Blessings & the 9 Life Centers

FSYS Blog - Blessings & The 9 Life Centers
Blessings are not a new concept or practice. People have been bestowing blessings since the dawn of mankind. Many people bless their food before eating a meal. They bless their daily bread or whatever they are about to eat. Others bless their homes. They place "Bless this home" embroidered pillows on their couches or cross-stitched art on their walls. People have been encouraged by their mothers and clergy to "count your blessings" and shower others with blessings. Certain religions have blessings that are recited during ritualized prayers, organized meetings or ceremonial gatherings. People say them to bless their children, their family and friends, even their enemies. Patriots will bless their country and their countrymen or service men and women. Politicians frequently end their speeches and public statements with "God bless America". Other nationalities have blessings built into their saying, greetings and salutations. The Irish are known for their beautiful and genuine blessings for travelers and happiness.
Dr. Masaru Emoto taught us about the effect prayer and blessings have on water. He showed us the power of words and how water molecules acquire new properties, positive or negative vibrational information that is stored and transmitted. He reminded us that our bodies and our planet are mostly water and asked us to remember that our thoughts and words can heal ourselves and the Earth. His work with water crystals impressed on the world the importance of self-talk, inspired us to be conscious of the words we use and encouraged us to pray for and bless ourselves, each other and the planet.

In The Gentle Art of Blessing, Pierre Pradervand provides a tutorial on "a simple  practice that promises to transform you and your world". It is a new habit that you can easily add to your morning and evening routines and make a daily meditation. Blessings can be a prayer, a positive affirmation, an expression of gratitude, an intention for well-being. In a world where action is regarded as the primary way to see results, the "art of blessing" reveals the power and beauty of a more yin approach to manifestation and receiving, or the "art of allowing".

You can start practicing the art of blessing right now. Compose a blessing that you can say to yourself upon waking in the morning or at anytime throughout the day. Repeat your blessing mantras out loud as you drive to work or silently within your own spirit. Bless yourself and everyone and everything during meditation or in prayer.
I bless myself and my life. I bless every cell in my body. I bless my home and everyone who lives here with me. I bless all of the people in my life. I bless my day. I bless everything I do today and everyone I meet today. I bless the work that I do. I bless my finances. I bless me.
The same could be said for your intentions and desires. Don't just write them on your heart, write them down! Cultivate your ability to appreciate what you already have. Start a blessing journal in which you count your blessings each night before bed. Create positive expectation for even more blessings the next day by writing down the blessings you would like to receive as written positive, possessive, present tense affirmations. Claim them as yours NOW. Feel as if you already are the person who is that blessed. Select the blessings below that appeal to you the most each day or write your own blessings. Or, choose just one blessing to focus on and write it as many times as it takes to fill a whole page in a notebook. Or, write the story of your ideal day each night before falling asleep. Let your Higher Self prepare for whatever that will require and let the Universe orchestrate all of the details while you are sleeping.

Blessings & the 9 Life Centers

In feng shui, we work within a 9 square grid, called the BaGua. The Western feng shui bagua has what I call our Life Centers, nine important areas in each of our lives that require attention and intention. Blessing ourselves, our bodies, our careers and businesses, our relationships, etc. is one of the most beautiful ways to practice the art of allowing and create the space for the things we desire to manifest in our lives.

Career & Life Path

I bless my job, career, business, practice, profession, vocation, non-profit organization, etc.I bless my company, store, studio, gallery, office, cottage industry, home business, online business, network marketing business, etc. I bless my farm, ranch, orchard, garden, etc. I bless my products and services, my blogs and websites, my social media accounts, my online store, my affiliates and their programs, etc. I bless my office phone, cell phone and home phone. I bless my voice mail, email accounts, text messages, chat messages and video messages. I bless my clients and customers, subscribers and members, readers and viewers, friends and fans on social media, etc. I bless my business associates and business partners, co-workers and colleagues, employers and employees, etc. I bless my life's work and my mission.I bless my life, my life path, my life's purpose. I bless my personal energy. 

Spirituality & Self-Cultivation

I bless my spirit. I bless my spiritual life. I bless my spiritual practices, my meditation practice, my yoga practice, my Reiki practice, my Qigong practice, my tai chi practice, my prayer time, my spiritual studies, etc. I bless my church, religious community, prayer group, study group, etc. I bless my pastor, priest, rabbi, guru, etc.I bless my guardian angels, ascended masters, the archangels, saints, etc. I bless my personal growth and development, my research and reading, my knowledge and understanding, my search for the Truth, etc. I bless my consciousness, my soul, my past lives, my awakening, my enlightenment, etc. 

Health & Family

I bless my health and well-being. I bless my body, every organ and cell in my body, my aches and pains, my "dis-ease" or condition, etc. I bless my physical appearance, my weight, my features and flaws, etc. I bless my emotions, my emotional health, my emotional intelligence, my emotional expressions, etc. I bless my food and the nutrients and energy in my food. I bless the people who produced, prepared and served my food. I bless my water. I bless my family, my mother and father, sisters and brothers, uncles and aunts, nieces and nephews, children and grandchildren, grandparents and cousins and other relatives living or deceased. I bless my relationships with my family. I bless my community. I bless the relationships I have with the people in my life. 

Wealth & Prosperity

I bless my financial well-being. I bless my paycheck, my monthly salary, my sales commissions, my cash flow, my multiple streams of income, etc. I bless my money, my bank accounts, my savings, my investments, my retirement accounts, my nest egg, etc. I bless my wallet, my checkbook, my cash, my debit cards and credit cards. I bless my creditors and debtors, vendors and suppliers, landlords and tenants. I bless my invoices, my deposits, my accounts receivable. I bless my bills, my accounts payable, my business expenses and write offs, my taxes and fees, etc. I bless my personal wealth, my prosperity, my abundance consciousness, etc. I bless my properties, homes, cars, personal belongings, etc. 

Fame & Fortune

I bless my eternal soul. I bless my spiritual presence on the Earth. I bless my spark of divine light. I bless myself with recognition for my natural abilities, special talents, integrity and character, wisdom and understanding, knowledge and skillsets, courage and strength of mind and heart, soul and body. I bless myself with fortunate events, incredible opportunities, celebrations of life, memorable experiences, etc. I bless myself with invitations to participate with wonderful people in amazing places doing extraordinary things. I bless myself with a continual stream of well-being.I bless my problems and challenges and the life lessons learned through them. 

Marriage & Partnership

I bless my singleness. I bless my partnerships. I bless my dating, courtship, etc. I bless my love life, my sex life, my marital life, etc. I bless my romantic relationship / partnership / marriage. I bless my past romantic relationships / partnerships / marriages. I bless my future romantic relationship / partnership / marriage, etc. I bless my husband / wife, my spouse / partner, my boyfriend / girlfriend, lover. I bless my future husband / wife, spouse / partner, boyfriend / girlfriend, lover. I bless my past husband / wife, spouse / partner, boyfriends / girlfriends, lover. I bless my break up(s), separation(s), divorce(s).

Children & Creativity

I bless my children. I bless my children's health and well-being. I bless my children's lives, careers, finances, home, spouses/partners, children, family, etc. I bless my grandchildren. I bless my children's teachers, education, studies, etc. I bless my teachers and my students. I bless my creativity, artistic talents, self-expression, art, music, dance, writing, etc. 

Helpful People & Travel

I bless the helpful people in my life. I bless my teachers and mentors. I bless my own ability and willingness to be helpful. I bless my opportunities to be helpful. I bless my modes of transportation: car, buses, boats, planes, taxis, etc. I bless my trips and travels. I bless my van, bus, limo and taxi drivers. I bless my train engineer, my flight attendants and airline pilots, my boat captains and crew. I bless my luggage, backpack, purse, bags, devices, laptops, cameras, phones, equipment and all other personal belongings. I bless the hotel maids, bellhops and concierge, restaurant servers, pool and beach lifeguards, tour guides, etc. I bless the great cities and beautiful places of the world. 


I bless my town, my city, my county, my state/province, my country, my planet, my solar system, my galaxy, the universe, the multi-verse. I bless my street, my neighborhood, my association, my gated community. I bless my property, my yard, my garden, etc. I bless my home. I bless my living environment. I bless my kitchen. I bless my bedroom. I bless my bed. I bless my home office. 
Bless yourself and the people in your life. Bless everything and every aspect of your life.  
May you and yours be blessed indeed!


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 
Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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