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Eat the Rainbow
It’s important to eat fruits and veggies from every color of the rainbow everyday. Most of them are best raw. You can eat the rainbow with easy and colorful raw salads. Make a fruit salad, a veggie salad or mix it up by combining them. Select one or two ingredients from each color. Don’t forget in include herbs, sprouts, aromatics, yummy dressings or dips and raw nuts!
The Color Black
Black is the darkest color. The color black does not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum. It absorbs all frequencies of light and is the absence of light. It can absorb negative energy and protect you from any negativity in your environment.
The Color Indigo
Indigo is the color Indigo souls are drawn to. It is also one of the three colors associated with the Water element. If are attracted to and wearing more of this color, you may have found your life's work, soul's purpose and life path.Indigo is a deep purpley blue.
Food For Your Chakras?
Yes! Food can be used to balance the 7 Chakras. The elements found in fresh live food that gives it its color, such as the beta-carotene in carrots that make them orange, can balance the systems of the body. Raw fruits and vegetables vibrate with force, life-giving and life-sustaining energy. The energy frequency of these foods, and their energizing effect on the body is based on their color. Once these foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream, the cells of the body benefit from this vibrating color energy.