Yin Wood Energy in a Hard Wood Year

T8E BLOG - Yin Wood Energy in a Hard Wood Year

Chinese Astrology

Last year was the year of the Yang Wood Horse. This year is the year of the Yin Wood Sheep. Each year is influenced by the energy of one of the 12 Chinese animal signs. Each of these signs are assigned one of the five elements and a color. The combination of the 12 animals signs and the five elements make up the "stems and branches" of the 60 year cycle of human life.

Feng Shui Elements

Last year was a Universal 4 energy or Soft Wood year. This year is a Universal 3 energy or Hard Wood year. Each year is imbued with the energy of one of the 8 Personal Elements. Each of these unique personal elements have very different personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, needs and values. They affect the energy of people very differently depending on their feng shui personal element.

Many people confuse the Chinese astrological five elements with the feng shui personal elements. They think that if they know their Chinese animal sign and the corresponding element that they know their personal element. Some even call the element associated with their Chinese animal sign, their "feng shui" element. They do not know that you can be a Fire element in Chinese astrology and a Water personal element in feng shui. They do not realize that if their Chinese astrological element happens to be the same as their feng shui personal element, it is just a coincidence, and means that that element has an even stronger influence on shaping their personality and life path. They do not understand that these signs and elements are determined using completely different celestial calendars and that one takes a person's gender into consideration while the other does not.

While both of these personality profiles provide valuable information, they should be considered separate schools of thought that can either complement or contradict each other. Neither is the "right" one; nor is one superior to the other.  Just as we layer different schools of feng shui into an energy blueprint, we can layer these different schools of astrology and numerology into our understanding of our personal energy.

Yin/Yang & Soft/Hard

The last two years have been especially confusing for many. Last year I talked about Soft Wood energy in a Yang Wood Horse year and this year I am talking about Hard Wood energy in a Yin Wood Sheep year. The term yin wood and the personal element Soft Wood are not necessarily interchangeable in every context; nor are yang wood and the personal element Hard Wood.

For example: the Chinese use the term "yin wood" to describe a certain kind of energy - a gentle energy that is directed downward and concentrated inward, an energy that is more introspective and receptive, an energy that is more still and quiet, intuitive and insightful. It does not refer to the personality traits or personal energy of the Soft Wood personal element. Yin and yang in relation to the five elements is used to describe the quality of an energy. Yin and yang in relation to the 8 personal elements is used to describe the primary feminine or masculine energy of that element.

My expertise and the main focus of my work are The 8 Elements. So, while I don't spend a lot of time on Chinese astrology, I do take the energy associated with the Chinese animal sign and its element into consideration when researching the effect it will have on the year's Universal number and corresponding personal element.

So what does yin wood energy in a Hard Wood element year mean for you in 2015?

The Wood element is about growth, change and development. Wood inspires you to reach up to achieve your goals, reach out to embrace and care for others and reach down to stay grounded in your roots. Wood provides opportunities to change your beliefs, your point of view and your ideas about yourself and your life. Wood encourages you to develop and educate yourself, to gain knowledge, to read more and study the things that interest you and that will improve your life.

Hard Wood is a progressive, productive and pragmatic energy that brings people together in collaborative endeavors. Yin wood's downward and inward energy provides a counter balance to the Hard Wood's upward and outward energy. Hard Wood energy is a call to action for the coming together of like minded people, the gathering together of people who are committed to being the change and the working together of people who have purpose, plans and projects that can only be accomplished in a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation.

This year you will be asked to grow up, grow as a person and grow past your comfort zones and boundaries. You will be inspired to develop those ideas and projects that are dear to you but that have been put aside or left on the back burner for more critical and urgent demands on your time and energy. You will be called to be the change in your community; not just complain or talk about what you don't like.

The yin wood energy will turn your attention within. You will pause to ask yourself what you need, what brings you joy, what makes you fulfilled. You will be able to focus your energy on honoring your health and personal well-being. You will give yourself the freedom to choose a life, designed to make YOU happy.

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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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2015: The Year of the Sheep