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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Star Children

Star children are souls who have been coming for over a century to transmute the planet's slowly oscillating energy, raise the personal energy vibration of its inhabitants and lift the collective consciousness on the Earth. These are highly evolved souls who volunteered, were given an assignment and are here on a mission. They select the most conscious of the planet’s men and women to be their parents before conception. There are three types of Star children: Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. Each group was preceded by a few scouts to test the waters, determine elevated energy levels and prepare the way for the next wave of energy healers and Light Workers.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

44 Ways to Practice Happiness

Being happy is not a feeling. Happiness is a choice. Choosing to be happy is a daily practice. Whenever you want to be happy, pull out this list and do at least one thing on it.

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Reiki Dara Eden Reiki Dara Eden

Born A Healer

I always knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to be a healer. Of course, when I was a little girl I thought being a healer meant going to school to become a doctor or a nurse. I would dress up in my nurse costume for Halloween, ask for a toy doctor's kit for Christmas or wear my candy striper uniform to "play doctor". I would borrow books from my local library about the human body and the medical profession. Later in junior high I would read a book by the McDougalls and was shocked to find out what patenting does to the green plants we were given to use for health and healing. What I learned set me on a path of wellness and holistic living. After high school I began earning my degree in Natural Health Studies.

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Health Dara Eden Health Dara Eden

Going Raw FAQs

Raw food is any preparation of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes that do not exceed 118◦ F. Temperatures above 140◦ F destroy raw food’s living enzymes and 30% of their vitamins and minerals. During the cooking process, 50% of food’s proteins are destroyed or denatured through free radicals, toxins are introduced through carcinogens, fats from nuts, seeds and oils are compromised and the oxygen within these living foods is lost. Many Raw Foodies prepare their food without heating them above 115◦ F.

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Chakras, Color, Food Dara Eden Chakras, Color, Food Dara Eden

Food For Your Chakras?

Yes! Food can be used to balance the 7 Chakras. The elements found in fresh live food that gives it its color, such as the beta-carotene in carrots that make them orange, can balance the systems of the body. Raw fruits and vegetables vibrate with force, life-giving and life-sustaining energy. The energy frequency of these foods, and their energizing effect on the body is based on their color. Once these foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, the cells of the body benefit from this vibrating color energy.

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