Feng Shui Property Faults

FSYS Blog - FS Property Fault
 When selecting a home to rent or buy, most people's focus is on the house itself. The floorpan, the number of bedrooms and baths, the style of architecture. Landscaping or curb appeal, having a backyard or even some acreage might be a factor for some. But the house tends to be what the potential new homeowners look at the most. 
Something to know about feng shui is that it's actually the property that's the most important aspect of selecting a place to live. It's the presence and placement of mountains and water features in relation to a house that consultants look at to determine "good" feng shui. In cities, other buildings represent mountains and streets and parking lots represent bodies or rivers of water. 
In fact, feng shui is about "what heaven can see". True feng shui remedies and enhances the property, not the interior of the home. It's what's located on the property that activates or enhances the unseen energy, revealed with a compass reading and "flying stars" feng shui.

Location, Location, Location

For many, being in close proximity to their job is the deciding factor when choosing a home. Some may be willing to commute greater distances than others in order to live outside of the city, in the suburbs or even in more rural areas. For the parents who rely on the public school system for free government daycare and state indoctrination, choosing a home within a certain school district may also be a highly prioritized consideration. 
What people don't realize is that the location of their home is one of the most important aspects of house hunting. Certain places and types of neighboring structures can be extremely detrimental to a peaceful, productive and happy life. These include city dumps and industrial factories, hospitals and clinics, police and fire stations, bars and clubs, cemeteries and burial sites, train tracks and highways. 


Then, there is the positioning of the house, both on the street and on the lot. Streets can represent rivers, streams or channels of energy. So you want these pathways to bring you a steady stream of good energy and not bring challenging energy or direct the good energy away from you. Driveways and paths leading up to your home also act like flowing water. And parking lots adjacent to buildings or wide open spaces next to homes act like pools in which energy can collect and circulate. 
Curved streets can also act as blades. Houses positioned inside the curve are highly auspicious. But houses positioned on the cutting side of the "blade" can bring poverty, sickness and "bad" luck to the occupants. 
T-Intersection - The worst possible position on the street is at the top of a T-Intersection, as all of the energy from traffic is directed at the front of the house. Houses sitting at a Y-intersection are just as bad, bringing occupants accidents, robberies and unproductive careers.
Cul-de-sacs - Similar to a T-Intersection, a house at the end of a cup-de-sac can also be problematic, as all of the energy collects directly in front of the home and gets stagnant as it has no where to disperse and cannot dissipate. 
The best position for a house is at the center of the lot. This allows the chi to circulate freely without having to navigate through narrow side yards. Houses built on a lot line are considered to have bad feng shui. Sitting further back from the street and having ample open space between the house and the street is favorable.


In a previous blog about Feng Shui Architectural Flaws, I talked about the importance of having a square or rectangular shaped house with no missing corners. Shape is also important when it comes to lots. You don't want to have any missing corners but there are certain shapes to avoid as well. Triangular-shaped lots are highly undesirable. Lots with a wide facing side and narrow sitting side make it difficult to retain wealth. The best lots have a slight funnel shape with a wider sitting side, allowing occupants to build, collect and store their wealth.   

Sha Chi

Neighborhoods, especially in the city are full of sha chi. Sha chi means, "killing (or attacking) energy". Facing high rise buildings, churches with spires or power poles are considered sha chi. Power lines and transformers are especially dangerous, especially for the health of the occupants. Front doors facing a large tree blocks chi from entering the home. Buildings or walls that are taller than or at the same height as the house, bring the occupants pessimism, poor finances and possible imprisonment.
A poison arrow is a type of sha chi. It's any pointed object directed at the house. This can be as simple as the sharp corner or pitched roof of an adjacent house or building. The location of the poison arrow on the property, nearby or even across the street determines the effect on the occupants. A feng shui consultant will look at the life center of the affected gua, the unseen energy in that sector that will be activated and the family member directions to determine the detrimental effects and offer recommendations.  
Consulting with a feng shui practitioner before purchasing, or even renting, a place to live is highly recommended. I offer Prospective Reports for clients who are looking for their next home. You can read about these preliminary reports here.


If you’re ready to get professionally feng shui’d, contact me! 
Or, read about the do-it-yourself option with my Annual DIY Feng Shui Guide.
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Ready to go feng shui yourself? Read about Personal Energy Coaching sessions. 
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Dara Eden

Dara Eden is The 8 Elements Master and the creator of The 8 Elements: Feng Shui for YOU! series of guides, blogs, classes and forthcoming books. It’s her application of feng shui principles to the personal energy of people, based on their personal feng shui element. With 25 years of experience in classical feng shui and private coaching, she offers her expert and unique perspective on how YOU can honor your personal energy and feng shui yourself!


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