Finding Your Inner Compass

T8E Blog - Finding Your Inner Compass
 Each month the element's energies move to a new house. This month the Soft Metal energy is visiting the North, the House of Water. As with every numeric combination, in addition to the feng shui energies, there are other interesting influences at play.
In this blog, I will be sharing about the affect Soft Metal has on the Water element and how they depict our True North and inner compass.
Metal is the productive element for Water. This means it will produce or create more Water energy. And since the Water element represents careers and income, this visiting energy can lead to career advances, job promotions and increased monthly income through salaries or sales. 
However, Soft Metal has a cutting energy. Soft Metal often brings cutting remarks from friends, cut backs at work and the impetus to cut loose people you've had relationships with for a reason or a season. And when this cutting edge visits the area centered on Career & Life Path, we can see job loss from layoffs and income loss from pay cuts, reduced hours and unemployment. 
Something else people can experience with this energy is a loss of direction in life. They can feel cut off from their life support and lost on their journey through life. The path they were following leads to a dead end. Or, the footpath narrows and the trail begins to fade into a vast wilderness on no man's land. 
That's where the Soft Metal energy comes in. Soft Metal is represented by small metal weapons, tools and instruments, from the handy pocket knife to the barber's razor blade, the surgeon's scalpel to the dentist's tools, the bread baker's lame to the gardener's spade. And for the adventurous hiker and feng shui consultant alike, it's the needle in the compass that points ever North.

The Three Norths Align

This month, the three Norths converged in a small village called Langton Matravers, in the southernmost region of Great Britain. The Three Norths are True North, Magnetic North and Grid North. And according to Dr Susan Macmillan, of the British Geological Survey, "This is a once in a lifetime occurrence."
It might come as a surprise to find out there are indeed Three Norths. True North is based on the longitude lines that end at the North Pole, as defined by the planet's rotation. Magnetic North is the compass direction where the Earth's magnetic field points down vertically. And Grid North is the direction of the lines on the top of a map. Technically, there is a Google Maps North as well. 
The aligned Three Norths will be slowly traveling together up through the center of the UK. In fact, according to The Times, "For the next four years, for the first time in British history, your compass, map and the Earth itself will all agree on the direction of north." By June of 2026, this alignment will have reached Fraserburgh, a town in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 

True North

The Water element is represented by the North direction. Like the North, this is the element that provides direction in life when you're lost or there are no beaten paths or familiar landmarks. It's what intuitively guides you home to your True Self. 
If you've lost way and found yourself in the middle of nowhere, trust that you are in the perfect place at the perfect time. If you've gone off your life path or lost your connection to your soul's mission, you can always course correct and find your way forward. If you've never taken the time to discover why you're here, it's never too late to get present to where you are now and take your first steps in the direction aligned with your life purpose. 
Like the handheld compass that points to magnetic North, your inner compass is always aligned to your True North. Like the brightest star in the Northern sky, you only need to go within to be internally guided by your own North Star. Like the map that shows the way, you only need to tap into that eternal light that shines in the dark night of your soul. 
Water is true and authentic. It asks you to have integrity. To be true to yourself. To honor your values. And guide to back to who YOU really are. To embody your True Self. 
Soft Metal can be a challenging energy. Instead of succumbing to the setbacks, shift from having challenging experiences to challenging yourself to experience more of the things that bring you joy, peace or happiness. Instead of cutting off the parts of you that the world has told you are unacceptable, challenge yourself to be all of who you are without apology. Instead of editing, disguising or hiding who you are, challenge yourself to be true to YOU! 

The North Node

The good news is that we have tools to help guide us. The North Node, depicted in your astrological natal chart as the True Node reveals your inner intentions, present life path or purpose, dharma or destiny. It can help you plan for your future, find meaning in your life and fulfill your soul’s mission. This inner compass provides the guidance system that points you in the right direction, your True North.
After completing your Saturn return (ages 27-29) at 30, this North Star inspires you to listen to your inner wisdom, heed the call, leave your comfort zone and go on your hero’s journey. Find your dharma and align with your soul’s intended trajectory this lifetime by moving to one of your present Life’s Purpose lines. 
Your Lunar Nodes Life Purpose Guide takes is a deeper look at YOU on a soul level. It will reveal what you may to need to clear or heal from your past and how to use the gifts from past lives in your current experience. You'll also receive guidance about where to move to find alignment with your present Life Purpose and what you can begin to choose to fulfill your soul’s purpose for being here this lifetime.
To request your Life Path AstroMap and Life Purpose Guide, contact me! Or, read more about AstroMaps.

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If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, read about Virtual Feng Shui Consultations.
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


Personal Needs of The 8 Elements


All the Things