2016 Annual Energy: Mother Earth

T8E Blog - 2016 Annual Energy: Mother Earth

In this part of the 2016 Annual Energy Report, you’ll learn about three of the aspects of the Mother Earth element:  her Physical Human Energy, her West House Group and her Young Adult Human Stage of Life.

Human Energy


Earth elements are aware of their physical state of being. They are connected to the physical aspects of themselves, others and life as a human being. Their physicality is the predominate theme in their lives. They may seek out physical connections with family, friends, and especially lovers. In fact, the way they relate with people is to try to make connections with them on a physical level. They need to touch and be touched. They may enjoy physical activities and expressing themselves through their physical abilities, read books about health, fitness, and sports and have a desire to have intense physical experiences. Their bodies are their guide. They take great pleasure in experiencing life in a physical form through their five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. They resonate the most with doing.

Because Earth elements are doers, you may be inspired to take more action than you normally do. You may become more productive while honoring the law of least effort. You may accomplish more of the things you can see and touch and point to instead of just internal advancements and inner personal growth. You may reach important or memorable milestones. You may land a new job or rock a new position in your company.

Mother Earth is one of two physical energy elements. Mother Earth years are all about the physical plane, the physical dimension, the physical body and physical manifestation. Bringing that which you have created with your thoughts and feelings, intentions and attention into your physical reality.

Mother Earth years inspires us to use our bodies. To be body conscious, body confident, body beautiful. It reminds us to be in our body instead of just dragging it around with us. To heal our relationship with our body. To cultivate a healthy body image. To love our body. To make friends with our body. Love it the way a lover would. Take care of it the way a mother would. Appreciate it with daily gratitude for making life on Earth possible, fun and the precious gift that it is.

Our bodies have their own consciousness. Begin to honor your body by asking it questions. Open the communication channels between you and your body. Ask your body what it needs, what it wants to eat or drink, how it wants to move or how long it wants to rest, what it would like to wear, whom it would like to touch or be touched by. Ask and then listen to your body.

The Mother Earth element is associated with the digestive and reproductive systems. To aid in healthy digestion, eat traditionally fermented foods, raw foods that have live enzymes, probiotics and minimally processed organic whole foods, simply prepared with healthy fats and fresh herbs. Digestive enzymes, herbal teas and pure therapeutic grade essential oils are also beneficial. Reduce stress and find ways to release your compulsive need to worry. Also, pay close attention to the health of your reproductive organs. Honor your body’s life giving abilities. Be conscious of their divine unions, spiritual connections and creative essence.

The Mother Earth element is particularly related to the female body. Women’s health and women’s bodies will be paid more attention to. Women’s fashion will be presented as unisex and become trendy for men. A woman’s healthy body image and how it relates to her sexual satisfaction, intimacy and relations will be emphasized. A woman as the embodiment of a sacred space will be reintroduced as a vital aspect of humanity and the future of the species on Earth.

Know the difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with someone you love. “I love you”, ain’t no pick up line.

~ Tim McGraw, Humble and Kind

Practice grounding. Also called Earthing, this daily practice connects you to Mother Earth through the soles of your bare feet. It helps to release negative energy from your body and creates an access point for you to receive life source energy from the planet. Go barefoot. Sit down in the grass or in your garden or at your nearest park, take in some essential sunlight and ground your energy field to Mother Earth.

Read E₂: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout. Experiment with bringing what you desire into your physical reality. Explore the connection and access to your own consciousness, the ability to shape your life, manifest your intentions and employ your mind over matter.

House Group


Mother Earth is one of four West House Group members. West House personal elements experience life in a spatial manner. They are very aware of what is happening NOW in their immediate environment. They live for and enjoy the present moment. Now is always the best time.

You know all those things you’ve been wanting to do? You should do them. You know all those people you’ve been meaning to spend time with? You should hang out with them. You know that trip you’ve been dreaming about taking? You should book your tickets. You know that project you’ve been planning for and putting off? You should begin it.

Human Stage of Life

19-24 (Young Adult)

Mother Earth is associated with a 6-year period of time in which all young adults ask, “what do I want to be when I grow up?”, “what shall I do with my life?”, “what would I like to contribute to?”. It’s a time in which, very idealistic young people leave home and begin the process of becoming their own person, outside of their familiar family dynamics and home structure. A time to move out and move through various stages of rapid personal growth through lots of new and exciting experiences. A time to further their education and find a vocation. A time to travel and find themselves. A time to explore their world and figure out what role they want to play in it. A time to experience life and experiment. A time in which many people change their mind, change their major, change their relationship status multiple times, resulting in what I like to call their, “passion of the week”.

You may find yourself asking more questions about your purpose, your path or your passions. You may need to take a break from work or school, marriage or family to explore your world and find yourself. Move your body to change directions in your life. Abandon all that you hold dear to give yourself the gift of choosing it again or something else. Take a walk on the wild side before settling down. Invest in your relationship with yourself before becoming ready to be in a relationship with someone else.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2016: The Year of the Monkey


2016: A Mother Earth Year