reading your astromap

While I generate your AstroMap and prepare your report, familiarize yourself with the planets and aspects, lines and crosses. Download the guides and key and save or print them for easy reference. Once you receive and read your AstroMap, jot down your questions and schedule your follow up video chat so we can review the lines on your map together.
Please Note: Your first follow up video chat is included with your purchase of your AstroMap. Any additional phone sessions or video chats will be charged at my hourly rate of $100 per hour.
Celestial Bodies
Although we call them planetary energies in astrogeography, not all of the astrological bodies in the sky are planets. In fact, only seven of these celestial bodies are planets. The others are a star, moon, nodes, asteroid and dwarf planet.


“Shine like the Sun!”
The Sun is the archetype of The Star. It’s a good line for Fame & Success. Supportive of developing self-confidence, optimism and a healthy ego. Excellent if you want to build your self-esteem and be recognized for your accomplishments. With a focus on self-image, you are more likely to be seen in a good light for who you are or become known for what you do. Be creative and successful, noble and generous. Like the Fire element in feng shui, the yang energy of the Sun amplifies and increases or enhances the energy of other celestial bodies and brings balance to yin planets.
Go here for your 15 minutes of fame. Not good for people who want to avoid the spotlight and desire to live a more private life.
Key Words: Fame, Success, Self-Confidence, Sovereignty


“Reflect in the light of the Moon.”
The Moon is the archetype of The Divine Feminine. It’s a good line for Fertility & Family. Supportive of developing emotional intelligence and a sense of belonging. This is the most yin, feminine and sensitive energy that may make you feel vulnerable and introspective, creative and intuitive. These lines may inspire self-reflection so you can discover how you feel about yourself. Time on this line helps with determining and honoring your needs and desires. Excellent for conception, motherhood, starting a family and nurturing children.
Be aware that fertility is enhanced on these lines. Avoid or take necessary precautions if you don’t want to conceive. Or, channel this energy into a creative project you are ready to bring out into the world and nurture.
You may be more sensitive to the waning and waxing or affected by the phases of the moon and be more successful with manifesting rituals on the New Moon and relating on the Full Moon.
Key Words: Fertility, Family, Desires, Belonging


“Don’t shoot the messenger!”
Mercury is the archetype of The Messenger. It’s a good line for Intellect & Communication. Supportive of discovering and pursuing your interests. Great for stimulating your intellect through studying and teaching. Excellent for gaining knowledge, processing information and communicating through every medium from writing and publishing, speaking and debating, email correspondence and social media, etc. Write a book or blog, create and sell a course or product. Become an influencer or start a YouTube channel.
These lines may also inspire a desire to travel and getting your message out into the world through information sharing.
You may receive divine messages from all dimensions, especially through animal totems, numerology, symbology, etc. You may also develop a love for reading, develop a better memory, sharper intellect or be more quick witted. You may also be seen as smart or recognized as a good communicator or interesting conversationalist.
Living on these lines may cause Mercury Retrograde and the resulting miscommunication to affect you more.
Key Words: Intellect, Interests, Communication, Messages


Venus is the archetype of The Goddess. It’s a good line for Love & Beauty. Supportive of feeling beautiful, beautifying your home or bringing beauty to your life and relationships. Excellent for enhancing feminine softness and beauty, as well as, finding love or enjoying more loving relationships.
You will feel attractive, glamorous and sensual and become more sexually desirable and active on these lines. Popularity, pleasure seeking and romantic relationships will dominate your life. You will develop a love for the finer and beautiful things in life, from art and music to the design aesthetic in your home and gardening on your surrounding property.
Venus is a feminine energy that magnetically attracts you to union with your partner, the man or woman of your dreams!
Key Words: Love, Beauty, Femininity, Sensuality


“Just do it!”
Mars is the archetype of The Warrior. Or, your “Knight in Shining Armor”. It’s a good line for Passion & Protection. Supportive of ambitions, assertiveness and the drive to achieve goals. Excellent for taking action, getting things done and putting your work out into the world. You will have more energy, intensity and stamina to fuel your determination and follow through to completion.
Great for athletes who want to excel in competitive sports.
Proceed with caution! Living on these lines can create some conflict and challenges. Relationships may be centered around lust or become combative and you may feel attacked and become defensive. Not good for those who are already prone to anger issues, aggression or have a temper.
Mars is a masculine energy that creates more tension and intensifies the effect of other nearby lines.
Key Words: Passion, Protection, Ambition, Achievement


“Happily ever after!”
Jupiter is the archetype of The Optimist. It’s a good line for Fortune & Abundance. Supportive of high vibes, inner happiness and personal wellbeing. Excellent for expanding your horizons, effortless living, good health and vitality. You will feel optimistic and philosophical, lucky and full of joy!
With the abundance of good things, you can literally “Have it all!” This expansive energy feels like taking a deep breath after holding it for a long time. Jupiter lines are the most uplifting, peaceful and abundantly blessed locations to live “happily ever after”. There is no better line to retire on and feel fully support and able to enjoy the finer things in life.
The “sweet spot of the Universe” and your heart’s happiness home.
Key Words: Fortune, Abundance, Happiness, Joy, Luck


“10,000 hours to mastery”
Saturn is the archetype of The Taskmaster. It’s a good line if you need to develop discipline and perseverance, especially through obstacles and delays. Supportive of finishing projects, completing tasks and checking off the never-ending To Do Lists. Rules and structure can provide a safe environment to grow and mature, study to mastery level or build something of great quality. Excellent if you tend to be lazy or procrastinate, want to develop a strong work ethic, master a skill or produce something of high value.
You can learn to focus your energy, create order and master time. Good if you need to adhere to a daily schedule or routine, like making lists or are obsessed with organizing and decluttering. Excellent if you need to develop leadership skills or have the satisfaction of a job well done.
Saturn is the most challenging planet. You will learn life lessons – the hard way. You may work long hours or work really hard and yet feel like your work is never done. This contracting energy can make you feel too boxed in, rigid and regimented. You may become thrifty or even miserly with money. This energy eventually will have a detrimental effect on your health so you may want to move away from a Saturn line to heal or regain your health.
Having a Saturn line close to your location or another line will slow down and keep the energy limited.
Key Words: Discipline, Perseverance, Excellence, Mastery, Wisdom


“Shake it up!”
Uranus is the archetype of The Rebel. It’s a good line for Innovation & Liberation. Supportive of being the change you want to see in the world. Excellent for having more freedom and establishing your independence. Spark your imagination to innovate or invent something original.
Move to this line to stimulate exciting growth, welcome surprising developments and manifest swift change. See, think and act differently. Liberate yourself from your past and the weight of owning possessions. Break old habits, break up with your own or other people’s limiting beliefs and break away from expired relationships. Rebel against the old system with non-conformist and anti-establishment views and activism.
Key Words: Innovation, Independence, Freedom, Change


“Let it go!”
Neptune is the archetype of The Dreamer. It’s a good line for Spirituality & Surrender. Supportive of spiritual growth and enlightenment. Excellent for developing psychic and spiritual gifts intuition. Connect with the divine and tap into the unconscious through dreams and astro travel, artistic expression and esoteric study, imagination and flow.
This line can give you a glimpse behind the veil of illusion into the etheric realms. Great for movie or film makers, especially science fiction, fantasy and mystery, as well as, visual artists and illustrators. It’s also good for meeting up with your tribe or soul/star family.
Not good for those who want to be seen.
Key Words: Spiritual, Psychic, Intuitive, Receptive, Artistry, Mystery


“Blow up your life!”
Pluto is the archetype of The Change Maker. It’s a good line for Death & Rebirth. Supportive of life changing transformation. Excellent for shadow work, release and renewal. Become a change agent.
Visit this line if you feel like you have been living for everyone else. The transformation can be explosive, erupting like a volcano all over your life and allowing for the regrowth to emerge up from the ashes. This line is to be taken in small doses as you would a powerful medicine. You will know when it’s time to go.
Key Words: Death, Rebirth, Change, Transformation


Chiron is the archetype of The Wounded Healer. It’s a good line for Healing & Mastery. Supportive of self-healing and mastering the healing arts. Excellent for study of the energy healing, human design, feng shui, astrology and tarot. Great for appreciating classical music and the arts.
These lines provide insight and reveal our wounds at their source or root emotion. They also reveal our gifts and the area of expertise or body of work we are here to share. They teach us kindness, gentleness and the truth that we can heal ourselves. As we heal our own wounds and traumas we are then able to help others heal too.
Very good for anyone working in the healing arts or intending to work on self-healing or self-mastery.
Key Words: Healing, Wounds, Trauma, Self-Mastery, Teaching

Moon’s Node

The North Node, depicted on the AstroMap as the Moon’s Node reveals your inner intentions, present life path or purpose, dharma or destiny. It can help you plan for your future, find meaning in your life and fulfill your soul’s mission. This inner compass provides the guidance system that points you in the right direction, your True North.
After completing your Saturn return (ages 27-29) at 30, this North Star inspires you to listen to your inner wisdom, heed the call, leave your comfort zone and go on your hero’s journey. Find your dharma and align with your soul’s intended trajectory this lifetime by moving to one of your present Life’s Purpose lines.
Key Words: Intentions, Purpose, Destiny, Direction
The other lunar node, the South Node is not shown on your AstroMap. It is located directly opposite your North Node and reveals your past life origin and patterns, challenges and gifts. It can help you make peace with your past, release any traumas and utilize the strengths you brought in with you. This astrological hometown is your comfort zone. And people born within your same lunar node group are likely members of your soul family, tribe or group who you incarnated with to learn the same life lessons or fulfill the same mission.
For more about your Lunar Nodes, please contact me to request your Life Purpose Map. This is a deeper look at YOU on a soul level. You will receive guidance on what you may to need to clear or heal from your past and how to use the gifts from a past life in your current experience. You will also receive guidance about where to move to find alignment with your present Life Purpose and what you can begin to choose to fulfill your soul’s purpose for being here this lifetime.
This offering is only available for clients who’ve purchased their Life Path Map or Life Story Map.
  • North Node Sign & Present Life (Planetary Lines & Alignments)
  • South Node Sign & Past Life (Baggage & Gifts)
  • Guidance
Emailed PDF
 Also included: Follow Up Video Chat 
Life Purpose Map: $150

Angles & Lines

The angles and lines on your AstroMap depict where the planetary energies were at the moment of birth.
There are four different angles or lines. You don’t have to live directly on a line to benefit or feel the effects. The orbs of influence extend up to 700 miles in all directions.
AS – Inner Life | Influences your sense of self & self-expression
Any planetary energies positioned as the Ascending will show up in our personal energy, inner world and how we see ourselves.
Imum Coeli
IC – Home & Family Life | Influences your sense of belonging
Any planetary energies positioned as the IC will show up in our home and family life, feelings of belonging and our sense of security in our money and property.
DS – Relationships | Influences your relationships with others
Any planetary energies positioned as the Descending will affect our relationships and what we attract emotionally, physically and psychically. 
MC – Career & Social Life | Influences how you are seen
Any planetary energies positioned as the MC will affect your career and social life and what you are known for in the world.

Parallels & Crosses

When angles or lines cross they create their own unique energy. This is also true when they run parallel to each other on on top of each other.
It’s important to look at each line and angle individually and then in combination. Do this anytime parallel lines run close together, you live between two lines or the lines cross.

AstroMap Celestial Guides

Download your FREE supplemental guides and key.

AstroMap - Celestial Bodies

AstroMap - Angles & Lines

AstroMap - Key

AstroMap - Life Enhancements


“No matter where you go, there you are.”

Happy designing your dream life with your AstroMap!