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Feng Shui for YOU!
One of the best ways to honor and support, enhance and activate your personal energy is to create living and working environments that are feng shui'd for you!
Honor The 8 Elements
Everything I have shared over the last 15 years has been given in a spirit of generosity and with a sincere desire for YOU to know and honor yourself.
Stop the Steal
Soft Metal energy inspires people to tell stories. To tell their story. Even though I am a very private person, I am going to share a story about my work as the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU!
2020: Health & Wellbeing
The energy has shifted and is occupying new spaces for the year. With some challenging energy moving into the general health area in the East and the emotional house of Hard Wood, an emphasis on health and emotions will affect all of The 8 Elements.
The 5 Yellow
I am often asked about the number 5 as it relates to The 8 Elements. Each personal element is associated with a number. And among the other aspects of personal energy, this number determines how many people you need to be complete. When we make the jump from a Soft Wood 4 to a Hard Metal 6, the question arises: What about the number 5?
2018 Feng Shui for The 8 Elements
In this second part of the blog series on 2018 Personal Feng Shui, you will learn more about what this year holds for you based on your personal element. In addition to the energy visiting your personal element’s gua, your personal element’s number is also visiting a certain area, or Life Center, for the entire year ahead. Unlike the energy of the number visiting your gua that brings potentials, where your personal element’s number lands and sets up housekeeping contributes to helping you set intentions about where your energy will be spent and expressed.
2018 Annual Personal Feng Shui
In the first part of this blog series about personal feng shui in 2018, you will learn about the energy visiting your personal element’s gua. Each year as the energy shifts, a new dynamic is created between permanent personal energy and visiting annual energy. While understanding the five element dynamics of the Fire year energy on your person element is important, knowing what effect the annual energy has the potential to have on your personal energy is also essential. That way you can make it the best year yet or at least make the best of the year ahead.
Feng Shui for YOU! in 2018
Each year the numbers in feng shui play a game of musical chairs. The energy they represent trade spaces, all moving in a perfectly choreographed dance. The elements make room for its nearest neighbor and move into another room in the house.
Not Your Mother's Personality Typing
Personality typing. It’s a popular way to categorize yourself into a neat little package, complete with a cute label like a sign, element or four letter acronym that supposedly sums you up perfectly.
The Five Element Tastes
Each of the Five Elements are associated with a unique taste. Foods that have that distinct taste are the go to or favorite foods for The 8 Personal Elements. These are the foods they love or crave, the foods they get really good at making themselves or the foods they might eat every day without getting bored.
The Land of 8
Upon embarking on my professional career in feng shui, I set the intention to provide the information and insights people need to create a life that serves them well and supports them in making their unique contribution to the world. Early on, I realized that there was only so much even a perfectly feng shui’d environment could provide. It was a good place to start but what was really needed was a feng shui’d life. What was really needed was Feng Shui for YOU!
My Feng Shui for YOU! Story
My story starts out the way many feng shui enthusiasts do. First, with discovering feng shui through books when it became popular in the ’90’s. Then, with hiring a feng shui practitioner for an on-site home consultation.