Feng Shui for YOU! | September 2021

As the energy shifts during the first week of each month, it’s wise to have an awareness of what the potentials are for you and your family. That way you can prepare yourself and be ready for what might show up for you. Be intentional about how you are focusing your thoughts, processing your emotions and spending your time and energy. Create the space in your life for the gifts when they arrive. Be ready to say, “Yes!” to offers and opportunities when they come your way. Smooth out the bumps in the road or avoid them by slowing your pace, taking a detour or finding another route altogether.

Just as we adjust the feng shui in our living and working spaces to balance the ever changing energies in our environments, so too can we do the inner work to rebalance and realign our personal energy to maintain our wellbeing, whatever current energy is present in the universe. 

The 8 Elements is Feng Shui for YOU! So, discover what you need to know about the energy this month and go feng shui yourself!

2021 | September 8 - October 7

Feng Shui for Everyone!

This month there is an energy combination that men and Hard Metal elements have been working with all year. Yin and yang metal don't always play well together. The visiting Soft Metal can bring theft and fraud and the potential for violent attacks like carjackings and home invasions, slander and respiratory ailments.

What YOU can do:

  • Were some blue colors to reduce the effect of the double metal.
  • Stay vigilant when in public and increase your home security.
  • Practice the Wim Hof Method. Do some deep breathing, meditation and increase your tolerance for cold showers to improve your immunity.

In combination with the annual Hard Metal energy, this monthly energy can affect lung health and emotional wellbeing. Soft Metal is joy-filled and wants to have fun with friends. With all the social distancing and isolation, the Hard Metal's grief and sorrow can kill the good vibes.

What YOU can do:

  • Phone a friend if you can't meet up.
  • Choose JOY! Make a list of things that bring you joy and do them.
  • Thump your thymus with the knuckles of your closed hand to activate the immune system.

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Feng Shui for Men

In the House of Men this month, opportunities for promotions and raises, good news and great offers, fuck-it money and sexual experiences drop into your lap. You are a manifestation magnet. What you think about shows up!

In combination with the annual energy, it will inspire you to work out and put more energy into your appearance to attract a sexual partner and have a good time.

What YOU can do:

  • Sweat - at the gym, on the hike and in the bedroom.
  • Be careful what you wish for by being intentional with your thoughts and desires.
  • Life will get busy. Pace yourself while you improve your stamina.

Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones.

Mike Dooley

Feng Shui for Women

The House of Women this month is visited by an opportunist that can provoke you to anger, reveal hidden envy or bring on a depression.

In combination with the annual energy, this pair of emotional energies can cause family squabbles, romantic dramas and clever theft of your money or intellectual property.

What YOU can do:

  • Wear red spectrum colors.
  • Do wellbeing checks on your own emotional state.
  • Protect your ideas and work with copyrights and trademarks.

Read Wellbeing Check for Women

Feng Shui for Children

In the House of Children, we have a beacon of light that inspires happy thoughts, ideas and feelings. Make an effort to create happy memories by decorating the house together, doing seasonal crafts or baking and going on fall outings.

In combination with the annual energy, children and their elders may quarrel. Take this opportunity to guide them through non-violent communication that honors the child's needs and shows respect to the adult.

What YOU can do:

  • Ask your children to make a list of the things that make them happy.
  • Recognize them for an accomplishment or make plans to celebrate a milestone.
  • Teach your children how express appreciation to the people who care for them or give them a gratitude journal.

The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one does.

James M. Barrie

To read about the monthly energy for your personal element, subscribe to The 8 Elements Mastery for access to the members’ only blog and monthly energy guide for YOU! You can read about all three levels of the monthly membership and subscribe to the one that would be the most supportive for you. 

Read about The 8 Elements Mastery monthly subscription.

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With almost 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and master your inner chi!


Feng Shui for YOU! | October 2021


Feng Shui for YOU! | August 2021