Inner Chi Mastery Self-Study Course

integrating your shadow 

Welcome to Inner Chi Mastery’s self-study course, Integrating Your Shadow!

Everyone has a shadow self. Not everyone knows what their shadow really is or has the courage to look it in the face and make friends with it.

In this course, you’ll be uncovering your shadow self and embracing your dark side, so that you can be a fully embodied soul.

The purpose of shadow work is to be whole (complete within ourselves), balanced (have access to divine masculine and divine feminine on demand) and to make the darkness (or unconscious) consciousness.

Thank you for inviting me to guide you on your Shadow Self journey. Let’s begin!

One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.

The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.

~ Carl Jung


Darkness: The Underworld

The intention of this work is to seek and find what is hiding within the dark side of your soul. Take a journey into the depths of the underworld, where you have banished the parts of yourself you’ve decided are wrong or bad, rejected them and condemned your shadow self to a life sentence. And discover what lies in the shadow of your inner self.

My abyss speaks. I have turned my ultimate depth into the light.

~ Nietzsche

Shadow Self integration work is personal. There are as many approaches to this journey as there are souls. And there are lots of books and blog articles that can guide you along your path of inner shadow work. Instead of assigning a set path to follow, I’ll provide recommendations and guidance along the way.

If you’re a reader, find a book or some blogs. If you’re a writer, select a journal and workbook to use. If you like to keep moving, look for an audiobook or podcast to listen to on a walk.

Before you begin, set your intention for this shadow self work. What do you intend to release and receive? Who do you intend to become in the process?

Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.

~ Carl Jung


Assignment 1

Start your journey by asking the following questions:

Journaling Prompts

  • What don’t I like about myself that I’ve banished to the underworld?

  • What have I done or failed to do that I think deserves punishment?

  • What about me is wrong or bad that I chose to reject and abandon?

  • What have I tried to imprison by sentencing myself to life in solitary confinement?

  • What have I tried to kill by sentencing myself to the death penalty?

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

~ Carl Jung

Assignment 2

Do at least one of the following recommendations this week:

  • Sit in meditation with the intention of having your True Self/Source reveal aspects of your dark side to you.

  • Journal about past experiences that created lower vibe emotions or false/limiting beliefs about yourself. 

  • Do an energy body scan to see if you have any darkness in your energy body or auric field that needs to be cleared.

  • Use the Emotion Code® with the intention of clearing any stored emotions hiding in your shadow.

  • Recognize your hidden superpowers or spiritual gifts and begin to use them.

  • Seek and find what you are hiding from yourself or others.

  • Ask to receive insights about your shadow self through your dreams. Upon waking, write them down in a journal. 

  • Make a shadow self playlist.


Soul work is not a high road. It's a deep fall into an unforgiving darkness

that won't let you go until you find the song that sings you home.

~ Rumi 

Assignment 3

  • Select at least one book about the shadow self to read or work through.


Consider the following books by Debbie Ford:

  • The Shadow Effect

  • The Secret of the Shadow

  • The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

Check out Ajane of Woman of the Womb’s, Out of the Shadows and the companion workbook, Into the Light.

Do a search on Amazon/Audible for books on the shadow self and choose the one you resonate with the most.

Or, read some blog articles about the shadow self. Trust your Higher Self to guide you toward the ones that will serve your highest and greatest good and wellbeing. I recommend the blogs on the shadow by Fractal Enlightenment linked below. I especially like the ones written by Gary Z. McGee.

Also, check to see if there are any podcasts about the shadow you might like to listen to.

Best Practices & Tips

  • Select a new journal to record your shadow self journey.

  • Keep a dream journal by your bed.

  • Create a safe, sacred space to do your shadow work in. Perform a ceremonial ritual like lighting some Palo Santo or a candle.

  • Commit to doing this shadow self work and let the experiences you co-create, provide the opportunities you need to make the unconscious conscious.


Feel free to email me with your insights each week along this journey. 

Fractal Enlightenment Blog

Quick Links

The Shadow Effect Book

Out of the Shadows Workbook

Existential Kink Audiobook