Space Cleansing

FSYS Blog - Space Cleansing

What Space Cleansing Is NOT

Space cleansing is NOT a principle of classical feng shui. You can feng shui your living and working environments without ever cleansing the energy in your space. Feng shui will balance the yin and yang energy, harmonize the five elements and remedy sha chi and enhance auspicious chi.

Space cleansing is NOT space cleaning. You can wash your windows, clean your floors and wipe down every surface without cleansing the energy in your environment. Cleaning will make your space, furnishings and belongings dust free, dirt free, spotless and sparklingly clean.

Space cleansing is NOT space clearing. You can remove clutter and move furniture without cleansing the space, you and your stuff occupy. Space clearing will mobilize the flow of chi, allowing it to slow down or speed up and collect or pool is different areas.

What Space Cleansing Is

Space cleansing is cleansing the unseen energy in your space. It cleanses your space of negative energy and emotions that are left in a room or environment after interactions with people. It cleanses your space of the thought forms, emotions and energy of people and other energy beings occupying your space.

Space cleansing can be practiced by anyone, at anytime, in any environment. Many feng shui consultants and Reiki Masters offer space cleansings as part of their professional services.

When to Space Cleanse

  • Before you feng shui

  • Before you start a new project

  • Before moving into a new home, business or office space

  • Before moving out of a home, business or office space

  • Before moving into a hotel room or hospital room

  • Before a birth, wedding or other celebration

  • Before a blessing ceremony for a home or business

  • When you move an antique or previously owned furnishing into your home

  • When you can’t sleep

  • When you or another member of the family is sick

  • When you can’t stop thinking, worrying, crying, yelling

  • When you have negative thoughts or redundant thoughts

  • When you keep dropping or breaking things

  • When you keep hurting yourself (stubbing your toe, cutting yourself, falling down, twisting your ankle)

  • When you are accident prone (sports injuries, car accidents, work accidents, etc.)

  • After you clear the clutter

  • After a family member, friend or other guest moves out of your guest room after a visit

  • After a divorce, separation or break-up when your lover moves out

  • After family get togethers at your home

  • After an argument, fight or violent assault

  • After a death, murder or suicide

  • After seeing spirits, ghosts or other energy beings

  • Periodically – Seasonally, before the Solstices and Equinoxes; Monthly, betweeen the Full Moon and the New Moon, Weekly

Where to Space Cleanse

  • Your home

  • Your office

  • Your bedroom

  • Your business, practice, store, etc.

  • Your car

  • Your yoga studio, meditation room, etc.

Some places need more space cleansing more frequently.

  • Anywhere people sweat: yoga, Pilates and dance studios, gyms, etc.

  • Anywhere people are detoxing/releasing energy: spas, massage therapy and other bodywork rooms, Reiki rooms, etc.

  • Anywhere people are emoting: hospitals, funeral homes, marriage and family therapy offices, etc.

  • Anywhere where people with strong negative emotions congregate: AA meetings, group counseling sessions, etc.

Note about pets:  Pay attention to where your dogs and cats tend to hang out, sit or sleep.  Cats absorb the negative energy in a space and will hang out there to neutralize its effects on the other occupants of a home.  Dogs are attracted to areas with the best and largest pockets of positive energy.

How to Space Cleanse Using the Five Elements

Open doors and windows to give the energy a way to escape after space cleansing.

WOOD Element

Essential Oils

Fill an aromatherapy diffuser with water and Frankincense or Palo Santo essential oil.

WWE - Energy Clearing Blend


Burn dried herbs or wood like sage, lavender, cedar, sandalwood, juniper or sweet grass in a fireproof bowl.


Healthy green plants cleanse the air in your space. Purchase low maintenance plants, place near natural sunlight and water as needed. Take care of them and they will take care of you.

Learn more about cleansing your environment and yourself…

Energy Secrets: The Ultimate Well-Being Plan by Alla Svirinskaya

FIRE Element


Add 1/4 cup of Epsom Salt to a ceramic cup or bowl. Pour a little 91% rubbing alcohol on the Epsom salt. Light a match and place inside the cup or bowl. Watch the flame until it burns out on its own. Take note of the color, height and duration of the flames.

Fire Energy Cleansing Ceremony


Light some myrrh incense cones or sticks in a room, smudge with sage bundles or tour your space with Palo Santo wood once a week.


Burn some beeswax candles at night several times a week. Do not leave unattended.

EARTH Element


Place sea salt in small bowls in all of the corners of each room and at the threshold of each of the entrances to your space. Leave for 24 hours and then sweep up and flush down the toilet. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of sea salt in pure water and mist the area needing cleansing.


Crystals absorb negative energy. Clear crystals in water or a bowl of sea salt or Himalayan salt, energize in sunlight and cleanse with Palo Santo. Then place them in your space.

METAL Element


Use bells, classical music, meditation or world music tuned to “Verdi’s A” (A=432 hz), healing frequencies, chanting, clapping, drumming or Tibetan singing bowls to cleanse the energy of a space as often as you like. 27 Ohms will cleanse the energy of a space, as well.


Clean the air in your home with an air purifier. Turn on ceiling fans to circulate and move the air. Open windows and doors to release stale inside air and let in fresh outdoor air.


Visualize an energy ball of white light moving through each room along all of the walls, floors and corners or hire a Reiki Master to cleanse your space with Reiki.

WATER Element


Prepare a spray bottle with pure filtered water and lemon juice, lemon or sweet orange essential oil or an invigorating blend like doTERRA’s Citrus Bliss. Use to clean antiques or previously owned furniture before moving it in to your space and placing your possessions on or within it.


Energize some pure water with sunlight, high energy words taped to a glass bottle, prayer/intentions/blessings/chanting/music or with crystals. Prepare spray bottles with spritz nozzles with the blessed water. Add sea salt to one and essential oils to another. Have a frankincense essential oil spritzer ready at all times.

Energy Cleansing For YOU!

Space cleansing for you can clear negative energy, emotions, thoughts; limiting beliefs and mind control programs. You can cleanse your physical body, mind, emotional body, energy centers (chakras) and energy body.


Drink water and lemon. Drink warm water with baking soda and molasses or baking soda and lemon. Drink water with a high pH (9.5). Drink green juices. Eat more alkaline foods. Reduce or eliminate acidic foods and beverages. Maintain the correct acid-alkaline blood pH balance (7.35 – 7.45).


Pause to take some deep breaths throughout the day. Practice breathing exercises.

Clean Eating

Whether you are vegan or not, you can eat clean. Eat real food as close to the way it is found in nature. Eat organic, locally sourced fruits and vegetables that are in season. Go raw and/or gluten free. Eat your fruits and vegetables raw or lightly steamed or sautéed. Drink fresh green juices and protein rich smoothies. Drink raw milk kefir and water kefir. Eat fermented foods. Replace simple carbohydrates with organic plant based or high quality proteins and grass fed or MCT fats. Practice intermittent fasting and dietary detoxes.

Avoid processed food: anything out of a plastic bag or bottle, cardboard box or aluminum can. Read labels and avoid foods that have GMOs, MSG, HFCS-90 (fructose), petroleum derivatives, nitrates and nitrites, soy, artificial sugars, colors, flavors and preservatives. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption.

If you choose to eat animal products, purchase pastured eggs, free range poultry, grass fed (not corn fed) beef, cheese and butter, raw milk and Atlantic wild (not farm raised or Pacific caught) fish. Avoid pork and shellfish. Eat traditional foods like organ meats and bone broth and supplement with fish liver oils.


Take mud baths at a spa or full body (in a dry bath tub) or facial clay masks at home. Detox with the internal use of clay mixed with water in the morning to pull out toxins.

Clearing Statements

Deprogram yourself. Repeat clearing statements that delete, un-create and de-story limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. Replace redundant thoughts and negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Reinforce the Truth with mantras.

Colon Cleansing

Do enemas as needed and colonics periodically. Eat yogurt or raw milk kefir with ground flaxseed and berries. Eat high fiber foods. Do 72 hour colon cleansing fasts with a Vitamin C/Salt water flush in the morning and water with lemon throughout the day.


Protect your personal energy with clear quartz crystal pendants. Place rose quartz between you and your laptop when working. Create a crystal grid under your bed for peaceful sleep. Create a crystal grid with an intention for energy cleansing. Clear your crystals regularly.

Dry Brushing

Using a soft brush, brush your skin, working from the extremities to the heart in the shower before turning on the water.

EMF Protection

Invest in personal EMF protection, as well as, protection for your devices (cell phones, tablets and laptops)


Move you body everyday. Stretch or do some gentle yoga poses. Practice yoga, go to Pilates or take a dance class. Do Tabata or high intensity interval training. Walk for a minimum of 20 minutes a day.


Go outside and put your bare feet on the Earth once a day.


Enjoy infrared saunas and steam rooms with fresh Eucalyptus to release toxins through the skin.


Take sea salt, Epsom salt, baking soda or peroxide full body baths and foot baths with essential oils. Enjoy natural hot springs and Turkish baths when you can.

Personal Care Products

Make natural products without petroleum derivatives, chemicals and preservatives. Make your own dental care products: re-mineralizing toothpaste, mouthwash and whitening treatments. Make your own bath products: soaps, body washes and bath salts. Make your own hair care products: shampoos, conditioners and deep conditioning treatments. Make your own spa products: sugar scrubs, facial masks and massage oils. Make your own facial products: facial washes, toners and moisturizers. Make your own skin care products: hand creams, lotions, sunscreens and body butters. Make your own deodorant, eau de toilettes waters and personal fragrances.


Do not watch the news. Do not watch television. Limit your interaction on social media. Don’t believe everything reported, especially the “official story”. Be discriminating when selecting movies to watch. Do not listen to rock or pop music or music tuned to the International Concert standard pitch (A=440 hz). Study etymology, numerology, hypnosis, mind control, NLP, body language, occult symbolism and hand signs to decode popular culture, music, music videos, television, movies, documentaries, print media, news stories, political speeches, etc.


Meditate for a few minutes everyday. 15 – 20 minute sessions twice a day or 30 minutes to an hour in the morning. Use this time to breathe, quiet your thoughts, “smile with your liver”, listen to music, visualize, intend and repeat mantras.

Oil Pulling

Swish one tablespoon of raw organic unrefined coconut oil for 20 minutes each morning upon waking, before drinking or eating anything. Hold the oil in your mouth for up to an hour, if you can. Spit into the trash and rinse. Then brush your teeth and swish with food grade hydrogen peroxide.


Take a Reiki I class, receive your attunement and practice self-Reiki twice a day. Receive Reiki from a Usui Reiki Master or trade with fellow Reiki practitioners.


Sit outside in the sun before noon for 20-30 minutes every day.


Drink pure water. Filtered water without chemicals, fluoride and chlorine. Alkaline water with a high pH. Structured water.

Learn more about clearing negative energy…

Spiritual Clearings: Sacred Practices to Release Negative Energy and Harmonize Your Life by Diana Burney


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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