Location, Location, Feng Shui!

FSYS Blog - Location Location Feng Shui

Finding your Sweet Spot!

In feng shui we talk a lot about your personal element’s Best Directions. These are the rooms or areas in your house where you should sleep, work and spend the most time. They’re the places you can activate and enhance to support your Wealth & Success, Health & Wellbeing, Relationship Harmony and Self Knowledge & Wisdom. To find out what your personal element’s four best directions are and how to feng shui your space, download your free Feng Shui for YOU! Guide.

“Location, location, location!”

~ Lord Harold Samuel, British Real Estate Tycoon

Real estate agents know how important location is to a sale. You can have the most beautiful house, but if it’s located near something undesirable, finding a buyer can be nearly impossible. So, where your home is located is just as important as the other features and amenities.

When feng shui became popular in the West, the old adage was modified to, “Location, Location, Feng Shui!” Technically location is an aspect of feng shui. And as a feng shui consultant, I love that feng shui has become as essential as the location when selecting a home.

But before you go house hunting, where in the world should you start your search?

Astrogeography is an excellent way to determine your Best Locations. An AstroMap shows you where in the world to visit or relocate to, purchase property or buy a home. It’s highly recommended as a first step before making a real estate purchase, designing and building a dream home or having your home feng shui’d.

Astrogeography is the study of how planetary energies affect and influence people and their lives. It was developed and trademarked as astrocartography™ in the 1970’s by Jim Lewis. This body of knowledge is based on your astrological natal chart, revealing the positions of the celestial bodies in the sky at the moment of your birth.

Your AstroMap is unique to YOU! No two astrogeographic maps are the same. And like the permanent feng shui energy captured within a home during the time of construction, this energy never changes.

Reading your AstroMap will allow you to discover what the Best Locations in the world are for YOU! You’ll know where you have the most potential to thrive and where you might face unnecessary and unpleasant challenges. As meditation teacher, David Ji likes to say, you can literally find your “Sweet Spot of the Universe”!

AstroMap in hand, you will have the quality information you need to make wise decisions about where to vacation and visit, live and work, retire and travel. You might even find out that you intuitively knew where to move and live to support your personal energy, intentions and desires.

Your AstroMap is a detailed report based on your personal astrological natal chart and your intentions for the next chapter of life. Astrogeography reveals where you will experience the most joy and happiness, success and abundance. You can literally find your happiest place on Earth!

Inner Chi AstroMaps are the perfect complement to your feng shui consultation because it helps you select a place to live before selecting a home to purchase.


The Life Path Guide shows you where the best areas are to visit and the lines to live near, based on your intentions. This AstroMap is for people who have been stuck or want to make a change and would like to know where they can vacation or travel to scout out a possible relocation.

This has so much amazing information! Thank you! I feel like I can make a very confident decision for my family about where to relocate. And I can’t wait to begin bringing all the different aspects into our life.

~ Joey C.

The Life Story Guide also includes all of the places you’ve lived since birth so you can gain an understanding of how those locations shaped your life. This AstroMap is for people who would like to take a look at their life’s story from birth to their current location and find out what the best places are for them to vacation or move, purchase investment property or retire.

My AstroMap beautifully told the story of my life. Born on my Jupiter Ascending, my personal "sweet spot of the Universe" was in Japan. Going to the states for college on my Moon's Node Descending, was where I met and married my husband. Moving to my Moon Ascending was where I conceived our first child. Then, I was living between lines that support marriage and family, raising children and having a happy home life. And now I have a list of places in the world I can plan trips to visit.

~ Daisy Tetreau

The Life Purpose Guide is offered to clients who’d like to know about their Lunar Nodes and how to move toward their North Node whether they’re prepared to relocate to one of those lines or not.

Discovering my lunar nodes has provided clarity about my past and direction for my future. Moving away from my comfort zones and shifting my focus to aspects of life I haven't prioritized is challenging...and enlightening. As I retire from being a light warrior and devote more of my energy to the coming justice phase, I feel myself looking forward to lending my inner wisdom to creating more fairness and balance, love and beauty in the world.

~ Dara Eden

In your Life Path Map you’ll learn about the areas to avoid or move away from as well as the ones to move to.

In your Life Story Map, you may discover why a certain chapter of your life was so challenging or joyful.

In your Life Purpose Map, you’ll be able to take a deeper look at yourself on a soul level. You’ll receive guidance on what you may to need to clear or heal from your past and how to use the gifts from a past life in your current life. You’ll also receive guidance about where to move to find alignment with your Life Purpose and what you can begin to choose to fulfill your soul’s purpose for being here this lifetime.

Ready to find out where in the world YOU can live your best life and fulfill your life purpose? Read about AstroMaps.

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If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 

Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.

To feng shui your personal element's best directions, download the FREE Feng Shui for YOU! Guide on the page for your personal feng shui element. Just subscribe! 

Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions.

For more on how this year's energy will affect YOU, subscribe to the Feng Shui Yourself blog.

Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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