Star Children

ICM Blog - Star Children

Star children are souls who have been coming for over a century to transmute the planet's slowly oscillating energy, raise the personal energy vibration of its inhabitants and lift the collective consciousness on the Earth. These are highly evolved souls who volunteered, were given an assignment and are here on a mission. They select the most conscious of the planet’s men and women to be their parents before conception. There are three types of Star children: Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. Each group was preceded by a few scouts to test the waters, determine elevated energy levels and prepare the way for the next wave of energy healers and Light Workers.


Besides a few scouts, the majority of the Indigos came in three groups following World War II. After nuclear bombs were dropped in 1945, a call went out into the galaxy of stars for a group of volunteer souls. Their covert mission, should they choose to accept it, was to infiltrate the masses of humanity and instigate change through whatever means necessary, through provocative or peaceful measures. The majority of Indigos came in with the Baby Boom followed by a second wave in the 1970’s with a final wave beginning in 1992. It was the Baby Boom generation who made the indigo colored denim jeans the standard modern fashion.

These are your Light Warriors, lie detectors, whistleblowers and Truthers. Don’t bother trying to lay a guilt trip on them. They are non-conformist and non-compliant individuals who have zero tolerance for dishonesty and discrimination and who were failed by the archaic educational system. These undercover operatives came to expose the widely held beliefs, myths and lies of the religious sects and political systems held by both the men in high places and society at large; the greed and corruption of the “powers that shouldn’t be”; and the evil agenda of non-human beings controlling the global elite. They came to change the paradigm of political power structures, government controlled systems, soul crushing parenting techniques and mind numbing institutional education. They came to inspire educational and healthcare reform through their unique needs and sensitivities. Social Justice Warriors, they are dedicated to righting wrongs and fighting injustice. They also came to bring social awareness to gender equality and sexual orientation. Many become advocates and activists for social change. Many of these souls are androgynous. Their sexual preference shines light on the ideology that love is not limited to the opposite sex. These souls recognize each other regardless of the current "meat suit" they might be wearing this time around. They are clairvoyant, highly intelligent and extremely sensitive and are born with the fourth (time) and fifth (manifestation) dimensions of consciousness. This awareness makes them gifted healers, creative artists, technologically competent and psychic individuals. They are passionate people who have come to bring the energy of unconditional love to the planet and pave the way for even higher energy beings who came later. They are a "wake up call" personified and essentially served as a brash, bold, new dominant thought in the energy grid of old negative thought patterns.


The Crystal children began coming in the late 1970’s with a huge wave being born in the 1990’s. Crystal children have great clarity of thought, perception and intention, are very sensitive to energy and can read not only your thoughts but can see what is in your heart. Don’t bother trying to lie to Crystal children as they know the Truth about everything and everyone.

These are your Light Workers, energy healers and spiritual counselors. Crystal children do not operate as an individual but have the innate ability to function within the group energy of consciousness. These children are born with the consciousness of the sixth (pure knowledge and infinite wisdom) dimension and can access up to the thirteenth (universal) dimension of consciousness. Crystal children are affectionate, spiritually gifted and philosophically wise. They are empaths, feeling what you are feeling and are very generous with their time, energy and resources. They forgive easily and embody love and peace. They are hypersensitive to bright or artificial light, sharp sounds and loud noises, stressful situations and chaotic environments; all of which are intensely distracting. Their crystalline energy absorbs, reflects and amplifies what is happening both emotionally and spiritually in their immediate environment and the world at large. They are receivers and transmitters of energy much like water and Water element people, as well as all human beings who have a crystalline structure to their bodies. This is why they are so immediately and dramatically negatively affected and damaged by vaccines and cannot tolerate the synthetic chemicals in medicine, food and water; breaking out in rashes, hives, and other skin conditions like eczema, and developing allergies to food, medicine and environmental pollutants. They came to weaken the energy grid, the matrix that encompasses the earth and prepare people’s hearts for the embodiment of their Higher Selves by helping to raise their personal energy vibration and promote peace on Earth and goodwill towards mankind.


Rainbow children are the third generation of Star children. They began coming in with the new millennia in 2000 and are the children born to Crystal children from the late ‘70’s and ‘80’s. They are born with the ninth (collective) consciousness. They have a quick spontaneous smile, embody joy and bring happiness to their family and harmony to their home. They are psychic, emotionally intelligent and can read other people’s emotions. These souls have never incarnated before and they have no karma. They do not choose dysfunctional families to be a part of as they do not need to create or experience drama or trauma because they are not here for their own spiritual growth.

These are your Light Bringers. They come in service to humanity and bring in the energy of Reiki, Qigong and Pranic healing modalities. They are effortless healers and instant manifestors. They are completely trusting and fear no one and nothing. They have great personal power; they know what they need and how to get it. Their high energy makes them seem hyperactive; they may keep you up all night. They are coming to complete the final stages of transformation on the planet and build a New Earth on the foundation laid by the Indigos and Crystal children.

The children being born are our teachers. They are beautiful, special and wise beyond their years. These Infinite Beings of Light come to us in little bodies but they are not little, nor are they young. They are the oldest, wisest and bravest amongst the beings in the Galaxy. They come to us to teach us how to live, how to honor ourselves and how to heal the planet. They are the angels among you and the guides from the stars in your midsts. Be mindful of their care and feeding.  They are a gift. Treasure these children of the stars; protect them, honor them and support them in the work they came to do.

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Dara Eden is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Inner Chi Mastery offerings includes AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance coaching sessions, numerology reading guides, SoulStory sessions and tarot readings.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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