Feng Shui Solutions

T8E BLOG - Feng Shui Solutions
 Feng shui helps us see the potential challenges and provides the insight and tools to make the required changes with remedies.  It's the evaluation and analysis, diagnosis and treatment all-in-one solution.
This year, women at are a higher risk for attracting or manifesting legal issues.  There are some things we can do to remedy this energy in the Southwest sector and reduce the potential for a lawsuit.
1)  Remove water features and add Fire elements and red spectrum colors.
2) Light two red candles for one hour a day.
3) Don't have important conversations or take calls in this sector of your home or office.
4) Get a subscription to a pre-paid legal service.
Keep in mind that not all lawsuits are a bad thing.  Divorce, bankruptcy or ending some other kind of legal dispute in court may bring the relief, freedom or settlement you need to move forward in your life.
This energy also has a lot of potential to strengthen relationships, especially those between women and couples.  When you are willing to talk or work it out, it reveals how much you really value each other and the relationship.  When you choose to stay and fight, it can not only save your relationship, it can make it better than ever.  And help you avoid a divorce or an unnecessary lawsuits.
This idea holds true for your life and business too!  The energy affecting women in the legal department this year, doesn't have to result in a lawsuit or a day in court.  It can inspire you to get your life in order with a living will or your business registered as an LLC.
Last year, I shared about the continuing intellectual property theft by someone I had invited to collaborate on a book, combining our two areas of expertise.  I think of myself as someone with a good judge of character and I was honestly so disappointed in my own trusting nature, that had betrayed me once again.  I did the work to forgive myself and restore my highest value, inner peace.  
But, just as a Water element is likely to do, I let fear of not good humans, paralyze me from working in my business for two years.  I removed the personal element chart from my website and stopped offering my classes, writing blogs or creating the valuable content I wanted to share.  I didn't know what to do to protect my work, especially in the online spaces.
In the fall, after seeing my archetypes being published on an Instagram account that my friends and I are blocked from, I asked for help.  A friend offered to make some calls for me and connected me with an attorney who said she didn't have anyone she could refer me to.  I asked my Higher Self for guidance.  I turned to Instagram and the algorithm started showing me sponsored posts.  That's when I started following Sam Vanderwielen, but I didn't actually watch any of her videos or see her ad for a free webinar, until today.
Between signing up for the webinar this afternoon and watching it this evening, I wrote an Instagram post inspired by an email I got today from someone defending her curation of concepts, charging for them and claiming that people "aren’t necessarily buying to learn concepts for the first time". 

The Curators

You know, the people who read all the self-help books, attend all the personal development seminars and follow all the gurus and then write a book or offer a course with “their take” on already well-known, well-loved and well-respected bodies of work?
Or, the people who lack original thought and creativity and can’t even come up with a unique name for their program?  And make it obvious they didn’t even try.  Or, maybe title copying is the key(word) to their success, so they can piggyback off the popularity of other’s programs. 
I took an online course, years ago, that costs thousands of dollars, only to find modules containing “thefted” videos of popular people, available on their YouTube channels!
Similar to the saying about "those who can’t do, teach"...I guess, if you can’t create, you can just make all your money, “curating” other people’s work.  
Another person who sells an expensive biz program with a tagline about “that special gift that only you have”, likes to use talking points reflected in the following quote:
“Most things have been done, but they have not been done by you.  Don’t worry about being original.  Just be authentic.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
I did not invent feng shui or the eight mansions.  What I did was study the art and science for over 20 years, observe people and apply what I know to CREATE an original work of authorship.  I share MY applications of feng shui principles that every classically trained feng shui consultant has mastered. 
As someone whose intellectual property and life’s work is being published and profited from by someone who took three of my classes, let me just say…
You can justify your plagiarism and theft all day long and in every way possible, but there is nothing authentic about profiting from other people’s work or passing it off as your own.  
If you have an online or service based business, I highly recommend signing up for Sam's free webinar, 5 Steps to Legally Protect & Grow Your Online Business.
She shares her own story about having her business copied and entire website, copy and digital products stolen and how to get legally legit to protect your hard work and yourself.
I had no idea how common online copycats and intellectual property theft is.  I don't feel any less stupid, just a lot less alone.
Who knew I needed a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement to have a conversation about a book idea with someone who really resonated with The 8 Elements?
Or, if you don't have a business or creations to protect, schedule a time to meet with an attorney to discuss what you might need to protect yourself and family.
Ladies, learn from my naivety and lack of preparedness.  Be proactive and safe, not sorry.
The annual 3 energy for women (and couples) brings the potential for people to come together in a spirt of cooperation and community.  Don't let the lack of legal protections and preparedness get in the way of collaborating with others and making something beautiful together.
Sometimes solutions come with feng shui remedies.  And sometimes they come with good advice from wise experts.  Educate yourself.  And then take action!

For personal energy or relationship dynamics coaching, contact me! 
Or, read about my coaching packages.
If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
To read more about The 8 Elements, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog
Learn about my other Inner Chi Mastery offerings
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2021 Annual Energy & YOU!


Jonah Days