2014: The Year to Pony Up!

T8E BLOG - 2014: The Year to Pony Up!

2014 is the Chinese Year of the Green Yang Wood Horse. Green is the color of money and growth, the heart chakra and envy. Yang energy is strong, assertive, active and masculine. This yang or Hard Wood element energy is characterized by a strength that is tenacious and obstinate, a stability that is established through deep roots and success found in collaboration within and between communities. The horse is a dynamic and noble animal sign that is optimistic and outgoing, intelligent and clever, unpredictable and passionate.

The Yang Wood Horse has the potential to bring about instant manifestations, speedy victories, unexpected adventure, and impromptu romance. It’s a time of high energy that brings exciting experiences and exhilarating escapades. Make sure you know what you want before asking for it or taking an idea and running with it. Wins come fast and success comes furiously. It’s an excellent year for travel, especially to faraway lands and detours off the beaten path. Academic pursuits are met with achievement and entrepreneurial endeavors meet with success. Flirtation and foreplay lead to impulsive frolics in the field and carefree rolls in the hay.

Horses are free spirited and independent. By nature, horses are bright and highly intuitive. They have a keen awareness of their surroundings, follow their hunches and throw themselves into immediate action. They love their freedom and protect it with every ounce of their being. Horses are rebellious and will not allow themselves to be captured and corralled, broken and tamed. They think fast on their feet and make split decisions. They like to horse around and have a good time. This fun loving and impulsive energy may get you into trouble with over spending, excessive partying and uncharacteristic sexual indiscretions. Horse years end either in triumphant victory or devastating defeat. If you make snap judgments, reckless decisions and wrong turns along the way, have the courage to admit it and backtrack before you find yourself between a rock and hard place, at a dead end or on the edge of a precipice. Putting your blinders on and hiding what might approach on either or both sides in your peripheral vision may help you to stay calm and avoid getting spooked, but being oblivious to what is going on in the world around you or keeping yourself in denial is not a healthy or balanced way to live.

The “Horse in the Clouds”, as this energy is also called, bolts across the sky in late January. If you need rescuing, your white horse has arrived from the heart of the galaxy to save you. If you need to be courted and wooed, your stallion is here to sweep you off your feet. If you need safe passage, your trusty steed is here to carry you on your spur-of-the-moment journeys. If you need a diversion, your bucking bronco is here to make your face ache with ecstatic smiles for days after the rodeo. If you are in a race to the finish, your thoroughbred stands at the gate, chomping at the bit and ready to win the silver cup for your mantle. If you have obstacles to overcome, your equestrian ride is ready to jump through hoops and over hurdles with elegance and ease. If you need to escape, your runaway horse is here to whisk you away to safety or a getaway. If you are ready to be free, to “face the fear, but not feel scared”, then throw caution to the wind and “run with the wild horses”. (from Wild Horses by Natasha Bedingfield) Whether you ride bareback or sidesaddle; Indian paint with the colors of the wind or show in full dressage; guide your mount with bridle and reins or a fistful of mane, harness the energy of the Horse and hold on tight…it’s going to be a wild ride!

In Chinese astrology, the Horse is a Fire element. We know that in the productive cycle of elements, Wood fuels Fire. The Yang Wood energy of 2014 will stoke the Horse’s fiery energy until it becomes white hot. Fire represents the divine spark of human consciousness. Fire is also an intensifier with the potential to make any situation blaze out of control. It can ignite dormant energy, initiate volatile behavior and instigate spontaneous combustion. It can become an explosive energy starting a forest or wild land fire, fire fights with the police and military and international conflicts with the detonation of long range missiles and nuclear bombs.

Yang or Hard Wood symbolizes a tree that stands tall and firm and stubbornly sticks to its principles even if that means boughs breaking amidst violent winds of change or trunks splitting with lightning strikes in a perfect storm. Hard Wood’s stick-to-it-tiveness makes it tough, rigid and unwavering. It will not be uprooted; nor will it bend in the wind, as flexibility and resiliency are considered weak and a sign of going soft and giving in to the pressures it feels on all sides to make some concessions. This uncompromising stance makes it harder to reach mutual agreements between conflicting parties. Hard Wood energy competes for both positive and negative attention and refuses to surrender on principle even if it means suffering injury or allowing others to suffer injury. The value of a program and the merits of a policy are expounded upon and adherence to strict compliance is reinforced and enforced even when it is known to be not needed and unwanted, unsolicited and unwelcome.

On the global front, expect some extremes when it comes to the financial system, global political posturing, government upheaval and world power repositioning, as well as, increasingly  unseasonable weather. No middle ground will be reached between the warring factions who control the banking cartel. Expect a roller coaster of great highs and deep lows when it comes to the stock market. Corporations will fight to maintain the status quo and countries will either fight to the death for power and dominance or opt out completely. There will be wars, battles, and skirmishes that will break out spontaneously all over the world. In unexpected conflicts, countries will rush to the defense of the defenseless.  Complete nuclear meltdown may occur at the Fukushima nuclear power plant if TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company) cannot keep the fuel rods cool. It will be especially hot in the southern hemisphere, continents and countries. There may be a polar shift, solar flares, meteor showers and asteroid hits, as well as, volcanic eruptions spewing ash and dust and violent earthquakes leaving all manner of devastating destruction in their wake. Wind related disasters like tsunamis, tornadoes and hurricanes and possibly high winds coupled with fire; black outs, power outages and nuclear power explosions, as well as, an avian flu pandemic may plague the globe.

On the domestic front, expect the grip of tyranny to be tightened, the choke hold on every aspect of personal freedoms, professional life, and small business to be even more suffocating and infringements on individual privacy and the invasion of private homes and trespassing on private property to be perpetrated by unmanned drones and uniformed men “just doing their job”, all in the name of national security. “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security’, destruction will come upon them suddenly…” (II Thessalonians 5:3) A top down ruling class and militant enforcement of policies, laws and executive orders despite them being unconstitutional and unethical, will be escalated. More and more corruption will come to light and the mainstream media will be in a race against the tide of awakening to spin the stories to serve the global elites’ purpose and plan that is in the final stretches of their multi-generational long game. Wide spread or sporadic non-violent and violent protests may crop up resulting in marches, rioting and clashes with militarized police and even National Guard, U.S. military and UN forces. The trend of hotter and drier weather in some areas and unusually cold and precipitous weather in other places will continue. The tic-tac-toes, the X’s and O’s and the basket weaving of “clouds without rain, blown along by the wind” (Jude 1:12) will continue to cause severe drought, decreased rainfall and a dangerous fire season. The weakening of the human immune system, the spread of disease and both acute and chronic sickness through poisonous chemical cocktails of highly reactive metallic elements, viruses and plasma blown out of the asses of steel birds and on to humanity from the skies will increase levels of heavy metal toxicity in the air, rainfall, soil, food and water.  

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2014: A Soft Wood Year


Yin & Yang Calendars