My Reiki Story

ICM Blog - My Reiki Story

Reiki began as a gift.

One of my feng shui clients, gifted me a session with her Reiki Master. Knowing the Reiki practitioner was a fellow PAX graduate, I already felt comfortable. When I arrived at her Healing Palms Reiki room in Old Town San Diego, she greeted me warmly and told me she had dreamed for me. A dream about my sister and me. Then, she invited me to lie down, face up on a soft Reiki table and took a seat behind my head.

During the long session, Reiki Master Corinn gently placed her fingertips on my head and took notes as she moved energy through each charka. I tried to stay awake to feel all of the sensations, as emotions were cleared and energy was sent to my physical and etheric body. As I dozed, the Reiki healed me – mind, body and soul.

After the session was complete, Corinn showed me the notes she had taken and talked me through what she had seen. Seven open chakras. Multiple cord attachments. An entity. Two trapped emotions. Some karma. Truthfully, an all new vocabulary for me that I did not have a reference point for, at the time.

Some of it resonated deeply. Past life and attachments to various people, did not.

I left feeling a little light headed and took a few minutes to eat something and drink water before driving the two and a half hours home. On the drive, I couldn’t lean against the back of the seat in my car. My kidneys were on fire! Once I was home, I drank a lot more water and went to bed. I couldn’t sleep on my back as my kidneys were detoxing from the emotion released from my liver.

The next morning, I woke up refreshed and felt twenty pounds lighter. All of the unexpressed anger, I had been carrying around was no longer there. I was free from it.

I had received a healing.

I was intrigued by this form of energy healing. So, I signed up for my first class. In Reiki I, I learned that Usui Reiki is from Japan.

I have always been drawn to the Eastern spiritual philosophies and practices. My mom was born and raised in Japan and she taught my sister and me a healthy appreciation for other cultures. And, as a feng shui consultant, I applied feng shui principles to personal energy, which later became The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU!

After my first attunement, I began a daily self-care practice. My family and friends let me practice giving Reiki. I continued learning and practicing, taking classes and eventually completed a 12 month Reiki Mastership Program. As I progressed in my practice, I felt called to practice Qigong and Vinyasa yoga to support my personal energy and physical body in keeping up with my spiritual growth.

Reiki has been a wonderful gift in my life. I have used Reiki to heal myself and children. To calm and release emotions. To ease pain. To heal my broken heart. To connect with Source and my Higher Self. To expand my consciousness, increase my awareness and raise my personal energy vibration. To strengthen my clair senses. To trust my intuition.

And in turn, those spiritual abilities have helped me remember who I am. Discern the Truth from the lies. Let go of beLIEfs and tap into my own inner knowing. Deprogram myself from my parents’ religion. Recognize new age nonsense for the psyop it is. See and sense energy.

For me, Reiki wasn’t just about energy healing. It wasn’t just about having the knowledge and confidence in my ability to heal myself. Reiki was the path I took to self-awareness and self-actualization. Knowing who I am. Fully embodying it. BEing it. Trusting myself and Higher Self. Always being connected to Source. Mastering my own inner chi.

And that is why I offer Reiki sessions and teach Reiki classes. So, others can be blessed with the gift of Reiki in their own lives. So, they can heal themselves. Their children, family and friends. They can access their own consciousness. Have their own awareness. Tap into their own knowing. Trust their own intuition. Use their own spiritual abilities. Master their own inner chi.

For me, Reiki continues to be the gift that keeps on giving…today and every day. And it can be for you too!

Dara Eden is a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher, clairvoyant and intuitive energy healer. She offers distance Reiki sessions. Dara teaches her clients how to give themselves Reiki so they feel empowered with the knowledge and awareness about how to heal themselves. She is known for talking to people’s Higher Self and body’s consciousness, seeing past lives and fourth dimensional personas, as well as, integrating energy centers, removing etheric implants and entities and healing past life wounds, emotional traumas, post traumatic stress and physical conditions. 

Dara also offers Usui Reiki classes and a 12 month Reiki Mastership program. Her Reiki Mastership program focusses on self mastery. She also offers intuitive guidance sessions for inner chi mastery.

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Dara Eden is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Inner Chi Mastery offerings includes AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance coaching sessions, numerology reading guides, SoulStory sessions and tarot readings.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Practicing Reiki


The Truth About Reiki