Womb Hate

HWW BLOG - Womb Hate

Strong title for a blog post on a blog celebrating women and offering wisdom about holding space for humanity within their physical and energy body. It’s inspired by a journal entry shared on social media on November 25 to over 869K followers, by a beloved author who established a cult following with the publication of a memoir and built a platform by continuing to be open about her life, lifestyle and life choices. And not one I would be willing to share but would encourage you to read before reading more.

With time, the truth always comes out.

I truly respect people who are honest about how they really feel…about themselves, others and the trials of being human. It’s authentic, sometimes raw and very often relatable.

And revealing.

And the starting point for healing.

And it confirms what those who don’t deal in lies, have known and speak up about and get criticized for by those who tell themselves and each other lies and perpetuate the lies that society was built on.

Feminists have been accused of hating men. And called out for shunning and banning women who don’t subscribe to their “the future is female” worldview or live according to the feminist rulebook. And judged for killing their own children.

But what isn’t talked about is their own self-hatred.

Years ago I wrote a blog about feminism and answered the question about why I am not a feminist. I don’t hate myself.

So, when a feminist opens up about the hate she feels for her womb. And lies about it having a sole purpose. And complains about its effect on her life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And declares it was never wanted. And rejoices at the opportunity to remove and discard it. It’s not surprising. It validates that what people have recognized about feminists, is true.

They don’t just hate men. Or other women. Or their children. They hate themselves. They hate their female body. They hate their womb.

When a woman’s relationship to her womb is that dysfunctional and leads ultimately to her rejecting her womb and writing a good riddance “poem” that is liked by nearly 30K, it becomes even more clear that womb wisdom is needed and essential to humanity.

While reading the Hysterectomy post, with descriptions of her female organs stealing from her and punishing her and finally being cut out of her, was heart crushing, the comment section was even more excruciating to read.

One woman wished she would have had the Great Removal years ago…at the age of 12. Advocate for sterilizing young women through the surgical removal of female organs to avoid menstrual cycles and to prevent unwanted pregnancy?

Another woman congratulated Liz for Marie Kondo’ing her body from the thing that didn’t “spark joy”. The KonMari method teaches the art of practicing gratitude. Expressing sincere appreciation before throwing or gifting something away. There was no “giving thanks” in this personal journal entry on display for all to see. In fact, quite the opposite.

A more thoughtful commenter inquired, “I do wonder what those tumors would write in response.” There are emotions connected to every part of the body and every dis-ease. Cutting organs and tumors out of the body does not clear the energy of the unprocessed emotion. Unless the emotion is released, it remains stored in the area of the body, much like the sensation of a phantom limb.

Before removing an organ or gland, it’s important to know what effect that missing piece will have on your overall health and personal well-being. When it comes to a hysterectomy, things to consider are hormone level drops and decreased libido and sexual pleasure response. Also, research mental health issues related to severing the uterus from the vagus nerve connecting it to the brain.

With an intention to seek first to understand, there are some thoughts to consider:

Women born in 1969 are Mother Earth elements. The Mother Earth element’s completion number is 2. They need just one other person to feel complete. That person needs to provide love and partnership to be their person. Because of this, even though they resonate with the nurturing and caring energy of a (sometimes overbearing) mother, they don’t necessarily need or ever want to have children. A loving partnership is enough. They couple up early and often and overlap relationships so there are few, if any, gaps between partners. These are your serial monogamists.

Mother Earth elements are also associated with the digestive and reproductive systems and organs. They tend to suffer from worry, digestive distress and gut health issues, as well as, reproductive health crises. It’s common for female Mother Earth elements to experience PMS and painful menses, infertility and miscarriage, complications during pregnancy and difficult labor and birth, and ovarian and uterine cancer, cysts and fibroids tumors.

According to Louise Hay, the uterus represents the “home of creativity”. The emotional energy associated with fibroid tumors and cysts is “nursing a hurt from a partner”, as well as, “a blow to the feminine ego”. And female problems are related to “denial of self”, “rejecting femininity” and “rejection of the feminine principle”.

This false belief, promoted by the patriarchy, of women and their bodies having the sole purpose of baby making, needs to be addressed. The womb is a sacred space, a portal for souls from the spiritual realms to the physical plane. Physically, our monthly womb cycle provides regular opportunities to shed toxins and toxic energy that we need to release, to be and stay well. Our female organs produce vital hormones that give us access to aspects of our femininity and divine feminine energy and help our bodies self-regulate and maintain homeostasis. Energetically, our wombs hold space for the well-being and evolution of all humanity.

Our bodies are designed to procreate and ensure the continuation of the species. Women are not designed to have recreational sex or be promiscuous, as Liz promotes in her newest book, and have “sex with as many men as possible”. The sacred union between the divine masculine and the divine feminine can be experienced by conscious beings in conscious coupling and result in conscious conception. Devaluing sex, devalues women and the children that are conceived.

Wise women know that our womb is our second heart. In striking contrast to Elizabeth Gilbert’s description of her female organs, I see a sacred heart with outstretched arms holding baskets of seeds of future temples for eternal souls. I feel a sacred space within the center of my being that creates space to receive souls and holds space for humanity. A heart full of love. A womb of wisdom. Not a womb to hate.


Dara Eden is a Wisdom KeepHER, intuitive energy healer, classical feng shui expert and The 8 Elements Master. She enlightens girls and women with an awareness of their divine feminine and unique personal energy, empowers them with the knowledge of conscious conception and fertility responsibility and inspires them with womb wisdom.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


The Wisdom of Flow


Dara’s Womb Wisdom Story