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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Meditation for Healing

Whenever you practice qigong or sit in mediation, repeat in your mind: I am in the Universe. The Universe is in my body. The Universe and I combine together.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Capsule Wardrobe

The seventeenth solar term of the Chinese calendar is called Han Lu. Han Lu is the fifth solar term of Fall and when translated means Cold Dew. It’s known in China as the time when the air may still be dry, but the temperatures between night and day vary greatly. This contrast can result in more cold dew in the chilly early mornings.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Reads

If you’re an avid reader, it can be fun to create a quarterly TBR with books that are set in that season. Reading them puts you in the mood and inspires you to enjoy each season even more. In the Fall, there is nothing more cozy than putting on some soft music, starting a fire or lighting a candle and curling up in a comfy chair with a hot cup of tea and a good story to read.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Fun

Part of being connected with nature is attuning your life to the annual cycles and celebrating the changing seasons. One of the best ways to thoroughly enjoy each of the four seasons is to do some seasonal planning. Make a list of the activities you’d like to do, outings you'd like to go on and seasonal foods you’d like to make or eat.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Equinox

Westerners think of the Fall Equinox as the first day of Autumn. But according to the Chinese solar calendar, we are already half way through the Fall season. This last half of Fall is to be savored with delight and thoroughly enjoyed before the cold winter weather sets in. It’s also the time of harvesting, feasting and making our homes cozy in preparation for the winter months ahead.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

HER Rituals Daily

If you’d like to receive the daily emails to your inbox with rituals, guidance, manifestation methods, health protocols, energy healing modalities, inspirational quotes and journaling prompts, become a paid subscriber to HER Rituals. For just $8 per month, you’ll also receive access to my seasonal recipes for drinks and dishes, diys and personal care products, as well as, periodic digital guides and membership in HER book club.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Scents

As soon as cozy season arrives, people begin shopping for and lighting Fall scented candles in their homes. Before I knew any better, my favorite candle smelled of hazelnut. However, most scented candles are made with synthetic fragrance oils that are highly toxic.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Glow

Fall is the perfect time for a Glow Up! As the weather gets chilly and we begin to enjoy more cozy evenings at home, we also start to turn our attention inward. We let go of our attachment to desired outcomes, love what is and shift our focus to honoring our needs and values.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Glimmers

The fifteenth solar term of the Chinese calendar is called Bai Lu. Bai Lu, meaning, “White Dew”, is the third solar term of Fall. The further we descend into the “ember” months, the faster the temperatures drop and the more the morning dew begins to freeze.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Once in a Blue Moon

The phrase “once in a blue moon” refers to a rare event. A “blue moon” refers to having a second full moon within a calendar month and the third of four full moons in a season. The blue moon happening on August 30 - 31 is also a super moon, meaning it will appear larger and brighter because of it’s closer proximity to the Earth.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden


Being HER is often confused with various ideal iterations, best versions or higher expressions of a woman. But often these characteristics or qualities are other people’s ideals, values or states of being. Being HER is not about measuring up to someone else’s definition or description of what it is to be a “good” woman. And it’s not about checking all the boxes, meeting all the expectation, fulfilling all the duties or playing all the roles.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Fall Hiatus

The fourteenth solar term of the Chinese calendar is called Chu Shu. Chu Shu, meaning, “the end of heat”, is the second solar term of Fall. As the weather begins to cool down and we begin to settle into our new fall schedules, it’s wise to take a short pause to prioritize your health and focus on improving your personal wellbeing.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Healing the Heart

On Tuesday, Lahaina on the island of Maui was incinerated by directed energy weapons. This wasn’t just a land grab in the global push to “build back better”. It was a strike at the heart chakra of the planet.

The devastating fire began just hours after the monthly energy shifted. On August 8th, the Mother Earth element moved to the center of the energy blueprint. This element brings “separation and sickness” to the divine feminine energy.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Summer Falls into Autumn

The thirteenth solar term of the Chinese calendar is called Li Qiu. Li Qiu, meaning, “the beginning of autumn”, is the first solar term of Fall. It’s said that when the first yellow leaf flutters in the wind and falls gracefully to land on the ground, it’s a sign that Summer is over and tells of the coming of Autumn.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Five to Seven

In America, it’s common for people to indulge in “happy hour” after work. They’ll often get a drink with friends or colleagues to unwind before going home. Or, they go home to drink alcoholic beverages alone in front of the TV while waiting for their dinner to be ready to eat or delivered to their door.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Summer Self Care

The twelfth of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar is called Da Shu. Da Shu is the sixth solar term of Summer. It’s the solar term with the hottest days of the year and therefore is known for having “greater heat”. It’s preceded by a term of lesser heat and followed by the first term of the fall season.

Keep cool and stay calm, my friend.

In the long hot days of summer, it’s important to find ways to stay cool and calm. Find ways to cool your body, calm your active mind and keep your composure. The intense heat of the fiery element of this season can affect not just our physical body, but our thoughts and emotions.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Summer Staycation

Vacations don’t have to cost a lot of money. Nor do you have to travel long distances to take some well-earned leisure time off. You can go on a series of day trips or weekend getaways close to home to save on flights and hotels. That way you can put your money into doing fun outings and enjoying delicious meals.

Start by being a tourist in your own hometown. Plan a day or a weekend of activities that someone visiting your area might want to do. Go for a hike or find a scenic spot to have a picnic. Play a game of miniature golf. Dress up and dine at a restaurant you only go to on special occasions.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Slow Living

The eleventh solar term of the Chinese calendar is called Xiao Shu. Xiao Shui is the fifth solar term of Summer. It’s a time just past midsummer in which the weather is hot but not as hot as it will get before Summer is over. Therefore, this term is known as having “lesser heat”. The Chinese say that “torridity comes”, arriving with a warm wind and creating a heat wave.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Solar Energy

We’ve entered the brightest and hottest season of the year. The long, hot days of midsummer are full of light, extending later into the evening hours. And in the far North, the midnight sun never sets or dips below the horizon.

The most yang months of the year require us to be intentional about balancing our energy. There’s more daylight, so you can slow down and take your time. The sun is brighter, so you’ll need to be mindful of what time of day and how much exposure you’re getting. And the temperatures are hotter, so staying cool and hydrated is important.

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Dara Eden Dara Eden

Summer Solstice

The tenth solar term of the Chinese calendar is called Xia Zhi. Xia Zhi begins when the Sun reaches the celestial longitude of 90°, marking the Summer Solstice. The sun at its zenith signals the middle of Summer or the beginning of the hottest part of the season.

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