energy. Boy genius, mathematician and astrophysicist and Nobel Prize nominee, Jacob Barnett who has a higher IQ than Albert Einstein and who was kicked out of school for "not being able to learn", taught himself high school math in just two weeks and enrolled in college at the age of 12. Two year old, Adam Kirby who is the youngest male member of the British Mensa with an IQ of 141 is yet another example of this “youngest son” energy.

Our current cycle was preceded by twenty years of Cycle 7 or Soft Metal element energy which is represented by the “youngest daughter” and is continuing in this cycle to positively and negatively affect the health and wellbeing of our children. High energy frequency children, known as crystal and rainbow children are being born every day. This wave of spiritually advanced children was heralded by their important forerunners, the Indigo children who began coming as part of the Baby Boom generation and then in another wave during the 1970’s.

Examples of Star children range from incarnated angels like Jackie Evancho to the dairy, gluten and chemically intolerant and sensitive Crystal children sleeping under your own roof. They bring an expanded consciousness, spiritual awareness, and universal wisdom that they do not have to learn or develop and do not forget as they grow up. Many of these children become vaccine damaged and prescription drug dependent in an attempt to decrease their high energy and limit the healing effect of their energy field. They are raised in a motherless and fatherless society, babysat by government daycare (commonly known as public school) and indoctrinated by liberally biased systems of education, disciplined by bullies and brought up by their friends and peers and welcomed home by television programming and violent and addicting video games. They are greeted by a make believe family of virtual realities, accessed on the Internet through avatars and profiles on social media forums, where they can instant message people they don’t really know all that well, but call “friends”. They are constantly under the influence of a chaotic onslaught of stimuli and an unrelenting technologically induced coma of “noise” which diminishes their ability to access personal, group, collective and universal consciousness and hear and communicate with their angels, guides, God and their Higher Self.

The emasculation of men escalated after World War II when the soldiers came back from the war to industries in which women had worked due to necessity.  Women did not want to go back home (and rightly so) to cook, clean and raise children prompting the sexual revolution and the feminist movement. Then, in Cycle 7, from 1984 to 2004, a Soft Metal period began in which women were finally given a chance to show their ability to compete with their male counterparts in business, science, the arts, education, politics, etc. Abortion rights allowed women to continue on their road to success without the unexpected detour and messy disruption to their lives and careers of a “girl interrupted”. This energy affected the “youngest daughter” representative of Soft Metal, as 93% of abortions are female.

Boys, especially are being targeted during the current Cycle 8 period on all fronts: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Many are circumcised after birth, diagnosed with autism, labeled with ADD or ADHD, sterilized by Big Pharma, social engineered with feminist driven male bashing and physically assaulted with a bombardment of environmental attacks from every conceivable source. Boys get a slew of mixed messages from infancy that continues to increase in severity as they grow up and become men. They are told not to cry but that their normal tendencies to protect the weaker and defenseless are too aggressive or violent. They are told in toddler daycare groups and primary school, given an unfair or confronting situation, to do what a girl would do and “use their words”. They are told by girls and women that, “anything you can do, I can do better”. In school and church, they are taught mostly by women who prefer the quiet, predictable and more socially acceptable behavior of girls and therefore require boys to be more like girls in the classroom, on the playground and even at home by a growing number of single mothers. In middle school, government mandates force them to receive HPV vaccinations that are known to cause infertility and death in girls and the sterilization of boys. They are fed estrogen leaching plastic packaged processed food and ready to eat microwavable meals and artificial growth hormone containing meat and milk. Soy, in alternative meat and milk and other products, acts like estrogen in the body and are just as negatively affecting the health, normal sexual development and emotional wellbeing of children, especially boys. The boys and young men of today do not know what it feels like to be a man; to feel the strength and stamina of their masculine bodies, to know the pride of learning male traits from their grandfathers, fathers and brothers, modeling male behavior and taking on traditional male roles; to sense the natural instinctive qualities to provide and protect, and to have the sexual urge to procreate in non-violent, loving and consciously intentional ways. So, they are herded through a school system that does not educate them, develop their natural strengths and abilities or enrich their lives. Then, after getting their “golden ticket”, a piece of colorful paper with stamps and seals and signatures deeming them degreed, are told it is still not enough to get a job in their field of expertise and young men with bachelor’s and master’s degrees return home to their old bedroom or parents’ basements to play video games and wait for the world to change because the American dream is just that…a dream!

It was reported last fall that autism spectrum diagnoses has increased by 78% over the last ten years and the majority of these cases effect boys. I am no expert on autism but what I do know is that many of the early signs and behaviors are consistent with a highly advanced, spiritually gifted being who is in communication with other spiritual beings in other spiritual realms. The delayed speech of Indigo and Crystal children cause them to be misdiagnosed with autism or hyperactive disorders. These spiritual children are from another plane of existence, another dimension of less density where there is a lot less doing and a lot more being. They do not need to speak because they are telepathic and quizzically wonder about all this incessant audible talking. Everyone is so insistent upon making sure “autism speaks”, according to some chart based on the normal growth and development of previous generations of not so spiritually gifted children. They have no interest in socializing because who they really are is always in relationship with their world, always present with the presence of others and outward expressions of that relationship are redundant and draining to their primarily spiritual makeup. They have no interest in doing normal early childhood development “stuff” because their brainy introverted selves are busy taking in their surroundings, observing their world, processing that information internally and adjusting to life on Earth. They are compulsive and obsessive because they are trying to create some order out of the chaos surrounding them so that they can establish a corner of peace for their sensitive souls and bring some sanity to their piece of a world gone mad. If you try to get them to be “normal”, they act out, get mad and become violent because their “weird” behavior is their way of trying to cope with the harsh reality of a three dimensional life.  They cannot be less than they are and because they are misunderstood, many are labeled and signed up for therapy.ADD and ADHD are no less of a modern day epidemic and statistical phenomenon affecting our children. Hyperactivity, boredom and superior intelligence, as well as, particular sensitivities to environmental pollution, chemicals in food and water and synthetic and street drugs make the way schools operate a mismatch to these children’s energy. Boys, especially are being over diagnosed and underserved by this system because of their lack of interest in sitting in rows and exercising their minds without the hands on learning and real life experiences they need to learn. So, they are misdiagnosed and medicated to the point of a zombie in order to keep them quiet and still, practically chained to their seats, inside concrete buildings, surrounded by chain link fences, fed cafeteria style and let out for physical education once a day much like prisoners in the incarceration system. They are asked to memorize facts and regurgitate information and told not to think for themselves but to give the teacher what they want in order to get a passing grade, much like boot camp in the military, where young people are taught to learn proper codes of conduct, obey top down chains of command, directed not to question authority and conditioned to follow orders for their own and their squads’ safety and protection. “Sir, yes, sir!”

I remember hearing a story told by a young woman, a self-proclaimed Crystal Child, of an experience she had in middle school. While in a science class, the teacher was presenting information on matter and listing off the various types known to man: solid, liquid, and gas. According to Nazi-like protocol, this young girl raised her hand and waited to be called on to ask a question which the teacher experienced as an accusation. “What about plasma?” she asked. Embarrassed, the teacher did not answer the question, most likely not knowing what to say since all she knew how to do was teach what was in the outdated curriculum, sent the girl immediately to the principal’s office for reprimand of questioning the teacher’s authority.

Women ask, "where have all the cowboys gone?" Well, to answer that question you have to ask, "what are we doing to our "youngest sons"? The feminization of boys to men has got to stop. Let boys be boys!  Raise gentlemen, yes! But REAL men, please!

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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2014: A Soft Wood Year