2016: A Mother Earth Year

T8E Blog - 2016 A Mother Earth Year

February 4th, 2016 – February 2nd, 2017

We are “out of the woods”. Literally! Hard Wood years have the potential to bring families together and provide opportunities to create vibrant health. During certain cycles though, the negative effects of this co-dependent 3 energy can wreak havoc on family relationships and personal health. It can encourage people to engage in gossip and slander and instigate family disputes. It can cause them to whine and complain incessantly, feel sorry for themselves and blame others for their life. It can make people feel like they need someone else to take care of them and cause them to enter into relationships with people who can financially and emotionally support them.  People are more likely to suffer from anxiety and fail to make progress in their life due to a lack of decisiveness, a refusal to make a choice. It can make them very emotionally unstable or overly emotional from weepy to hysterical.

If you experienced any health challenges or family dramas in 2015, look forward to what a Mother Earth year can bring. One of the things Hard Wood people know is that intimacy heals. It can heal you - body, mind and soul. It can heal your heart and mend your relationships with family, friends and lovers. It can heal your life.

Mother Earth years vibrate with the spacious and palpable energy of unconditional love. The affinity that you can enjoy within an intimate relationship with your equal, your opposite, your complementary partner. As the archetype of The Lover, they bring the potential for romantic relationships and marriage, conscious coupling and conscious conception. They honor the sacred feminine energy of women. They remind us of the value of femininity. Recognize the importance of the roles females play in our lives. Appreciate the responsibilities mothers and wives, sisters and daughters take on. See the beauty in feminine qualities and the strength in feminine forms of power.

Personal Element

Mother Earth

In balance, Mother Earth personal elements embody the receptive earth. They know what they love from an early age and are best served by following their bliss and pursuing your passions. Personifying Mother Earth, they enjoy providing the nutrient rich foundation for all living things to grow, from plants and animals to the people they love. Magnetically attracted to the rhythms of the earth, they express themselves through music, song, and dance. They are family oriented. They express their love through service to others and the creative, performing or healing arts. Multi-dimensional, their interests and natural abilities take them down many different roads. Not adverse to risk, they look forward to their next adventure, especially if it includes exploring the beauty and splendor of our beloved Mother Earth. They are the love of our life!

Out of balance, Mother Earth elements can be self-absorbed and self-centered, stubborn, adverse to risk, uncomfortable with change, moody, manipulative, a worrier, and always thinking.

2016 is a Mother Earth year. The many aspects, qualities and characteristics of the Mother Earth element will affect each personal element and their lives this year. These effects are both general for everyone and also more specific, depending on what your personal element is.  Everyone will be influenced by the Mother Earth energy: her yin energy, her dominant emotion, her physical energy and health considerations, her completion number and human stage of development, her feminine strengths and values, her essential life center.

Our planet beautifully embodies the Mother Earth element. As a co-creator, she looks to us to be in partnership with her as we co-create this next phase of human evolution. As a mother, her love for us and every living being is unconditional.

Mother Earth is longsuffering and forgiving. Although self-sacrificing she will not become a martyr; for martyrdom will only cause the death of humanity and destruction of her irreplaceable and precious eco-system. Mother Earth will restore vital balance before she reaches the point of no return. She will restore her own soul and maintain her own inner well-being no matter how much trauma and drama is played out on the world’s stage. Mother Earth will continue to rely on people to live in harmony with each other, in balance with nature and to be good stewards of their home.

It’s a year to celebrate Mother Earth. Show gratitude for her willingness to be our foundation for life, her support in our every Earthly endeavor and her partnership in this co-creative human experience. Honor Mother Earth by taking as good of care of her as she does of us, Earthlings. Be energetically invested in maintaining this planet’s balance and well-being.

Mother Earth has its own consciousness. Upon waking or in meditation express your gratitude for Mother Earth and ask her what she needs from you today. She is assisting her inhabitants in raising their individual and collective consciousness.

The Mother Earth element is associated with exploring your world. Travel. Choose your own adventure. Plan a trip to see the great cities and beautiful places of the world. Take the road less traveled but not without a hand to hold along the way. Curate your life experience by doing more of the things that bring warmth to your heart and a smile to your lips. Create a life you don’t need a vacation from. Make time in nature a bigger part of your life, your activities, your day. Live a life you love.

The Annual Energy Report for 2016 will be an in depth study of every aspect of the Mother Earth element. Her Yin feminine energy. Her Physical human expression and physical health. Her membership in the West House Group. Her Young Adult stage of human development. Her Woman & Mother archetype. Her 2 completion number. Her Partnership & Marriage life center. Her Love. Her affinity for creating, embodying, providing and being the energy, space and consciousness of Home. Her unique Relationship Dynamic with your personal element.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


2016 Annual Energy: Mother Earth


Yin Energy