The Color Indigo

ICM Blog - The Color Indigo

Indigo is the color Indigo souls are drawn to.  It is also one of the three colors associated with the Water element. If are attracted to and wearing more of this color, you may have found your life's work, soul's purpose and life path.

Indigo is a deeply purple dark blue. It’s is one of the seven colors of the rainbow. It’s also called midnight blue which is a combination of deep blue and violet.

Indigo is also a royal blue which is associated with royalty. Originally, indigo came from plants native to the tropics which made them a rare commodity in European countries and therefore were only worn by royalty and the super-rich. The primary use for indigo is as a dye for cotton yarn used in the production of denim cloth. It is the color of blue jeans.

Indigo is the color associated with selflessness. You like indigo if you are a humanitarian or philanthropist. You may be a service-oriented professional. You are called to serve humanity in some way; to make a contribution on a global scale. The work that you do is essential to your personal well-being and many people benefit from it.Indigo is the color of justice.

If you like indigo you are devoted to fairness and equality. You are impartial. You love law and order and are a great defender of people's rights and freedom. You become a champion for a cause. You right wrongs. You bring attention to corporate greed and expose political, global elite and world power corruption.

For the intuitive, it enhances of the powers of perception and is helpful in opening the third eye. It helps you in achieving higher levels of consciousness. As a conscious being you rely on intuition rather than any other sensory input. For the introspective, it promotes deep concentration during meditation. This effect is so powerful that it can lead to feelings of being spaced out.Indigo is associated with the four Clairs: Clairaudience, Claircognizance, Clairsentience and Clairvoyance.

If you like indigo you may be a healer, medical intuitive or intuitive medium.Indigo helps reorder your world. It stimulates the right brain and your creativity and helps with orienting spatial skills. It’s a good color to use in restructuring your life and bringing order to your environment at home and at work.

Indigo is the color of obsession. People who like indigo may struggle with addictions and obsessive compulsive disorder. You may be a religious fanatic or workaholic. You may be single focused on getting the qualifications you think you need to prove you have the knowledge and expertise for the work you do or want to do.Indigo is the color associated with pride and prejudice.

People who like indigo can be narrow-minded and intolerant or arrogant and judgmental. You may suffer from a superiority complex and think you are better than other people.

Indigo is the color of non-conformity. People who like this color don’t follow the pack. You are a bit of a rebel. Your rebellious spirit rejects societal conventions and does not conform to them.  You are not a rule breaker but do not necessarily ascribe to much of the way the world is currently being run. You fly under the radar and stay out of the system as much as you can. You come to raise the personal energy vibration of humanity, expand the consciousness of the planet and ultimately inspire a global spiritual awakening and ascension. Your motto is “out with the old, in with the true”. You are technically adept and computer literate but can read people just as easily as any computer program. You are highly intuitive and empathic. You have an affinity with nature and an awareness of the environment. You are a truth detector. You are able to determine true from false, genuine from fraudulent. You recognize your own natural abilities and also see them in others. You value compassion, understanding and the collective consciousness. You can see the bigger picture but are content to work on a project that will contribute something of value to the whole.If your favorite color is indigo, your deepest desire is oneness. You want to be one with all and everything in the Universe. You want to know the meaning of life and understand your place in it. You also want to be acknowledged as an awake and aware person and be recognized as the intuitive spiritual being that you are.

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Dara Eden is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Inner Chi Mastery offerings includes AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance coaching sessions, numerology reading guides, SoulStory sessions and tarot readings.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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