The Truth About Reiki

ICM Blog - The Truth About Reiki

In a participant award cult-ture, Reiki has become a get spiritual quick scheme for the masses. Today, people seek status through certification without having to put the time and energy into mastering anything. People want to buy their way to enlightenment, the entitled, lazy, Millennial way.

And Reiki teachers deliver instant gratification with honorary degrees after the quick notes versions of energy healing via one-day classes, weekend long Reiki Mastership workshops and online Reiki certification programs. These people are only too happy to take people’s money and in return give them a piece of paper that says they are some kind of energy healer…overnight.

What makes you a Reiki Master is not a certificate that says you know all your hand positions, have memorized your symbols and practiced your techniques. What make you a Reiki Master is not going through some self-study course on the Internet. What makes you a Reiki Master is not receiving a series of attunements. What makes you a Reiki Master is not even completing a yearlong Reiki mastership program.

What makes you a master of anything, is mastery of yourself. What makes you a master, is mastering an area of study and engaging in ongoing learning in your fields of expertise. What makes you a master, is doing the work to mastery level. What makes you a master, is seeking and finding and being a work in progress. What makes you a master, is being your own guru and knowing that you can access truth yourself. What makes you a master, is a level of mastery of self that allows who you are being in the world to be a contribution to others just by being present on the planet.

According to the standards set by some official group of Reiki practitioners, I am a certified Reiki Master Teacher. What does that mean? I took classes. I received attunements. I learned symbols. I have a daily self-care practice. I have given Reiki and received Reiki. I have learned how to teach Reiki and give attunements to others.

But what does being a Reiki Master really mean? It means you can heal yourself. It means you can clear your own energy. It means you can access your own consciousness. It means you have raised your own personal energy vibration. It means you are connected to Source and your Higher Self. It means you have great awareness of the seen and unseen. It means you can sense and see energy, energy fields, energy beings. It means you can discern the beLIEfs and know the TRUTH. It means you know what you know and trust it. It means you have developed and have confidence in your own spiritual abilities. It means you are conscious and intuitive, awake and aware.

And you can do all that yourself. No Reiki attunement or class, teacher or certification required.

Reiki finds people on their way to accessing their own consciousness and raising their own personal energy vibration. It tends to be a practice, truth seekers, energy healers and spiritually advanced people gravitate to. It can be a gateway that you might choose to step through on your way to fully embodying your Higher Self in this dimension of time and space.

Many of the people who are vibrating at the highest levels of frequency give themselves Reiki every day. The most enlightened and aware people on the planet are using Source and their Higher Self’s energy to heal themselves, charge their own soul and light up their own being. Practicing Reiki has been an important part of their spiritual path.

It has been for me.

Through Reiki, I have received healings. I have gained confidence in my ability to heal myself and knowledge about how to clear my own energy. I have accessed and developed my spiritual abilities. I have made peace with my past. Through my daily self-care practice, I send my beingness into my future, paving the way for who I am becoming. I know myself. I hold space for myself. I occupy myself. I BE myself.

Once people enter the world of Reiki, two paths appear. The wide path leads them to the New Age trap, designed to capture the souls of the “spiritual not religion”, that few ever escape. The road less traveled leads them to the truth of who they really are.

Almost all new Reiki practitioners are introduced to some New Agey stuff. Most get pulled in and caught up in the world of archons posing as channels and mediums, angels and archangels, spirit guides and star families. They begin relying on tarot cards and oracle decks, commercialized LOA and manifestation gimmicks, pendulums and crystals.

Some of us were able to successfully deprogram from our parents’ bs religion and reject the new age religious nonsense along the way. Some of us were able to bypass most of these beLIEfs all together. Some of us were able to see these control and gatekeeping systems for what they are, immediately…or eventually.

The truth is: You don’t need religion to have a spiritual experience. And you don’t need Reiki to have spiritual awareness. You don’t need a middle man – a Savior to get you to heaven or a guru to get you to enlightenment.

What you need, is to remember who you really are and fully embody that.

And to do that, you need clarity. You need to remove your implants. Clear your energy field of vampirical entities and dark energy, blocks and negative emotions. Integrate your energy centers. Heal from traumas. Deprogram yourself. Unplug yourself from the AI simulated matrix. Open your real eyes. Access your own consciousness. Tap into your own awareness. Know what you know. See what you see. BE who you really are.

And, you need energy. You need to access Source and connect to your Higher Self. Put your hands on your body. Heal yourself. Charge your energy centers. Energize your being. Light up your own soul. And remember that you already know all that you need to know and can access it at any time.

With practice, you will be connected all of the time. You will be fully conscious and aware all of the time. You will be your own source of knowledge and wisdom all of the time. You will be your own source of energy all of the time. You will be a healing presence on the planet all of the time. You will be a light in the world that shines so brightly nothing dark can hide in the shadows anymore.

The truth about Reiki is: You don’t need Reiki. And you can choose it. And when you have gotten what you need from the practice, you can choose to let it go. It’s just a tool like anything else. Find your way without it. Or let it contribute to you on your path to the light that you are.

The truth about Reiki is: You don’t need a practitioner or a teacher. However, if you choose to make Reiki a part of your spiritual journey, please be very intentional about the Reiki practitioners and masters, teachers and guides you allow to contribute to you. Find one you resonate with.

The truth about Reiki is: You don’t need an attunement. You already know how to heal yourself and others. You can remember how to use your healing energy without a Reiki attunement. You can increase your healing energy and spiritual abilities without a Reiki attunement.

The truth about Reiki is: Your Reiki practitioner’s energetic stuff can get passed to you during a Reiki session. Your Reiki Master’s attachments can get passed to you during a Reiki attunement. You don’t want to receive Reiki from someone who has addictions or religious beliefs. You don’t want to receive Reiki from someone who has archonic attachments and works with energy vampires posing as spirit guides, ascended masters, angels or archangels. You don’t want to receive Reiki from someone who has implants and entities and doesn’t know how to remove them. If you have received Reiki or a Reiki attunement from someone who has these attachments, you can clear your energy and remove your attunements with energy and intention.

The truth about Reiki is: You have Reiki. Everyone does. You can heal yourself. You can fully embody the light that you are.

If you feel you need some intuitive guidance on your way, I am here. We are all walking each other home. Happy to be on the path of light with you!

Dara Eden is a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher, clairvoyant and intuitive energy healer. She offers distance Reiki sessions. Dara teaches her clients how to give themselves Reiki so they feel empowered with the knowledge and awareness about how to heal themselves. She is known for talking to people’s Higher Selves and body’s consciousness, seeing past lives and fourth dimensional personas, as well as, integrating energy centers, removing etheric implants and entities and healing past life wounds, emotional traumas, post traumatic stress and physical conditions. 

Dara also offers Usui Reiki classes and a 12 month Reiki Mastership program. Her Reiki Mastership program focusses on self mastery. She also offers intuitive guidance sessions for inner chi mastery.

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Dara Eden is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Inner Chi Mastery offerings includes AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance coaching sessions, numerology reading guides, SoulStory sessions and tarot readings.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


My Reiki Story


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