2021 Annual Energy & YOU!

T8E Blog - 2021 Annual Energy & YOU!

The energy has shifted. As the 9 feng shui numbers settle into their new houses for the year, the energy will shift, not just in your living and working spaces, but for each of The 8 Elements.

To discover how the new energies will affect your personal feng shui element, get a copy of the 2021 Annual Energy Guide for YOU!

In this blog, I’ll be sharing some general information that has the potential to affect all of The 8 Elements in 2021.

It's important to remember that annual energies have potentials. It's what YOU do with that energy that matters. Some people exploit the annual energy. They activate and intensify challenging energy to do harm. Others fail to take advantage of the fortunate energy. What we want to do is minimize the effects of potentially inauspicious energy and maximize on the potential effects of the auspicious energy.

The first step, is to know what the energies are that we will be working with this year. This includes the energy combination created when a new energy enters the house of one of the personal feng shui elements. Compass directions can have very different effects on the visiting energy, affecting occupants of a space, personal element's lives and members of the family.

Next, we need to be very intentional with the attention and energy we give to what we discover about the annual energies. This includes making adjustments to our feng shui. And shifts in our focus to take advantage of the opportunities and prepare to learn the life lessons ahead.

To feng shui your home or office, get your 2021 DIY Feng Shui Guide now!

As the year progresses, we need to pay attention to the monthly energy's potential to activate dormant energies or enhance visiting energies, reduce them or intensify them. This includes having the awareness to know when to make your move, progress quickly or proceed with caution, and when to rest and reset. Monthly personal energy coaching can provide the quality information and intuitive guidance you need to make the most of each month this year.

Sign up for Monthly Personal Energy Coaching.


There's lots of awesome Wealth energy each year. In fact, there are five numbers that represent different kinds of wealth.

This year the increased flow of monthly and multiple streams of income resides in the South. This means that Fire elements, middle daughters and middle aged women will see an increase in monthly income, sourced from their job or career. Anyone with a South facing house or front door, or South office or bedroom will also benefit from this energy. You can benefit from this energy by doing income producing activities in the South.

In 2021, the winds of prosperity swirl in the East sector bringing the potential for windfalls and inheritances, asset accumulation and returns on investments to the whole family. Hard Wood elements and eldest sons will benefit the most directly. Families with an East facing house or front door, or people with an East office or bedroom may also come into some money or receive unexpected checks in the mail. To cash in on this energy, spend at least one hour a day in the East area of your home.

BIG money has taken up residence in the Center this year. This means everyone gets to receive these heavenly blessings! The gifts of money and resources will restore balance, provide wellbeing and bring harmony to homes and relationships between people, even those who have been estranged by world events. Your presence in the center of your home activates this energy for you.

Infinite abundance gets to play all year in the West room. Soft Metal elements, the youngest daughter, girls and young women will be fully supported by this energy that brings all the good things. Since this is also the general area for children, they will benefit from this abundance as well. Homes facing West or that have a front door in the West, effortlessly welcome this energy. If you have an office or bedroom or intentionally choose to spend time in the West of your home, you will receive the abundance too. (Just make sure you set an intention for what you desire to have an abundance of.)

And finally, the potential for creating future prosperity visits the Northeast. Mountain Earth elements, the youngest son, boys and young men will benefit the most. Occupants of a Northeast facing house or home with a front door entering the NE, will also be able to work toward the kind of wealth creation that sets them up for life, for retirement and for future generations. You can benefit from this energy if you work or sleep in the Northeast and choose to spend time in the NE area of your home.

To read about your personal Wealth area, download your personal element's 2021 Annual Energy Guide. (Coming Soon!)


Health was a big topic in 2020. Last year, the general health area was plagued with the dreaded Yellow Earth energy that brings disease, disaster and death. That energy has moved on and has been replaced with the lovely "Peach Blossom" energy.

Unfortunately, since this Soft Wood energy is associated with airborne pathogens, seasonal allergies and viral infections, colds and flus, we may see a continuation of the media's portrayal of a "pandemic". And since it's also associated with the muscular system, the human genome and proteins (and foreign proteins found in serums like vaccines), we will continue to see the push for the genetic modifying experimental jab in the arm.  

With Had Metal energy at the center this year, all people will be more susceptible to head injuries and brain tumors, mental health issues and cognitive dissonance, heart conditions and colon diseases. It's interesting that it wasn't until the 6 was entering the center gua that the anal swab became the newest way to test for the viral bio weapon.

In 2021, the most detrimental energy to overall health is the unwelcome guest of the Southeast. This means that Soft Wood elements and eldest daughters need to take particularly good care of their health, schedule time to rest and master self care. The highest probable health concerns of this energy combination are breast cancer and skin related. So, it's essential to switch to super clean skin care and non-toxic make-up and synthetic chemical free personal care products.

The health of each member of the family will be affected differently. While men may suffer from a compromised immune system, women may develop auto-immune dis-eases and children may be at risk for accidents and abuse.


Men may experience respiratory ailments and chest colds, oral or lung cancer, suppressed immunity and the need for dental work. Gun shots and injuries by metal from accidents or acts of violence are also likely.


Women may experience digestive or reproductive issues, suffer from imbalanced hormones or reduced thyroid function, have a gallbladder attack or get a sprained ankle. They may also notice nutritional deficiencies leading to hair loss and changes in the health of their nails. This energy makes women especially susceptible to mold exposure, as well as, fungal, bacterial and yeast infections. It's important to do a proper liver cleanse this month or during Spring if possible. My product and protocol recommendations are included with your purchase of my 2021 Self Care Guide for Women.


Help children avoid broken bones. Make sure they know to follow safety guidelines and to always wear their helmets and protective gear for sports. Keep your children close, within your sight and accompanied at all times to avoid being taken and trafficked.

To learn more, read Health for The 8 Elements.

To read about your personal Health area, download your personal element's 2021 Annual Energy Guide. 



With the "Peach Blossom" energy in the East, Hard Wood elements and eldest sons may find the love of their life this year. Or, at the very least have a whirlwind romance or sexual encounter.


With the renewed love energy visiting the East, families may strengthen their bonds and loyalty to each other. With the family energy in the Southwest, women may shift their focus from their partner or marriage, to their children or parents and siblings. A third party may cause one or both people in a committed relationships to cheat or have an extramarital affair, leading to separation, divorce and broken families.


With the childish energy in the Northwest, relationships with men may be disappointing. Men may be passive aggressive and behave in very immature ways. They may be uncharacteristically verbally abusive and unintentionally hurt with their words. Encourage them to get things off their chest but in a way that doesn't harm anyone.


With the whining energy in the Southwest, relationships with women will be emotionally draining. Women will lead with their complaints instead of asking for what they need. They will engage in gossiping about others. And be confused and indecisive instead of choosing better feeling thoughts and making some different choices. Remind them to prioritize honoring their needs without becoming co-dependent on others to get their needs met.


If you want to make a baby this year, the NE is the best area to conceive. If you don’t want to get pregnant, avoid making love in this area and use multiple forms of contraception.


Wisdom in feng shui comes from self-knowledge. Your Wisdom sector is the house of your personal element. It's where your personal energy is at home.

To know yourself is to accept who are, take the time to innerstand your unique personal energy and choose to honor needs and highest values. Some of this quality information can be found in your Personal Element Energy Guide.

To learn more, you can book a Personal Energy Coaching session.

To read about your personal Wisdom area, download your personal element's 2021 Annual Energy Guide. 

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Health for The 8 Elements


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