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Health Dara Eden Health Dara Eden

Water & YOU!

2017 is a Water element year. It’s a good time to master hydration. Our bodies are mostly water and need water to live and thrive. Drinking water is vital to our health and well-being, to losing body fat and maintaining a healthy weight, getting well and staying well.

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Health Dara Eden Health Dara Eden

Going Raw FAQs

Raw food is any preparation of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes that do not exceed 118◦ F. Temperatures above 140◦ F destroy raw food’s living enzymes and 30% of their vitamins and minerals. During the cooking process, 50% of food’s proteins are destroyed or denatured through free radicals, toxins are introduced through carcinogens, fats from nuts, seeds and oils are compromised and the oxygen within these living foods is lost. Many Raw Foodies prepare their food without heating them above 115◦ F.

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