The Gift of Reiki

ICM Blog - The Gift of Reiki

Recently, I was asked if I wanted to start a Reiki practice and build “a clientele” in another country. I said “no” without a moment’s hesitation. Reiki is a gift that I am happy to give. But it’s not something I encourage people to become dependent on a Reiki Master for. I welcome returning clients, especially those who are healing or clearing or rapidly growing spiritually. What I appreciate even more are referrals so that I can introduce new clients to the wonderful world of Reiki. What makes me the happiest is when clients become students and I get to share with them how to give themselves and others Reiki.

One of the modern-day trends is the hyper-specialized fields of study and practice that professionals can master and offer their clients and community. Mastery of a healing art is a beautiful thing and one that contributes a wealth of wisdom, increased awareness and more vibrant health to those who feel intuitively drawn to energy medicine. Reiki is one of those fields that can be added to your spiritual tool belt and used anytime, anywhere, by anyone, even you! Reiki energy is super handy. Ready and available, whenever and wherever you are. Flowing from the palms of your hands, in a steady, directed stream of energy. On demand, whenever you need a healing or a quick energy pick me up. Healing energy that gets turned on with a simple intention, single word or mantra. It can be a central or complementary self-care practice that is a part of a richly integrative holistic approach to health and personal well-being.

Reiki was a gift. Literally! A friend and feng shui client gifted me with a Reiki session. I received a healing that day and have never been the same since. The Usui Reiki Master released some pent up and unexpressed anger that I had stored in my liver. The drive home after the session was excruciatingly painful. That night I couldn’t sleep on my back as it was too sore and tender. I drank lots of water to help my kidneys detox what had been liberated from my internal organs. The next morning, I felt twenty pounds lighter. Six months later I took my first Reiki class from the same Master Teacher and began my daily Reiki self-care practice. The rest, as they say, is history. I kept learning and mastering more and more Reiki teachings and techniques and started giving Reiki to whomever would receive it from me. I completed my Reiki Mastership and began teaching and giving students their attunements. But most importantly, I started to become aware of energy at deeper and subtler levels and developing my own spiritual abilities.

Reiki is a gift. A gift you can give yourself. A gift you can give others. A gift that keeps on giving. Every day for the rest of your life. It can provide healing and emotional release. Ease anxiety, stress and even a tension headache. Clear repetitive and negative thoughts. Help you fall asleep easier and faster. Calm an upset tummy or provide pain relief as part of first aid measures. Distance healing can be used to send Reiki to others, to heal the past and bless the future. Besides the physical, emotional and mental benefits, the spiritual ones might be the most valuable aspect of Reiki.

Reiki has the ability to help you increase your awareness, intuition and extra sensory perception. Access your consciousness. Communicate with your Higher Self. See the unseen. Perceive auras and energy, multi-dimensional energy beings and entities. Pierce the thinning veil and see through the illusion. Sense energy. Have a knowing, not just a thinking or a believing. Open the door to all of your spiritual gifts, past lives, true historical records. Expand your energy field to embody more of your infinite self in this dimension. Heal yourself; body, mind and soul. Remember who you really are. Develop the confidence to be all that you are, for yourself and for everyone else. Be authentically self-expressed and the fully embodied infinite being in a body that you are with all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of an eternal divine being.

The gift of Reiki is the ability to be YOU! Dropping the stories, the lies and what you’ve been carefully taught to believe about who and what you are. Clearing the thoughts that are not yours and returning them to sender with love and consciousness. Releasing the emotions that you have been trying to process for other people or your own emotions that you have held on to and buried or stored. Cleansing the energies from your energy field that you pick up from other people and your environments. Healing your body, your past and your relationship with yourself. Connecting you to the larger part of you, the all-knowing part that is creating experiences for the betterment and growth, evolution and enlightenment of your immortal soul. Helping you to cope with being human for a century and clearing any karma you came in with. Guiding you on your journey of truth seeking and truth finding. Developing the ability to be an energetic “no” to the games, psychic attacks and feeding perpetrated by energy vampires. Learning how to be an energetic “yes” to everything that is for your highest and greatest good with ease and joy. BEing you!

If you are interested in being more of you, more of the time, get your Reiki on! Even better, get Reiki attuned and give yourself Reiki. You will be happier and healthier and the world will be a better place for it. Reiki is for everyone! Young or old, religious or spiritual. Take a class and give yourself the gift of Reiki!

So, do I want to build a practice and a clientele? No. I want you to have what I have. The gift of Reiki. And I want the world to have the gift that you are. Give yourself Reiki. Be the walking embodiment of that healing light. Be the gift of Reiki the world needs.

Dara Eden is a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher. She offers distance Reiki sessions and teaches Reiki I, II, III and a 12 month Reiki Mastership program. 

Her motto is: “Give a person a Reiki session, heal them for a time. Give a person a Reiki attunement, heal them for a lifetime.” She encourages everyone to get Reiki attuned and have their own daily Reiki self-care practice.

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Dara Eden is a Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Inner Chi Mastery offerings includes AstroMaps, distance energy healing, emotion clearings, HER Womb Wisdom Sessions, intuitive guidance coaching sessions, numerology reading guides, SoulStory sessions and tarot readings.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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