Dara’s Womb Wisdom Story

HWW BLOG - Dara's Womb Wisdom Story

Inspired by the dark night of the soul that all women embarked on in February of 2019, I set the intention to hold space for them in all their beautiful forms – the divine feminine, the sacred mother and the sovereign goddess.  

Wake the sleeping beauty from her amnesic spell and fictional reality, unfulfilling dreams and night terrors. Free her from the web of lies, systems of patriarchal control and matrix of illusion. Speak the truth that would first piss her off, then set her free.

So, she could remember who she really is, has always been, and will always be. Heal the ancient wounds of the virgin and woman, mother and child, humanity and Mother Earth. Dance with her shadow in perfect unison, until she merges with it and once again becomes whole, within herself. Fully embody her True Self, the all wise, all knowing, all powerful, eternal being in a human female body, that she is. Reconcile with the eternal souls in human male bodies and reclaim the sovereign power of the sacred union of divine masculine and feminine energy. Embrace the role of the mother, life giver and protector of the most precious beings, millennials yet still in their infancy, humans. And give birth to the consciousness required for humanity to remember who they really are, why they chose to be here, NOW, and co-create a new Earth for our descendants to inherit. 

When I looked at the collective energy of the women, currently on the planet, I was not prepared to see the accumulation of unhealed pain and uncleared karma that had blackened their hearts, dimmed the light of their souls and weighed down their energy bodies. With grief and guilt. Regret, but not remorse. And sadness, disguised with Oscar worthy performances of fierce, independent, no fucks given, “girl” power.  

What I saw were walls of stored emotions, erected around houses made of lies, built on foundations of unconsciousness. And there they were…hiding in dark rooms, artificially lit with false pride in degrees and credentials, status symbols and gold stars and deceptively convincing rationalizations about their deeds and misdeeds that fooled no one, including themselves. Yet they all played along, honoring the code they pinky promised to sacrifice their personal happiness for – the feminist ideal. An ideology that has left millions of women loveless and childless, without a husband or a family to love, without a life they will be happy to have lived, or a legacy they will be proud to have left.

I had experienced my own set of trials – betrayals of trust and loss of love, a broken heart and broken dreams. But it was nothing compared to the levels of self-righteous anger, rage and hatred, self-loathing and denial that these suffragettes were being consumed by, in some act of, what they could only hope, was virtuous martyrdom. The constant vigilance, guard up and dagger in hand, not in protection from some imagined or even real threat or in fear of the repeated or escalation of some abuse; but protection from the reoccurrence of their own ill-informed or misguided choices that would lead to more heart-shattering disappointment, breed more soul-crushing cynicism and bring on more life-destroying acts of violence.

I hadn’t intended to help with clearing the collective karma of women who had killed their own children. Now that I had seen it, I couldn’t unsee it. It was there, day and night. Nor could I let all of these souls continue to suffer and be tortured by their self-abuse. And so, I devoted myself to intuitive energy clearing and healing for the first few months of the year. In April, I chose to give myself a break from the energy work and regain my own personal well-being.

Changes in abortion laws, state by state, became national news, beginning when New York passed a Reproductive Health Act, permitting late-term abortions. I was horrified to hear the cheers from the women in that room. Over the next few days and then weeks, the public learned about a common practice in abortion clinics, infanticide, and that 19 states do not have protections in place to provide medical assistance to survivors of abortion. The inevitable hashtags began trending. It was truly disturbing to read the sick, stupid and insane comments in posts on social media, from both men and women. 

Truthfully, I didn’t even know what a partial birth abortion was until four years ago when I read a description online. Killing tiny humans was not something I thought about. What I did know was that a woman who is considering having an abortion has been lied to since girlhood about her fertility responsibility and by the time she enters the abortion clinic, her family and community have failed her.

Even though my own husband paid for the abortion of the person he left me for, it wasn’t something I felt I could influence in a positive or impactful way. After my marriage ended, what I knew from experience was that, the promises people make to others are, at best, well-intentioned lies they tell themselves. It’s only the commitments you make to yourself and choose to honor, that you can rely on to confidently and whole-heartedly design, create and live a life you love.   

I trust the True Self of each soul. I know that they are co-creating the experiences they need for their soul’s growth. Whatever path they choose is perfect for them.

It’s when I became aware of the mass numbers, millions of abortions, that I began to wonder how the killing of our children and the collective karma created by that act was affecting humanity and our future.

3,000 abortions per day in the U.S.? I was shocked to hear the statistics. “Safe, legal and “rare”? No more. If abortion was rare, abortion clinics would be out of business.  

Abortion is not a human right. Or a reproductive right. Or “health” care. Abortion is a government subsidized for-profit, fetal body trafficking industry. A death cult with a business plan that recruits future customers from kindergarten, lies to girls and women about consequence-free sex and profits from selling their aborted babies’ bodies.

Legalizing abortion doesn’t make it right, or a right. Banning abortion won’t change the hearts and minds of women who feel entitled to killing their own children. Decriminalizing abortion, ending government subsidization of abortion clinics and closing all of them, having to pay for the elective procedure through a doctor’s office and being given the aborted fetus to bury the way they would their beloved baby, might inspire some sobering thought. And that might lead to less unwanted pregnancies and a reduction in the number of abortions.

But federal and state laws are not in my control. Nor can I help the women who are so defensive or proud of the abortions they’ve had, that they brag about them as proof of their “liberation”. Or the single-issue voters who demand to be given free, unlimited “access” to abortion. Or the religious extremists who think they can force women to have babies they don’t want.

What I can do is share with girls and women how to respect themselves and others, honor their bodies and their babies and design, create and live a life they love. Teach them about divine feminine energy at every stage, from girlhood to womanhood and into motherhood and beyond. Talk to them about how the amazing female body works and how to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Tell them about their fertility responsibility and ask them to make a commitment to themselves and their children. Empower them with truth and knowledge, enlighten them with awareness and innerstanding and inspire them with womb wisdom.


Dara Eden is a Wisdom KeepHER, intuitive energy healer, classical feng shui expert and The 8 Elements Master. She enlightens girls and women with an awareness of their divine feminine and unique personal energy, empowers them with the knowledge of conscious conception and fertility responsibility and inspires them with womb wisdom.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Womb Hate