The Return of the “gods”

T8E Blog - The Return of the gods

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The Fall of the Guru

In The End of Hustle Culture, I talked about the rise of the self-help gurus. The social media influencers who created content to become a public figure and monetize their life. The spiritual teachers, masters and guides who positioned themselves as the monk on the mountain that people looked to for guidance on their own journey for a one-time payment of . The self-made millionaires who decided to teach other people what worked for them, based on the false premise that everyone else is like them…or should be. The successful podcasters and best-selling authors who give one-size-fits-all advice but don’t actually have their own embodiment practice or take their own advice. The charlatans who read a few self-help books and suddenly become an authority on the topic. The self-proclaimed “experts” who just regurgitated and repackaged other people’s work for massive profits because they pushed on pain points, spent money on ads and had effective sales funnels. The keynote speakers who gave motivational talks at conferences about being made for more. The seven and eight figure online business moguls who bullied people into buying their signature course or joining their 10K+ mastermind programs with false claims and threats of FOMO.

But what goes up must come down. As the Mountain Earth 20-year cycle started coming to an end, we began to see these gurus fall, one by one, tumbling down the mountain they’d climb to reach the pinnacle in their business ventures. Over the past few years, they’ve begun to lose favor with the public and more importantly, they’ve lost their influence and power.

We no longer look up to them.

Because eventually they couldn’t keep up the facade anymore. Their life, their lifestyle, their marriage, even their business “success” was presented in aesthetically perfect Instragammable posts or highlight reels. But it was just good copywriting and image filters, beautiful websites with professional photography, well-designed email campaigns and well-written sales pages.

One woman, who wrote a book about finding “extraordinary love”, is twice divorced and currently single. I never asked her which of the multiple men she’s been with was her extraordinary love. But I doubt the extraordinary love and power partnership that the people who might want to read her book desire, end in divorce or being single.

The truth is: these “gurus” are just people. People who faked their authenticity and relatability for popularity. People who grifted their way through the Internet with brand partnerships and paid sponsorships, affiliate links and discount codes. People who created a business out of telling personal stories and giving unqualified and unsolicited life advice. People who violated their own privacy and exploited their children for views, likes and subscribes. People who valued money above all else and were willing to pay a high price for financial success. People who hustled and were severely burdened by their work load but pushed through, even when their health deteriorated, their anxiety became debilitating and their relationships died. People who thought that reaching the top of the mountain faster or “better” than their followers made them an expert guide, instead of just a fellow traveler. People who taught that their way is THE way. People who claimed they just wanted to do good in the world, while making money hand over fist, and then claiming that making lots of money is what makes it possible for them to do good in the world. People who established themselves in the self-help genre, not to actually help others, but to help themselves achieve their own business goals and make mountains of money.

One woman, who believes that “everything is figureoutable”, finally admitted she’d been overwhelmed her entire career. She’d allowed her multiple businesses to take their toll on her health, mentally and physically. But she wasn’t honest about the truth of her experience as a boss babe until she’d created a new program about how not to “do” overwhelm anymore. That way she had something to sell to the overly ambitious but burnt out, procrastinating but highly productive people, who were also struggling with overwhelm…like her.

I can share that from personal experience, many of the teachers I’ve learned from, have lost my respect. Some became so appallingly nasty, I had to block them on social media. The ones who lied by omission about their world view for decades and then showed their true colors once they retired or closed their business. In their greedy pursuit of profits over people, others outed themselves as devotees of their one true god, the Almighty Dollar. The ones who are unreachable, protected by their wall of “boundaries”, cloistered in their safe space, who ghost you to avoid having the hard conversations or will only talk to you if you pay them by the hour.

The gurus have fallen. And they can’t get up. Some have already closed their businesses. Some have yet to admit defeat or at least the error of their ways. Some are literally in jail, in debt or dead. And some will try to reinvent themselves. But the era of the guru has come to an end.

Let this be a lesson to us about who we look up to or put our faith in, as we move into the next 20-year cycle, hallmarked by the rise of the celebrity, the raising of consciousness and the return of the gods.

The Rise of the Celebrity

In The End of Tribalism, I talked about the star quality of the celebrity and how it activates, enhances and leads to increasing their fame and fortune. The stardom in the spotlight effect of the Fire element tends to attract large groups of people, like moths to a flame. And this collectivist group think can lead to global communist dictatorships with death tolls in the hundreds of millions, massive depopulation and the extinction of the human race.

Rich and famous people can use their power for good, for evil…or just for their own selfish intentions and desires. It’ll be interesting to see who rises to claim this star power and what they will do with it. Will they use their power to inspire people to greatness? Will they lead people to slaughter, like the moths circling the flame until their wings catch on fire? Or, will they use their power to become even more rich and famous?

Celebrities like Elon Musk, Donald Trump and Taylor Swift can have huge impacts on the world. World politics. World economics. World population. World views. World war. World peace. Ushering in a new world order or brave new world. Or, the change that is wished for in the world.

The Raising of Consciousness

In addition to celebrity stars, the Fire element is represented in nature by fire and in the cosmos by the sun and stars. Our sun, that eight planets revolve around in an elliptical orbit, is also a star. And our human bodies are made of stardust.

Another expression of Fire element energy is the inner flame of spirit. The divine spark of Source. The sacred fire that animates life. The guiding light of our eternal soul that keeps us connected to the Creator of All. The consciousness of our True Self that knows all, even during lifetimes of human amnesia.

The starseeds from other star systems are here. These souls have been coming for a while now. They volunteered to facilitate the quantum leap humanity is preparing to take. They came to wake the sleeping masses. To be present for and a witness to humanity’s evolution. To shine their light in the darkness. To help to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. So that one fine day, humans too can take their place among the stars.

The Return of the gods

Fire is one of two spiritual elements. It’s the one associated with the world religions that are used to control human behavior, hide our true history and keep our sovereignty a secret. It’s these religions that convince people to believe in and worship the “gods” that visited Earth, before primitive and ancient humans understood the concepts of space travel and extraterrestrials.

The stories of pre-historic, ancient and biblical times speak of powerful beings “not of this world” and their brightly lit or reflective spacecraft, who came down from “heaven” to Earth. Some came to modify human DNA in their image in a series of genetic experiments. Some came to hijack the planet and enslave humanity, forcing them to mine its resources, especially precious metals, like gold. Some came to abduct or interbreed with female humans to hybridize the species, resulting in the demi-gods and the “royal” lineage of blue bloods. Some came to wage war with other competing factions for dominion over the Earth and its inhabitant. Some came as prophets and spiritual teachers who were persecuted and martyred for blasphemy by monotheists.

The Book of Genesis talks about “gods” in plural. And yet, the people of the book, claim that the violent and vengeful, evil entity depicted in the Old Testament and posing as the creator of the universe and the god of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the one true God. A patriarchal god obsessed with the birthrights of males and killing first born sons, war and the spoils of war, land grabs and ritual blood sacrifice.

All three desert religions are waiting for a savior. For Christians it’s the second coming of Christ. The Jews are still waiting for a messiah, descended from King David, who is a political leader and military commander. And Muslims are waiting for their own messianic figure called Mahdi.

Unfortunately, this belief in a coming messiah or returning savior, sets people up to be fooled by another visitation of beings that can take on the appearance of Jesus, Moshiach or Mahdi. So, this time it won’t be ignorance of space and alien invaders but their own blind faith in a god that they worship and yet fear.

For those of us who don’t believe in original sin or that Satanic ritual human sacrifice saves souls from going to hell for eternity, it will be important to recognize visitors from the stars, Project Blue Beam technology of a fake alien invasion or the second coming of Christ appearing in our skies, for what they actually are instead of what they want us to believe they are. And most importantly, to stand in our sovereignty and not to worship these real or fake beings as gods.

The return the gods is an essential component of end times scenarios predicted in ancient texts. For humans to reclaim their sovereignty they’re going to have to stop believing in gods and waiting for saviors. They’re going to have to accept that there are other beings in the universe, besides humans. And that those beings, real or fake, good or evil, are not gods to be worshipped and obeyed.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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